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MP Chart

Creatures will follow this MP chart based on what kind of caster it is. FC for full casters, who act like full fledged wizards and clerics. SC for semi-casters, who act like warrior wizards or jack of all trades. PC for partial-casters, who act like a full fledged warrior with minor magic usage. You could also apply the PC to any monster who doesn’t have a MP if you want a source of mana in your game setting. Most MP will be rounded down and creatures will receive bonus MP on their caster modifier Int, Wis, or Cha [varies on creature] from the MP System page.

Full Casters (FC)

1 1
2 2
3 3
4 5
5 8
6 11
7 15
8 19
9 24
10 29
11 35
12 41
13 48
14 55
15 63
16 71
17 80
18 89
19 98
20 107


Semi-Caster (SC)

1 1
2 1.75
3 2.5
4 4
5 5.5
6 7
7 9.25
8 11.5
9 13.75
10 16.75
11 19.75
12 22.75
13 26.5
14 30.25
15 34
16 38.5
17 43
18 47.5
19 52
20 56.5


Partial-Casters (PC)

4 0.33
5 0.66
6 1
7 1.66
8 2.33
9 3
10 4
11 5
12 6
13 7.33
14 8.66
15 10
16 11.33
17 12.66
18 14
19 15.33
20 16.66