Name | CR | Alignment | Size | Type | Terrain |
Abadon | 9 | NE | Large | Undead | Any |
Acrophies | 10 | N | Gargantuan | Vermin (Aquatic) | Water |
Adamantine Golem | 19 | N | Huge | Construct | Any |
Adamantoise | 13 | N | Huge | Magical Beast (Reptilian) | Mountain |
Adrammelech, the Wroth | 15 | CN | Large | Outsider (Boss, Demon, Extraplanar, Lightning) | Any |
Ahriman | 10 | NE | Large | Aberration | Any |
Ainsel | 18 | CN | Medium | Fey (Fire, Ice, Lightning, Wind) | Any |
Air Elemental | 3 | N | Medium | Outsider (Wind, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Any |
Alberich | 9 | LE | Medium | Outsider (Devil, Extraplanar) | Any |
Albino Snake | 2 | N | Medium | Magical Beast (Reptilian) | Any |
Alexander, the Creator | 25 | LG | Colossal | Construct (Boss, Extraplanar, Primal, Holy) | Any |
Alphatusk | 7 | N | Large | Animal | Any |
Alraune | 8 | N | Small | Plant (Humanoid) | Any |
Alte Roite | 15 | NE | Medium | Humanoid (Mini-Boss) | Void |
Amalthea | 11 | N | Large | Construct (Machina) | Any |
Amber Quadav | 1 | N | Medium | Humanoid (Quadav, Reptilian) | Any |
Amethyst Quadav | 1 | N | Medium | Humanoid (Quadav, Reptilian) | Any |
Ammes | 2 | NE | Large | Aberration | Near Water |
Anacondaur | 8 | N | Large | Magical Beast (Reptilian) | Any |
Ancient Black Dragon | 19 | N/NE | Gargantuan | Dragon (Shadow) | Any |
Ancient Blue Dragon | 19 | CG/CN | Gargantuan | Dragon (Water) | Water |
Ancient Brown Dragon | 19 | LN/N | Gargantuan | Dragon (Earth) | Underground |
Ancient Crystal Dragon | 21 | CN/LN | Gargantuan | Dragon (Non-elemental) | Any |
Ancient Green Dragon | 19 | LN/LE | Gargantuan | Dragon (Wind) | Any |
Ancient Objet d'Art | 11 | N | Medium | Construct | Dungeon and Ruins |
Ancient Rathalos | 20 | N | Huge | Dragon | Forest |
Ancient Red Dragon | 19 | CE/CN | Gargantuan | Dragon (Fire) | Warm |
Ancient Silver Dragon | 19 | LG/NG | Gargantuan | Dragon (Holy) | Any |
Ancient White Dragon | 19 | NE/CE | Gargantuan | Dragon (Ice) | Cold |
Ancient Yellow Dragon | 19 | NG/NE | Gargantuan | Dragon (Lightning) | Any |
Andagranda | 15 | N | Gargantuan | Magical Beast | Any |
Anima, the Lost Soul | 25 | N | Gargantuan | Outsider (Boss, Extraplanar, Demon, Primal, Shadow) | Underground or Dungeon |
Ankheg | 10 | N | Huge | Magical Beast | Any |
Ankou | 10 | NE | Large | Undead | Dungeon (Crypt), Cold Mountain, or Swamp |
Antlion | 5 | N | Large | Magical Beast | Desert |
Apocrypha | 13 | CE | Large | Outsider (Demon, Extraplanar) | Any |
Apparition | 5 | CE | Medium | Undead (Incorporeal) | Any |
Arachne | 14 | N | Large | Monstrous Humanoid | Desert, Forest, & Underground |
Arcane Elemental | 3 | N | Medium | Outsider (Non-elemental, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Any |
Arcane pot | 10 | CN | Small | Outsider | Any |
Arcane Urn | 20 | CN | Small | Outsider | Any |
Archaeoaevis | 8 | TN | Huge | Magical Beast (Mini-Boss, Reptilian) | Ruins |
Archeotoad | 10 | N | Large | Magical Beast | Any |
Ark, the Aerodynamic Destiny | 25 | LN | Gargantuan | Construct (Boss, Extraplanar, Primal, Shadow) | Any |
Avizzard | 8 | CE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid (Earth) | Warm |
Babymoth | 0.3 | N | Small | Animal [Familiar] | Any |
Baby Paleberry | 0.3 | LG | Tiny | Outsider [Familiar] (Native) | Any |
Baby Tonberry | 0.3 | LE | Tiny | Outsider [Familiar] (Native) | Any |
Bahamut, the Dreadwyrm | 25 | LG | Colossal | Dragon (Boss, Extraplanar, Primal) | Any |
Bahamut Zero, the First Sire | 35 | LG | Colossal | Dragon (Boss, Extraplanar, Primal) | Any |
Balivarha | 11 | N | Large | Magical Beast | Any |
Bandercoeurl | 8 | N | Large | Magical Beast | Any |
Bandersnatch | 8 | NE | Large | Magical Beast | Any |
Barbariccia | 15 | CE | Medium | Fey (Archfiend, Boss, Lightning Wind) | Any |
Baretta | 5 | N | Large | Animal | Any |
Barette | 7 | N | Large | Animal | Any |
Bashura | 6 | N | Large | Monstrous Humanoid (Giant) | Any |
