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This optional system replaces the favored class bonus system. As a character advances in experience and level, they will gain enhancement points (aka EP) which can then be spent on enhancements. The available enhancement selection is based upon a character’s class, and consists of improvements to those class strengths. For example, a Thief would be offered enhancements to improve skill at hiding or disarming traps, while a Berserker would be offered enhancements to improve their ability to Rage.

Enhancements are offered via different “trees”, which are a collection of thematically related enhancements:

Each tree is broken into 2 parts – the core enhancements plus 4 or 5 tiers of enhancements:

  • Each successive tier offers (usually) more powerful enhancements than the one before
  • Each successive tier requires a certain number of EP to be spent on previous tiers, called progression, thus a character cannot spend all their points on the highest, most powerful tiers

Tiers also require certain character or class level:

  • Tier 1-4 enhancements require class levels 1-4 respectively.
  • Tier 5 enhancements require class level 5 and character level 12.

The core enhancements work slightly differently:

  • Core enhancements have a minimum point expenditure required, but are only available once a certain class level is reached.
  • The Core 1 enhancement must be purchased before any EP can be spent on the Tiers, but further core abilities are purely optional.

Enhancements from a class usually stack with other enhancements from other class trees, even when they give identical bonuses: If, however, the enhancements have identical names, they may not stack:

Ability bonuses from enhancements or equipped items do not count towards enhancement or feat prerequisites.

Enhancements can be reset by retraining.

Class trees have 5 tiers.

Enhancement Points: Enhancement Points (EP) are points gained throughout the process of heroic leveling. A character can spend those points on enhancements. They must, however, meet the prerequisites, before being able to pick the desired enhancement.

Each level, a character gains 4 EP (to a maximum of 80 EP).

Some enhancements cost more than one EP. For this reason, a character does not lose EP when leveling up – they can save (or bank) as many as they wish, until they choose to spend them.

Ranks: It is generally possible to acquire from 1 to 3 ranks in an enhancement (unrelated to ranks in character levels). If for instance, an enhancement lists “EP Cost: 2, Ranks: 3”, that means up to 3 ranks can be acquired in that enhancement, each costing 2 EP. An enhancement description may refer to bonuses based on the number of ranks acquired. For instance, a description “+[1/2/3] to saves” means the enhancement imparts a +1 competence bonus on saves with the first rank acquired, +2 with the second rank, and +3 with the third (and final) rank.

Core Classes


Core Archer Enhancements

  • Archery: Your bow now counts as a +1 weapon (this does not stack with enhancement bonuses) and deals +1 damage for each core enhancement you possess in this tree (including this one). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Morphic Arrows: Your arrows deal bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. You gain +1 bonus on Aim. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have your enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Metalline Arrows: Your arrows bypass all metallic damage reduction. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Morphic Arrows enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Aligned Arrows: Your arrows bypass all alignment-based damage reduction. You gain +1 bonus on Aim. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Metalline Arrows enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Penetrating Arrows: Your arrows bypass any other damage reduction by 1 point per dice of damage (including sneak attack). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Aligned Arrows enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Mystical Archer: You gain a +4 bonus to your Dexterity score and a +3 bonus on Aim. You are always considered to using the Point Blank Shot feat while within 30 feet. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Penetrating Arrows enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Archer Enhancements

