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Table: Gunbreaker Archetypes

Bullet HandWarriors who wield a pair of gunbaghnakhs usually becomes mercenaries or thugs, hiding their gun arms up their sleeves when the time is right. When they fight, it almost seems as if their hands fire bullets.
Crescent WarriorThe wutai unit known as the crescent unit works in espionage and fighting those who defile their land. Wielding gunhalberds, they barrage their foes with fire and jump on them when they get too close to their land.
CrimsonbreakerThese gun arm wielders specialize in using the double-bladed gunblades, attacking with a flurry of crimson swings and firing from range on unsuspecting foes.
Guardian CorpsWithin their assigned jurisdictions, the soldiers of the Guardian Corps fulfill the role of police officers and protectors, working to eliminate all manner of criminal activity as well as rampaging wildlife. They use assault gunblades to be well in both melee and ranged combat able to fulfill any role.
GunbassistThe gunbassist mixes it up with melee attacks and bard songs, often at the same time. While more fragile than the standard gunbreaker, these performers play a more supportive role on the battlefield while still pumping out the hits – on the charts and in faces.
GunstrikerThese warriors specialize in using gun arms in melee utilizing the trigger attack function of the gun arm. They rip and tear through the battlefield with an explosive relentless force.
GunzerkerIn the midst of battle, the raging howls of the gunzerker is heard as his bloody gun arm cuts and blasts through his foes. These mad dogs wield gun arms, usually becoming pirates and other criminals, loving to be in places where they can freely let loose and go wild on their foes.
LegionnaireGarleanOfficers of the garlean empire employ the use of magitek gunblades as a badge of honor and service to the empire. Those who wield these weapons are feared and respected among all ranks and to lose it would be to lose their badge of authority.
Professional DuelistElite gunbreakers may find themselves bored by their usual duties, and some may turn to dueling not only as a pastime, but even (for the especially mercenary or thrill-seeking) as a form of employment. These swift-footed individuals hone their fighting style into a sequence of deadly repartees, even as they navigate the social battleground with equal deftness.
ShieldbreakerProtectors of the weak, the shieldbreaker wields a gunshield to protect his allies. Usually coming up as valiant warriors, they aim to safeguard those who need their shield and lay down the fire before anyone can reach them.
Sorceress KnightMages and healers have always found themselves at the end of conflict, be it by their own design or from those who wish to end their lives quickly due to their role on the battlefield or in politics. These mages employ a special guard to help protect them known as Sorceress Knights. While female mages are more often the employers of such warriors, its not uncommon for men to also employ their protectors.

Non-FF Archetypes

The following archetypes are based off of pop-culture references outside of Final Fantasy and may not fit within the theming of your campaign. Consult your DM before using them.

Table: Non-FF Gunbreaker Archetypes

Doom SlayerIn the first age, in the first battle, when the shadows first lengthened, one stood. Burned by the embers of Armageddon, his soul blistered by the fires of Hell and tainted beyond ascension, he chose the path of perpetual torment. In his ravenous hatred, he found no peace; and with boiling blood, he scoured the Umbral Plains seeking vengeance against the dark lords who had wronged him.DOOM
Space MarinePupuThe Space Marines are foremost amongst the defenders of PuPu-kind, the greatest of the PuPu-kind’s warriors. They have been made superior in all respects to a normal PuPu by a harsh regime of genetic modification, psycho-conditioning and rigorous training. Space Marines are untouched by plague or any natural disease and can suffer wounds that would kill a lesser being several times over, and live to fight again. Clad in ancient power armor and wielding the most potent weapons known to PuPu-kind, the Space Marines are terrifying foes and their devotion to PuPu-kind are unyielding. They are Angels of Death and they know no fear. Warhammer 40K