Basilisk | 5 | N | Large | Magical Beast (Reptilian) | Any |
Bat | 0.5 | N | Tiny | Animal [Familiar] (Avian) | Any |
Bathin | 15 | NE | Huge | Undead | Any |
Battery Cap | 4 | TN | Small | Plant | Forest |
Battery Mimic | 8 | N | Medium | Aberration (Lightning) | Dungeon |
Battlesnake | 5 | N | Medium | Construct (Machina) | Any |
Beady Eye | 0.3 | NE | Tiny | Aberration [Familiar] | Any |
Bee | 1 | N | Medium | Vermin | Any |
Behemoth | 13 | N | Huge | Magical Beast (Mini-Boss) | Any |
Beholder - Gather | 11 | N | Large | Aberration | Dungeon |
Belias, the Gigas | 13 | CE | Large | Outsider (Boss, Demon, Extraplanar, Fire) | Any |
Belphegor | 8 | CE | Large | Monstrous Humanoid (Earth) | Dungeon |
Bennu | 3 | N | Medium | Magical Beast (Avian, Fire) | Warm |
Bismarck, Ruler of the Sky | 15 | TN | Gargantuan | Magical Beast (Boss, Extraplanar, Primal, Water, Wind) | Water or Sky |
Bite-Sized Pudding | 0.5 | N | Tiny | Ooze [Familiar] | Any |
Blackbones | 14 | NE | Medium | Undead | Any |
Black Cait | 16 | NE | Medium | Fey | Any |
Black Chocobo | 8 | N | Large | Magical Beast (Avian) | Any |
Black Lizard | 6 | N | Large | Magical Beast (Reptilian) | Any |
Black Mage Doll | 7 | N | Small | Construct (Machina) | Any |
Black Nakk | 5 | NE | Large | Magical Beast | Any |
Black Shark | 3 | NE | Huge | Animal (Aquatic) | Water (Ocean) |
Black Widow | 3 | N | Large | Magical Beast | Any |
Blood Bat | 4 | NE | Large | Magical Beast (Avian) | Any |
Blood Bones | 3 | NE | Medium | Undead | Any |
Blood Eye | 2 | NE | Small | Aberration | Any |
Blood Gigas | 17 | CE | Huge | Humanoid (Giant) | Underground or Dungeon |
Blood Sucker | 3 | N | Large | Magical Beast (Aquatic) | Water (Ocean) |
Blood Taste | 3 | N | Medium | Magical Beast | Any |
Bloody Cutter | 12 | NE | Large | Magical Beast | Any |
Bloody Head | 6 | NE | Tiny | Undead | Any |
Blue Chocobo | 4 | N | Large | Magical Beast (Avian) | Water |
Blue Dragon (Ancient Castle) | 16 | LN | Gargantuan | Dragon (Boss, Water) | Water |
Blue Dragon (Dragon's Den) | 23 | LN | Colossal | Dragon (Boss, Water) | Water |
Blue Wisp | 5 | N | Small | Fey (Water) | Any |
Bombino | 0.5 | CE | Small | Outsider (Bomb, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Any |
Bomb T1 | 3 | CE | Medium | Outsider (Bomb, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Any |
Bomb T2 | 4 | CE | Medium | Outsider (Bomb, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Any |
Bomb T3 | 7 | CE | Medium | Outsider (Bomb, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Any |
Bomb T4 | 9 | CE | Medium | Outsider (Bomb, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Any |
Bone Dragon | 6 | NE | Large | Undead | Any |
Boundfat | 4 | NE | Small | Outsider (Daemon, Extraplanar) | Any |
Brass Quadav | 6 | NE | Medium | Humanoid (Quadav, Reptilian) | Any |
Brina | 7 | N | Small | Construct (Mini-Boss) | Any |
Bronze Quadav | 8 | NG | Medium | Humanoid (Quadav, Reptilian) | Any |
Brown Chocobo | 4 | N | Large | Magical Beast (Avian) | Desert |
Bunyip | 4 | CE | Small | Aberration | Swamp |
Cactuar | 5 | N | Small | Plant (Humanoid) | Desert |
Cactuar Cutting | 0.3 | N | Tiny | Plant [Familiar] | Any |
Cagnazzo | 13 | NE | Large | Magical Beast (Archfiend, Boss, Water) | Any |
Cait Sith | 4 | N | Medium | Fey | Any |
Calca | 7 | N | Small | Construct (Mini-Boss) | Any |
Calcabrina | 10 | N | Huge | Construct (Boss) | Any |
Carbuncle, Lord of the Ruby | 13 | NG | Medium | Outsider (Boss, Extraplanar, Primal, Holy) | Any |
Catoblepas | 12 | TN | Huge | Magical Beast | Forest and Swamp |
Cave Antlion | 8 | N | Large | Magical Beast | Desert or Underground |
Cave Bat | 1 | N | Small | Magical Beast (Avian) | Underground |
Centaur Arcane Ranger | 9 | CN | Large | Monstrous Humanoid (Centaur) | Any |
Centaur Archer | 1 | CN | Large | Monstrous Humanoid (Centaur) | Any |
Centaur Champion | 9 | CN | Large | Monstrous Humanoid (Centaur) | Any |