  • Stealthy: +[1/2/3] Stealth skill checks. Rank 3: You gain +1 bonus on Aim. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Ranged Accuracy: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to ranged attack rolls. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Awareness: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Perception skill checks and to attack rolls. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Elemental Arrows: Your arrows now deal 1 point of earth, fire, ice, lightning, water, or wind damage (chosen each time you fire an arrow). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Archer Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Archer Enhancements (Requires Archer Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Far Shot: You gain +1 bonus on Aim. Your Point Blank Shot range is increased by 10 feet. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Point Blank Shot feat to select this enhancement.
  • Force Arrows: You imbue your arrows with magical force. Your arrows gain the ghost touch ability. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Thrill of the Hunt: You gain +[1/2/3] damage for 1 round after damaging an opponent beneath 50% health. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Elemental Arrows: Your arrows now deal 1 point of earth, fire, ice, lightning, water, or wind damage (chosen each time you fire an arrow). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Elemental Arrows (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Archer Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Archer Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Archer Enhancements (Requires Archer Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Far Shot: You gain +1 bonus on Aim. Your Point Blank Shot range is increased by 10 feet. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Far Shot (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Banishing Arrows: Your arrows, when you roll a natural 20, banish an extraplanar creature back to their home plane (of a CR of your level or lower). (Will save vs. DC 10 + half your archer level + your Wisdom modifier). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Smiting Arrows: Your arrows, when you roll a natural 20, destroy a construct (of a CR of your level or lower). (Will save vs. DC 10 + half your archer level + your Wisdom modifier). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Elemental Arrows: Your arrows now deal an additional point of earth, fire, ice, lightning, water, or wind damage (chosen each time you fire an arrow). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Elemental Arrows (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Archer Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Archer Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Archer Enhancements (Requires Archer Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Far Shot: You gain +1 bonus on Aim. Your Point Blank Shot range is increased by 10 feet. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Far Shot (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Elemental Defenses: When enemy spells deal elemental damage against you, there’s a 25% chance you’ll gain +[10/20/30] temporary hit points for 5 rounds. This can trigger up to once a round. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite:
  • Runebow: Bows you wield gain an additional +2 enhancement bonus. This is considered a Magic Weapon effect. (This overcomes the natural limit on enchanted items.) EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Elemental Arrows: Your arrows now deal an additional point of earth, fire, ice, lightning, water, or wind damage (chosen each time you fire an arrow). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Elemental Arrows (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Archer Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Archer Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Archer Enhancements (Requires Archer Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Far Shot: You gain +1 bonus on Aim. Your Point Blank Shot range is increased by 10 feet. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Far Shot (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Heavy Draw: You deal +5 damage with longbows and shortbows. You also gain +1 competence bonus to critical multiplier (to a max of x4) with longbows and shortbows. This ability has no effect when using a crossbow. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite:
  • Moonbow: While wielding a bow, once every 5 rounds, you gain 20 temporary hit points for 1 minute. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Elemental Arrows: Your arrows now deal an additional point of earth, fire, ice, lightning, water, or wind damage (chosen each time you fire an arrow). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Elemental Arrows (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Archer Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Archer Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.


Core Bard Enhancements

  • Singer: Each core enhancement including this one allows you to use Bardic Performance for 2 more rounds. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Music of the Sewers: Your Fascinate gains the power to mesmerize Oozes. They stop acting and behave like they have been fascinated. Unlike truly fascinated creatures, however, they are not susceptible to suggestion. Your Enfeebling and Illusion songs add +1 to their Difficulty Check. You gain a +1 competence bonus on Diplomacy, Perception, Perform, and Use Magical Device skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Singer enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Music of the Dead: Your Fascinate gains the power to mesmerize Undead. They stop acting and behave like they have been fascinated. Unlike truly fascinated creatures, however, they are not susceptible to suggestion. Your Enfeebling and Illusion songs add +1 to their Difficulty Check. You gain a +1 competence bonus on Diplomacy, Perception, Perform, and Use Magical Device skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Music of the Sewers enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Music of the Makers: Your Fascinate gains the power to mesmerize Constructs. They stop acting and behave like they have been fascinated. Unlike truly fascinated creatures, however, they are not susceptible to suggestion. Your Enfeebling and Illusion songs add +1 to their Difficulty Check. You gain a +1 competence bonus on Diplomacy, Perception, Perform, and Use Magical Device skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Music of the Dead enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Virtuoso: You regenerate 1 MP every 6 hours (stacks with Clear Mind). You can use your Bardic Performance as if you had two more rounds (for a total of 4 for this enhancement). Your Enfeebling and Illusion songs add +1 to their Difficulty Check. You gain a +1 competence bonus on Diplomacy, Perception, Perform, and Use Magic Device skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Music of the Makers enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Maestro of Life and Death: You gain a +4 Charisma and gain a +1 competence bonus on +1 Diplomacy, Perception, Perform, and Use Magic Device skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Virtuoso enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Bard Enhancements