Centaur Druid | 9 | CN | Large | Monstrous Humanoid (Centaur) | Any |
Centaur Fighter | 4 | CN | Large | Monstrous Humanoid (Centaur) | Any |
Centaur Forager | 1 | CN | Large | Monstrous Humanoid (Centaur) | Any |
Centaur Geomancer | 7 | CN | Large | Monstrous Humanoid (Centaur) | Any |
Centaurion | 9 | CN | Large | Monstrous Humanoid (Centaur) | Any |
Centaur Lancer | 7 | CN | Large | Monstrous Humanoid (Centaur) | Any |
Centaur Naturecaller | 4 | CN | Large | Monstrous Humanoid (Centaur) | Any |
Centaur Ranger | 4 | CN | Large | Monstrous Humanoid (Centaur) | Any |
Centaur Sniper | 7 | CN | Large | Monstrous Humanoid (Centaur) | Any |
Centaur Striker | 1 | CN | Large | Monstrous Humanoid (Centaur) | Any |
Centipede | 0.5 | N | Medium | Vermin | Any |
Cerberus | 13 | NE | Large | Magical Beast | Any |
Chaos | 21 | CE | Large | Outsider (Archfiend, Boss, Native) | Any |
Cherry Bomb | 0.3 | NE | Tiny | Outsider (Bomb, Elemental, Extraplanar) [Familiar] | Any |
Chimera | 8 | NE | Large | Magical Beast | Any |
Chimera Brain | 14 | CE | Huge | Magical Beast | Any |
Chocobo Chick | 0.25 | N | Small | Animal [Familiar] (Avian) | Any |
Chocobo Eater | 5 | N | Huge | Aberration | Any |
Chrome Giant | 20 | NE | Huge | Construct (Living Construct) | Any |
Cie'th Chonchon | 3 | NE | Tiny | Outsider (Cie'th, Native) | Any |
Cie'th Cocytus | 16 | NE | Medium | Outsider (Cie'th, Native) | Any |
Cie'th Edimmu | 10 | NE | Medium | Outsider (Cie'th, Native) | Any |
Cie'th Fomoire | 18 | NE | Huge | Outsider (Cie'th, Native) | Stormy |
Cie'th Ghast | 5 | NE | Medium | Outsider (Cie'th, Native) | Any |
Cie'th Ghoul | 2 | NE | Medium | Outsider (Cie'th, Native) | Any |
Cie'th Ispusteke | 13 | NE | Large | Outsider (Cie'th, Native) | Stormy |
Cie'th Malebrache | 20 | NE | Medium | Outsider (Cie'th, Native) | Stormy |
Cie'th Nelapsi | 4 | NE | Medium | Outsider (Cie'th, Native) | Any |
Cie'th Penanggalan | 12 | NE | Tiny | Outsider (Cie'th, Native) | Any |
Cie'th Pijavica | 14 | NE | Medium | Outsider (Cie'th, Native) | Any |
Cie'th Raktavija | 18 | NE | Large | Outsider (Cie'th, Native) | Any |
Cie'th Sacrifice | 15 | NE | Large | Outsider (Cie'th, Native) | Any |
Cie'th Seeker | 1 | NE | Small | Outsider (Cie'th, Native) | Any |
Cie'th Strigoi | 8 | NE | Large | Outsider (Cie'th, Native) | Any |
Cie'th Taxim | 11 | NE | Large | Outsider (Cie'th, Native) | Any |
Cie'th Vampire | 13 | NE | Large | Outsider (Cie'th, Native) | Any |
Cie'th Varcolaci | 7 | NE | Medium | Outsider (Cie'th, Native) | Stormy |
Cie'th Vetala | 8 | NE | Large | Outsider (Cie'th, Native) | Any |
Cie'th Wight | 2 | NE | Medium | Outsider (Cie'th, Native) | Any |
Cie'th Wladislaus | 17 | NE | Medium | Outsider (Cie'th, Native) | Any |
Cie'th Yomi | 19 | NE | Large | Outsider (Cie'th, Native) | Stormy |
Cindy | 20 | LN | Medium | Outsider (Boss, Primal, Native) | Any |
Clay Golem | 10 | N | Large | Construct | Any |
Clockwork Dragon | 16 | N | Huge | Construct (Clockwork) | Any |
Clockwork Mage | 9 | N | Medium | Construct (Clockwork) | Any |
Clockwork Soldier | 6 | N | Medium | Construct (Clockwork) | Any |
Cobaltpede | 4 | N | Large | Vermin (Lightning) | Any |
Cocadrille | 5 | N | Small | Magical Beast (Avian, Fire) | Warm |
Cockatrice | 3 | N | Small | Magical Beast (Avian) | Any |
Coeurl | 5 | N | Large | Magical Beast | Any |
Coeurl Kitten | 0.25 | N | Tiny | Animal [Familiar] | Any |
Coeurl Regina | 14 | NE | Large | Magical Beast | Any |
Colossal Catoblepas | 13 | TN | Colossal | Magical Beast | Swamp |
Copper Quadav | 6 | N | Medium | Humanoid (Quadav, Reptilian) | Any |
Corrosive Spider | 2 | N | Medium | Magical Beast | Any |
Crab | 0.25 | N | Tiny | Vermin (Aquatic) [Familiar] | Water |
Cripshay | 2 | NE | Medium | Magical Beast | Ruins |
Cryohydra | 6 | N | Huge | Dragon (Ice) | Cold |
Cutter | 7 | N | Large | Construct (Machina) | Any |
Cúchulainn, the Impure | 13 | CE | Large | Outsider (Boss, Demon, Extraplanar) | Any |
Dark Behemoth | 18 | N | Huge | Magical Beast (Mini-Boss) | Any |
Dark Elemental | 12 | TN | Medium | Outsider (Elemental, Extraplanar, Shadow) | Ruins |
Dark Fang | 13 | N | Huge | Magical Beast (Shadow) | Underground |
Dark Hedgehog | 2 | NE | Small | Outsider (Daemon, Extraplanar) | Any |
Dark Nation | 7 | N | Medium | Magical Beast | Any |
Dark Skeleton | 7 | NE | Medium | Undead | Any |
Dark Soul | 6 | NE | Medium | Undead (Fire, Incorporeal) | Any |
Dark Wolf | 7 | CE | Large | Magical Beast | Any |
Dead Head | 3 | NE | Tiny | Undead | Any |
Deadly Nightshade | 14 | N | Small | Plant (Humanoid) | Any |
Death Cap | 9 | N | Medium | Plant | Any |
Death Claw | 11 | NE | Large | Magical Beast | Any |
Death Hornet | 9 | N | Medium | Magical Beast | Any |
Death Manticore | 12 | LE | Huge | Magical Beast | Desert or Dungeon |
Deathmask | 16 | NE | Large | Construct | Dungeon |
Deathscythe | 17 | NE | Large | Undead | Any |
Death Searcher | 7 | NE | Small | Construct (Machina) | Any |
Death Stalker | 9 | N | Large | Magical Beast | Desert |
Demon | 5 | CE | Large | Outsider (Demon, Extraplanar) | Any |
Demonolith | 16 | NE | Large | Undead (Earth) | Dungeon and Underground |
Demon Wall | 8 | NE | Huge or below | Outsider (Boss, Daemon, Earth, Extraplanar) | Any (Inside) |
Desert Hare | 3 | N | Small | Magical Beast | Any |
Desertpede | 3 | N | Medium | Vermin | Desert |
Desert Sahagin Warrior | 3 | LE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid (Aquatic) | Desert |
Devil Bunny | 5 | CN | Small | Magical Beast | Any |
Devil Crab | 4 | N | Large | Vermin (Aquatic) | Water |
Devourer | 6 | N | Large | Magical Beast (Aquatic) | Water (Ocean) |
Dhorme Chimera | 10 | CE | Large | Magical Beast | Desert |
Diabolos, the Dark Messenger | 15 | CE | Huge | Outsider (Boss, Extraplanar, Primal, Shadow, Demon) | Dungeon |
Diamond Weapon | 22 | N | Colossal | Construct (Super Boss) | Any |
Dire Rat | 0.3 | N | Small | Animal | Any |
Djinn | 8 | LE | Large | Outsider (Fire, Mini-Boss) | Underground |
Dolmen | 8 | NE | Large | Undead (Earth) | Dungeon and Underground |
Donchu | 15 | N | Huge | Plant | Any |
Donkochu | 6 | N | Small | Plant | Any |
Doomtrain, the Convoy of the Dead | 15 | CN | Huge | Undead (Boss, Extraplanar, Primal) | Dungeon (Crypt) |
Dozmare | 9 | N | Large | Magical Beast | Underground |
Dragon Aevis | 15 | N | Huge | Dragon | Any |
Draugar | 12 | NE | Medium | Undead | Dungeon |
Dual Horn | 6 | N | Large | Animal | Any |
Dualizard | 2 | N | Large | Dragon | Any |
Duplicorn | 10 | CG | Huge | Magical Beast | Any |
Earth Dragon (Dragon's Den) | 23 | CN | Gargantuan | Dragon (Boss, Earth) | Cave or City |
Earth Dragon (Opera House) | 16 | CN | Huge | Dragon (Boss, Earth) | Cave or City |
Earth Elemental | 3 | N | Medium | Outsider (Earth, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Any |
Earth Medusa | 11 | LE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid (Earth, Reptilian) | Dungeon and Underground |
Echidna | 10 | NE | Medium | Humanoid (Hume) | Any |
Echuilles | 5 | NE | Huge | Aberration | Near Water |
Edgehead | 4 | NE | Medium | Magical Beast | Plains |
Elder Air Elemental | 11 | N | Huge | Outsider (Wind, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Any |
Elder Arcane Elemental | 11 | N | Huge | Outsider (Non-elemental, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Any |
Elder Earth Elemental | 11 | N | Huge | Outsider (Earth, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Any |
Elder Fire Elemental | 11 | N | Huge | Outsider (Fire, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Warm |
Elder Flan | 11 | N | Huge | Ooze (Element) | Any |
Elder Holy Elemental | 11 | N | Huge | Outsider (Holy, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Any |
Elder Ice Elemental | 11 | N | Huge | Outsider (Ice, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Cold |