  • Haunting Melody: You rework Fascinate with haunting notes, intoxicating yet unnerving. Fascinated creatures are Shaken for 1 minute. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Lingering Songs: You can use your Bardic Performance as if you had [2/4/6] more rounds. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Charlatan: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Concentration and Perform. Rank 3: +1 Will saves. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Energy of the Disciple: Your studies have increased your maximum MP by an additional [1/2/3]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Bard Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Bard Enhancements (Requires Bard Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Efficient Metasong: Choose one Metasong feat. Reduce the MP cost of using that Metasong by 1. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Flicker/Willful: Choose either Flicker or Willful to protect you:
    • Flicker: When you are damaged, you have a 10% chance of turning invisible for [1/2/3] rounds.
    • Willful: +[1/2/3] Will saving throws.
      EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Wand and Scroll Mastery: +[25/50/75]% to the effectiveness of your wands, scrolls, and other items that cast spells, and +[1/2/3] to the DCs of your offensive wands. Taking Wand and Scroll Mastery in one enhancement tree will block its availability in other enhancement trees. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Marigold Crown: Gain +1 to the DCs of your songs. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Bard Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Bard Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Bard Enhancements (Requires Bard Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Song of Might: When you use your Bardic Performance, you gain a +1 morale bonus to caster level for all songs for the duration. You can use your Bardic Performance as if you had 2 more rounds. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Efficient Metasong: Choose one Metasong feat that you didn’t choose from Efficient Metasong (Tier 3). Reduce the MP cost of using that Metasong by 1. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Efficient Metasong (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Verses: Choose one of the following:
    • Inspiration Melody: When you use your Bardic Performance, an ally within 30 feet gains a +[1/2/3] morale bonus to save vs. Sleep, Paralysis, and Energy Drain for the duration. You can use your Bardic Performance as if you had [2/4/6] more rounds.
    • Reviving Verse: When you use your Bardic Performance, you gain +[1/2/3] morale bonus on saving throws vs. Sleep, Paralysis, and Energy Drain and Fast Healing [1/2/3] for the duration.
      EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Spell Song Trance: When you use your Bardic Performance, you gain a +1 morale bonus to song DC’s for the duration. You can use your Bardic Performance as if you had 2 more rounds. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Bard Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Bard Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Bard Enhancements (Requires Bard Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Sustaining Song: When you use your Bardic Performance, you grant Fast Healing [1/2/3] to an ally within 30 feet for the duration. You can use your Bardic Performance as if you had [1/2/3] more rounds. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Verses (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Efficient Metasong: Choose one Metasong feat that you didn’t choose from Efficient Metasong (Tier 2 and 3). Reduce the MP cost of using that Metasong by 1. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Efficient Metasong (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Frolic: When you use your Bardic Performance, you grant Freedom of Movement effect to an ally within 30 feet for the duration. You can use your Bardic Performance as if you had 2 more rounds. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Spell Song Trance: When you use your Bardic Performance, you gain a +1 morale bonus to song DC’s for the duration. You can use your Bardic Performance as if you had 2 more rounds. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Spell Song Trance (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Bard Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Bard Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Bard Enhancements (Requires Bard Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Prodigy: You gain a +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Concentration and Perform skill checks, +[1/2/3] Spell Penetration, +[1/2/3] to DCs of your Enfeebling songs. Rank 3: When you use your Bardic Performance, an ally within 30 feet gains [10/20/30] temporary hit points. In addition, you can use your Bardic Performance as if you had [1/2/3] more rounds. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Efficient Metasong: Choose one Metasong feat that you didn’t choose from Efficient Metasong (Tier 2, 3, and 4). Reduce the MP cost of using that Metasong by 1. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Efficient Metasong (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Spell Penetration: +[1/2/3] to your Caster Level check to overcome enemy Spell Resistance. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Spell Song Trance: When you use your Bardic Performance, you gain a +1 morale bonus to song DC’s for the duration. You can use your Bardic Performance as if you had 2 more rounds. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Spell Song Trance (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Bard Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Bard Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.