Elder Lightning Elemental | 11 | N | Huge | Outsider (Lightning, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Stormy |
Elder Flan Princess | 16 | CN | Huge | Ooze (Mini-Boss) | Any |
Elder Shadow Elemental | 11 | N | Huge | Outsider (Shadow, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Any |
Elder Water Elemental | 11 | N | Huge | Outsider (Water, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Water |
Elf Toad | 5 | N | Large | Magical Beast | Forest |
Elite Skeleton | 5 | NE | Medium | Undead | Any |
Elm Gigas | 14 | CE | Huge | Humanoid (Wind, Giant) | Mountain |
Emerald Eye (Type 1 and 2) | 8 | N | Small | Construct (Super Boss) | Any |
Emerald Weapon | 22 | N | Colossal | Construct (Super Boss) | Any |
Enkidu | 8 | CN | Medium | Magical Beast (Mini-Boss, Avian) | Any |
Ereshkigal | 6 | LE | Medium | Outsider (Devil, Extraplanar) | Any |
Erigoss | 16 | CE | Large | Outsider (Demon, Extraplanar) | Any |
Evil Dreamer | 4 | NE | Medium | Undead (Fire, Incorporeal) | Any |
Evil Eye | 4 | NE | Medium | Aberration | Any |
Exdeath | 16 | LE | Large | Outsider (Archfiend, Boss, Native) | Any |
Exdeath (Tree Form) | 21 | LE | Huge | Outsider (Archfiend, Boss, Native) | Any |
Exoray | 7 | N | Small | Plant | Any |
Eyemoeba | 11 | N | Medium | Ooze | Any |
Faceless | 3 | NE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid | Any |
Faerie Dragon | 3 | CG | Tiny | Dragon | Forest |
Fangpire | 9 | NE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid | Warm |
Farfadet | 1 | CN. | Tiny | Fey | Any |
Fell Demon | 19 | CE | Large | Outsider (Demon, Extraplanar) | Any |
Fell Tortoise | 8 | N | Large | Magical Beast (Reptilian) | Underground |
Fenrir, Lord of the Moon | 15 | TN | Huge | Magical Beast (Boss, Extraplanar, Primal, Ice, Shadow) | Cold Plains |
Fire Elemental | 3 | N | Medium | Outsider (Fire, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Warm |
Fire Gigas | 10 | CE | Large | Humanoid (Fire, Giant) | Warm |
Fire Lizard | 4 | N | Large | Magical Beast (Fire, Reptilian) | Warm |
Flak Python | 3 | N | Medium | Construct (Machina) | Any |
Fledgling Apkallu | 0.25 | N | Tiny | Animal [Familiar] (Avian) | Any |
Flexitusk | 9 | NE | Medium | Magical Beast | Any |
Floating Eye | 0.5 | NE | Small | Aberration | Any |
Flowering Cactuar | 10 | N | Small | Plant (Humanoid) | Any |
Flying Killer | 4 | N | Small | Animal | Any |
Foras | 11 | CE | Large | Monstrous Humanoid (Earth) | Dungeon |
Forgiven Apathy | 11 | NE | Huge | Outsider (Native, Sin Eater) | Any |
Forgiven Clamor | 7 | NE | Medium | Outsider (Native, Sin Eater) | Any |
Forgiven Conceit | 9 | NE | Large | Outsider (Native, Sin Eater) | Any |
Forgiven Conformity | 7 | NE | Medium | Outsider (Native, Sin Eater) | Any |
Forgiven Cowardice | 9 | NE | Large | Outsider (Native, Sin Eater) | Any |
Forgiven Cruelty | 13 | LE | Huge | Outsider (Mini-Boss, Native, Sin Eater) | Any |
Forgiven Deceit | 9 | NE | Large | Outsider (Native, Sin Eater) | Any |
Forgiven Disobedience | 11 | NE | Large | Outsider (Native, Sin Eater) | Any |
Forgiven Dissonance | 14 | LE | Huge | Outsider (Mini-Boss, Native, Sin Eater) | Any |
Forgiven Enmity | 12 | NE | Huge | Outsider (Native, Sin Eater) | Any |
Forgiven Extortion | 10 | LE | Large | Outsider (Native, Sin Eater) | Any |
Forgiven Folly | 9 | NE | Large | Outsider (Native, Sin Eater) | Any |
Forgiven Ignorance | 3 | NE | Medium | Outsider (Native, Sin Eater) | Any |
Forgiven Obscenity: Consort of Sin | 15 | LE | Huge | Outsider (Boss, Native, Sin Eater) | Any |
Forgiven Prejudice | 9 | LE | Large | Outsider (Native, Sin Eater) | Any |
Forgiven Revelry | 14 | CE | Gargantuan | Outsider (Giant, Native, Sin Eater) | Any |
Forgiven Venery | 11 | LE | Huge | Outsider (Native, Sin Eater) | Any |
Forgiven Whimsy | 14 | LE | Huge | Outsider (Mini-Boss, Native, Sin Eater) | Any |
Freezer Crab | 4 | N | Large | Vermin (Aquatic) | Cold |
Funguar | 2 | N | Small | Plant | Forest |
Gaelicat | 0.5 | N | Tiny | Animal [Familiar] | Any |
Gamma | 18 | N | Gargantuan | Construct (Machina) | Any |
Ganymede | 9 | N | Large | Construct (Machina) | Any |
Garchimacera | 4 | LE | Medium | Outsider (Devil, Extraplanar) | Any |
Gargoyle | 5 | CE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid (Earth) | Dungeon |
Garnet Quadav | 8 | N | Medium | Humanoid (Quadav, Reptilian) | Any |
Garuda 'Creature' | 11 | NE | Large | Monstrous Humanoid (Avian) | Any |
Garuda 'FFVII' | 4 | NE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid (Avian) | Mountain |
Garuda, Lady of the Vortex | 15 | CE | Huge | Outsider (Boss, Extraplanar, Primal, Wind) | Stormy |
Garula | 9 | N | Large | Animal | Plains |
Garulessa | 11 | N | Huge | Animal | Plains |
Gather | 5 | N | Medium | Aberration | Dungeon |
Gazer | 18 | LE | Large | Aberration | Any |
Geneaux | 8 | NE | Huge | Aberration | Near Water |
Gespenst | 12 | NE | Medium | Undead | Any |
Ghast | 4 | CE | Medium | Undead | Any |
Gheist | 10 | NE | Medium | Undead (Fire, Incorporeal) | Any |
Ghidra | 10 | N | Huge | Dragon | Any |
Ghost | 7 | CE | Medium | Undead (Incorporeal) | Any |
Ghoul | 2 | CE | Medium | Undead | Any |
Giant Crab | 2 | N | Medium | Vermin (Aquatic) | Water |
Gigantoad | 2 | N | Large | Magical Beast | Swamp |
Gigantuar | 9 | N | Huge | Plant (Humanoid) | Desert |
Gilgamesh (Form I) | 7 | CN | Medium | Outsider (Boss, Extraplanar) | Any |
Gilgamesh (Form II) | 13 | CN | Medium | Outsider (Boss, Extraplanar) | Any |
Gilgamesh (Form III) | 19 | CN | Medium | Outsider (Boss, Extraplanar) | Any |
Gloom Spider | 4 | N | Large | Magical Beast | Any |
Golbez | 18 | LE | Medium | Humanoid (Boss, Hume) | Any |
Gold Chocobo | 10 | N | Large | Magical Beast (Avian) | Any |
Gold Dragon (Dragon's Den) | 23 | LE | Gargantuan | Dragon (Boss, Lightning) | Any (Stormy) |
Gold Dragon (Kefka's Tower) | 16 | LE | Huge | Dragon (Boss, Lightning) | Any (Stormy) |
Golden Cactuar | 7 | N | Small | Plant (Humanoid) | Any |
Goldening Flowering Cactuar | 11 | N | Small | Plant (Humanoid) | Any |
Good King Moggle Mog XII | 15 | LG | Huge | Outsider (Boss, Extraplanar, Holy, Primal, Moogle) | Any |
Gordon | 2 | N | Large | Animal | Dungeon |
Gorgias | 12 | N | Huge | Magical Beast | Cold Plains |
Gorgimera | 12 | CE | Large | Magical Beast | Any |
Gorgon | 7 | LE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid (Reptilian) | Dungeon and Underground |
Grand Aevis | 20 | TN | Gargantuan | Magical Beast (Mini-Boss, Reptilian) | Ruins |
Grand Mummy | 7 | LE | Medium | Undead | Dungeon |
Grat | 5 | N | Small | Plant | Forest |
Greater Air Elemental | 9 | N | Huge | Outsider (Wind, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Any |
Greater Arcane Elemental | 9 | N | Huge | Outsider (Non-elemental, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Any |
Greater Cait | 9 | NE | Medium | Fey | Any |
Greater Demon | 9 | CE | Large | Outsider (Demon, Extraplanar) | Any |
Greater Demon Wall | 15 | NE | Huge or above | Outsider (Boss, Daemon, Earth, Extraplanar) | Any (Inside) |
Greater Earth Elemental | 9 | N | Huge | Outsider (Earth, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Any |
Greater Fire Elemental | 9 | N | Huge | Outsider (Fire, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Warm |
Greater Flan | 9 | N | Huge | Ooze (Element) | Any |
Greater Holy Elemental | 9 | N | Huge | Outsider (Holy, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Any |
Greater Ice Elemental | 9 | N | Huge | Outsider (Ice, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Cold |
Greater Lightning Elemental | 9 | N | Huge | Outsider (Lightning, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Stormy |
Greater Mantis | 5 | N | Large | Vermin | Any |
Greater Flan Princess | 13 | CN | Huge | Ooze (Mini-Boss) | Any |
Greater Quadav | 3 | NE | Medium | Humanoid (Quadav, Reptilian) | Any |