Core Beastmaster Enhancements

  • Enhanced Companion: Your companion gains a +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls for each core enhancement you possess in this tree (including this one). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Imbued Companion: Your companion gains a +2 to all physical ability scores. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Enhanced Companion enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Fortify Companion: Your companion gains 50% fortification and increases its natural armor bonus to AC by 4. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Imbued Companion enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Harrowing Pack: Grants you and your companion a +2 competence bonus to flanking attacks, and granting them a knockdown effect when they roll a natural 20 on attack rolls. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Fortify Companion enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Natural Shielding: Your companion gains 50% of your max hit points and 5 elemental resistance to all and also gain +4 Reflex saves. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Harrowing Pack enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Grand Hunter: You gain a +2 Strength and Dexterity and your companion gains +4 to all physical ability scores, 25% extra hit points, 100% Fortification, and a 50% increase to movement speed. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Natural Shielding enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Beastmaster Enhancements

  • Resistant Companion: Your companion gains 5 elemental resistance to all elements. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Versatile Empathy: Your Wild Empathy ability now also can be used on Elementals and Vermin. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Wild Empathy class feature to select this enhancement.
  • Resilient Companion: Your companion gains a +[1/2/3] to all saves. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Acrobatic: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Acrobatics, Climb, and Swim skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Beastmaster Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Strength score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Beastmaster Enhancements (Requires Beastmaster Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Resistant Companion: Your companion gains additional 5 elemental resistance to all elements. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Resistant Companion (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Alpha Companion: Your companion gains +[1/2/3] circumstance bonus on attack and damage rolls, increases its natural armor bonus to AC by +[2/4/6], and its attacks bypass [1/2/3] of enemy’s damage reduction. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Shared Spirit: Your companion gains +[5/10/15] hit points to its max hit points. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Companion Precision: Your companion gains a +1 competence bonus on critical threat range with its natural attacks (apply afterwards, after all other feats). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Beastmaster Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Strength score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Beastmaster Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Beastmaster Enhancements (Requires Beastmaster Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Resistant Companion: Your companion gains additional 5 elemental resistance to all elements. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Resistant Companion (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Thrill of the Hunt: You gain +[1/2/3] damage for 1 minute after damaging an opponent beneath 50% health. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Hardy Companion: Your companion gains a +[1/2/3] damage reduction/-. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Companion Precision: Your companion gains a +1 competence bonus on critical threat range with its natural attacks (apply afterwards, after all other feats). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Companion Precision (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Beastmaster Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Strength score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Beastmaster Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Beastmaster Enhancements (Requires Beastmaster Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Resistant Companion: Your companion gains additional 5 elemental resistance to all elements. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Resistant Companion (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Elusive Companion: Your companion gains a +[1/2/3] dodge bonus to AC. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Critical Companion: Your companion gains a +1 competence bonus on critical multiplier (to a max of x4). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Companion Precision: Your companion gains a +1 competence bonus on critical threat range with its natural attacks (apply afterwards, after all other feats). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Companion Precision (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Beastmaster Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Strength score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Beastmaster Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Beastmaster Enhancements (Requires Beastmaster Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Resistant Companion: Your companion gains additional 5 elemental resistance to all elements. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Resistant Companion (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Companion Strengthening: Your companion gains a +[2/4/6] competence bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. Rank 3: You gain +1 Strength and Dexterity. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Tough Companion: Your companion gains +[10/20/30] to its max hit points. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Shared Spirit (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Companion Precision: Your companion gains a +1 competence bonus on critical threat range with its natural attacks (apply afterwards, after all other feats). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Companion Precision (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Beastmaster Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Strength score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Beastmaster Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Black Mage