Greater Rathalos | 15 | N | Huge | Dragon | Forest |
Greater Shadow Elemental | 9 | N | Huge | Outsider (Shadow, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Any |
Greater Water Elemental | 9 | N | Huge | Outsider (Water, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Water |
Great Malboro | 14 | NE | Huge | Plant | Any |
Great Tortoise | 5 | N | Large | Magical Beast (Reptilian) | Any |
Green Chocobo | 4 | N | Large | Magical Beast (Avian) | Forest |
Green Wisp | 5 | N | Small | Fey (Wind) | Forest |
Gremlin | 0.5 | LE | Small | Outsider (Devil, Extraplanar) | Any |
Grendel | 11 | N | Large | Magical Beast | Any |
Grief Witch | 9 | CN | Medium | Fey (Water) | Water |
Griffon | 4 | N | Large | Magical Beast | Plain or Mountain |
Groundpede | 7 | N | Huge | Magical Beast | Underground |
Guard Hound | 1 | N | Medium | Animal | Any |
Hades, the Underworld Guide | 15 | NE | Huge | Outsider (Boss, Extraplanar, Primal, Shadow) | Dungeon or Ruins |
Halma | 6 | CE | Small | Aberration | Dungeon and Ruins |
Hashmal, Bringer of Order | 15 | LN | Large | Outsider (Boss, Demon, Extraplanar, Earth, Fire) | Any |
Hatchling Black Dragon | 2 | N/NE | Tiny | Dragon (Shadow) | Any |
Hatchling Blue Dragon | 2 | CG/CN | Tiny | Dragon (Water) | Water |
Hatchling Brown Dragon | 2 | LN/N | Tiny | Dragon (Earth) | Underground |
Hatchling Crystal Dragon | 4 | CN/LN | Small | Dragon (Non-elemental) | Any |
Hatchling Green Dragon | 2 | LN/LE | Tiny | Dragon (Wind) | Any |
Hatchling Red Dragon | 2 | CN/CE | Tiny | Dragon (Fire) | Warm |
Hatchling Silver Dragon | 2 | NG/LG | Tiny | Dragon (Holy) | Any |
Hatchling White Dragon | 2 | NE/CE | Tiny | Dragon (Ice) | Cold |
Hatchling Yellow Dragon | 2 | NG/NE | Tiny | Dragon (Lightning) | Any |
Havocfang | 11 | NE | Large | Magical Beast | Any |
Heavy M-Tek Armor | 9 | N | Large | Construct (Machina) | Any |
Hecteyes | 13 | N | Medium | Ooze | Any |
Hedgehog Pie | 0.5 | NE | Small | Outsider (Daemon, Extraplanar) | Any |
Hedgehog Pie King | 7 | NE | Small | Outsider (Daemon, Extraplanar, Mini-Boss) | Ruins |
Hell House | 12 | N | Huge | Construct (Boss, Machina) | Ruins or Scrapyard |
Hidon | 13 | NE | Huge | Undead | Dungeon (Crypt), Forest or Swamp |
Hill Gigas | 7 | CE | Large | Humanoid (Giant) | Mountain |
Hippocerf | 3 | N | Large | Magical Beast | Plain or Mountain |
Hippogriff | 6 | N | Large | Magical Beast | Plain or Mountain |
Hitobosu | 8 | N | Small | Fey (Lightning) | Any |
Hobgoblin | 1 | LE | Medium | Humanoid (Goblinoid) | Any |
Hobgoblin Guard | 2 | LE | Medium | Humanoid (Goblinoid) | Any |
Holy Dragon (Cultist's Tower) | 16 | LE | Gargantuan | Dragon (Boss, Holy) | Any |
Holy Dragon (Dragon's Den) | 23 | LE | Colossal | Dragon (Boss, Holy) | Any |
Holy Elemental | 3 | N | Medium | Outsider (Holy, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Any |
Horned Cripshay | 7 | NE | Large | Magical Beast (Mini-Boss) | Ruins |
Hornet | 4 | N | Medium | Magical Beast | Any |
Hot Wings | 8 | TN | Small | Magical Beast (Fire) | Warm |
Huge Air Elemental | 7 | N | Huge | Outsider (Wind, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Any |
Huge Arcane Elemental | 7 | N | Huge | Outsider (Non-elemental, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Any |
Huge Earth Elemental | 7 | N | Huge | Outsider (Earth, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Any |
Huge Fire Elemental | 7 | N | Huge | Outsider (Fire, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Warm |
Huge Flan | 7 | N | Huge | Ooze (Element) | Any |
Huge Holy Elemental | 7 | N | Huge | Outsider (Holy, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Any |
Huge Ice Elemental | 7 | N | Huge | Outsider (Ice, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Cold |
Huge Lightning Elemental | 7 | N | Huge | Outsider (Lightning, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Any |
Huge Flan Princess | 10 | CN | Huge | Ooze (Mini-Boss) | Any |
Huge Shadow Elemental | 7 | N | Huge | Outsider (Shadow, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Any |
Huge Water Elemental | 7 | N | Huge | Outsider (Water, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Water |
Human Trap | 2 | N | Medium | Plant | Forest & Plain |
Hundlegs | 2 | N | Medium | Vermin | Any |
Hydra | 4 | N | Huge | Dragon | Any |
Ice Dragon (Dragon's Den) | 23 | LN | Medium | Dragon (Boss, Ice) | Any (Cold) |
Ice Dragon (Narshe Cliffs) | 16 | LN | Small | Dragon (Boss, Ice) | Any (Cold) |
Ice Elemental | 3 | N | Medium | Outsider (Ice, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Cold |
Ice Gigas | 9 | CE | Large | Humanoid (Ice, Giant) | Cold |
Ice Golem | 12 | N | Large | Construct (Ice) | Cold |
Ice Lizard | 4 | N | Large | Magical Beast (Ice, Reptilian) | Cold |
Ice Sculpture | 8 | N | Medium | Construct (Ice) | Dungeon and Cold |
Iflyte | 8 | LE | Large | Outsider (Fire) | Dungeon or Warm |
Ifrit, Lord of the Inferno | 15 | TN | Huge | Outsider (Boss, Extraplanar, Primal, Fire) | Warm |
Ignis Fatuus | 11 | N | Small | Fey (Earth, Fire, Water, Wind) | Any |
Imp | 1 | LE | Small | Outsider (Devil, Extraplanar) | Any |
Imp Devil | 2 | LE | Small | Outsider (Devil, Extraplanar) | Any |
Inferno Golem | 12 | N | Large | Construct (Fire) | Warm |
Io | 14 | N | Huge | Construct (Machina) | Any |
Ironback | 9 | N | Large | Animal | Any |
Iron Claw | 16 | NE | Large | Magical Beast | Any |
Iron Giant | 13 | NE | Large | Construct (Living Construct) | Any |
Iron Golem | 13 | N | Large | Construct | Any |
Ivy | 0.5 | N | Medium | Plant | Forest & Plain |
Ixion, Lord of Thunder | 15 | TN | Huge | Magical Beast (Boss, Extraplanar, Primal, Lightning) | Any (Stormy) |
Jackanapes | 13 | LE | Medium | Outsider (Devil, Extraplanar) | Dungeon |
Judge | 5 | LN | Medium | Humanoid | Any |
Judge Bergan | 12 | LE | Medium | Hume (Mini-Boss) | Any |
Judge Drace | 12 | LG | Medium | Hume (Mini-Boss) | Any |
Judge Gabranth | 12 | LN | Medium | Hume (Mini-Boss) | Any |
Judge Ghis | 12 | LE | Medium | Hume (Mini-Boss) | Any |
Judge Magister | 10 | LN | Medium | Humanoid | Any |
Judge Master | 15 | LN | Medium | Humanoid | Any |
Judge Zargabaath | 12 | LN | Medium | Hume (Mini-Boss) | Any |
Juggernaut (Dual Horn) | 20 | N | Large | Magical Beast | Any |
Jura Aevis | 15 | NE | Huge | Magical Beast (Mini-Boss, Reptilian) | Void |
Jury-rigged Cutter | 13 | N | Large | Construct (Machina) | Any |
Juvenile Black Dragon | 10 | N/NE | Large | Dragon (Shadow) | Any |
Juvenile Blue Dragon | 10 | CG/CN | Large | Dragon (Water) | Water |
Juvenile Brown Dragon | 10 | LN/N | Large | Dragon (Earth) | Underground |
Juvenile Crystal Dragon | 13 | CN/LN | Huge | Dragon (Non-elemental) | Any |
Juvenile Green Dragon | 10 | LE/LN | Large | Dragon (Wind) | Any |
Juvenile Rathalos | 7 | N | Large | Dragon | Forest |
Juvenile Red Dragon | 10 | CN/CE | Large | Dragon (Fire) | Warm |
Juvenile Silver Dragon | 10 | LG/NG | Large | Dragon (Holy) | Any |
Juvenile White Dragon | 10 | NE/CE | Large | Dragon (Ice) | Cold |
Juvenile Yellow Dragon | 10 | NG/NE | Large | Dragon (Lightning) | Any |
Kaiser Dragon (Dragon's Den) | 25 | NE | Colossal | Dragon (Elemental, Super Boss) | Any |
Kefka Palazzo (Final Boss) | 21 | CE | Large | Outsider (Archfiend, Boss, native) | Any |
Kefka Palazzo (Narshe) | 5 | CE | Medium | Humanoid (Boss, Hume) | Any |
Kefka Palazzo (Thamasa) | 10 | CE | Medium | Humanoid (Boss, Hume) | Any |
Killer Bee | 6 | N | Medium | Magical Beast | Any |
Killer Mantis | 3 | N | Large | Vermin | Any |
Killer Shark | 5 | N | Huge | Magical Beast (Aquatic) | Water (Ocean) |
Killing Machine | 16 | N | Gargantuan | Construct (Machina) | Any |
King Behemoth | 16 | N | Huge | Magical Beast (Mini-Boss) | Any |
King Bomb | 12 | CE | Large | Outsider (Bomb, Elemental, Extraplanar) | Any |
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