Core Black Mage Enhancements

  • Emissary of Darkness: You have chosen to follow the path of Darkness. For each Core Enhancement you take in this tree, you gain a +1 DC when casting Dark spells. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Empowered by Darkness: You gain a +2 competence bonus on all Saving Throws. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Emissary of Darkness enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Elemental Specialization I: Choose an element to specialize in, gaining a spell-like ability from that element for 3 times per day. In addition, each enhancement point spent in this tree (including this one) grants +1 DC to all spells of that element.
    • Earth: Stone
    • Fire: Fire
    • Ice: Blizzard
    • Lightning: Thunder
    • Water: Water
    • Wind: Aero
      EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Empowered by Darkness enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Elemental Specialization II: Choose an element to specialize in, gaining a spell-like ability from that element for 3 times per day.
    • Earth: Stone III
    • Fire: Fire III
    • Ice: Blizzard III
    • Lightning: Thunder III
    • Water: Water III
    • Wind: Aero III
      EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Elemental Specialization I enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Elemental Specialization III: Choose an element to specialize in, gaining a spell-like ability from that element for 3 times per day.
    • Earth: Stonega
    • Fire: Firaga
    • Ice: Blizzaga
    • Lightning: Thundaga
    • Water: Waterga
    • Wind: Aeroga
      EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Elemental Specialization II enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Mage of Endless Darkness: Your mastery over Darkness has granted you impossible power. You gain a +4 bonus to your Intelligence score, +2 competence bonus on all Saving Throws, and +1 caster level with Dark spells. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Elemental Specialization III enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Black Mage Enhancements

  • Elemental Smiting I: You gain a +1 to critical threat range with Elemental spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Altruism: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Concentration, Diplomacy, and Heal checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Arcane Knowledge: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Spellcraft and Use Magic Device skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Energy of the Disciple: Your studies have increased your maximum MP by an additional [1/2/3]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Black Mage Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Black Mage Enhancements (Requires Black Mage Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Elemental Smiting II: You gain a +1 to critical threat range with Elemental spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Elemental Smiting I (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Wand and Scroll Mastery: +[25/50/75]% damage from your wands, scrolls, and other items that cast spells, and +[1/2/3] to the save DCs of your offensive wands. Taking Wand and Scroll Mastery in one enhancement tree will block its availability in other enhancement trees. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Choose one of the following Metamagic feats (Empower, Enlarge, Maximize, or Quicken). Reduce the MP cost of using that Metamagic by 1. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Just Reward: When you critically hit with a Dark spell, you gain [3/6/10] temporary hit points. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Black Mage Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Black Mage Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Black Mage Enhancements (Requires Black Mage Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Elemental Smiting III: You gain a +1 to critical threat range with Elemental spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Elemental Smiting II (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Choose a different Metamagic feat than Tier 2. Using that Metamagic costs you 1 fewer MP. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Efficient Metamagic (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Resistance: You gain +[1/2/3] to all saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Spell Penetration: +1 to your Caster Level check to overcome enemy Spell Resistance. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Black Mage Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Black Mage Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Black Mage Enhancements (Requires Black Mage Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Elemental Smiting IV: You gain a +1 to critical threat range with Elemental spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Elemental Smiting III (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Efficient Metamagic:Choose a different Metamagic feat than Tier 2/3. Using that Metamagic costs you 1 fewer MP. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Efficient Metamagic (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Intense Elemental: Your elemental spells are cast at +[1/2/3] caster level. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Spell Penetration: +1 to your Caster Level check to overcome enemy Spell Resistance. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Spell Penetration (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Black Mage Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Black Mage Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Black Mage Enhancements (Requires Black Mage Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Elemental Smiting V: You gain a +1 to critical threat range with Elemental spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Elemental Smiting IV (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Incredible Elemental: Your elemental spells that has a cap of a caster level are increased by [1/2/3] levels. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Intense Elemental (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Spell Penetration: +1 to your Caster Level check to overcome enemy Spell Resistance. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Spell Penetration (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Shadow Empowerment: You gain a +1 DC to your Dark spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Black Mage Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Black Mage Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.


Core Dragoon Enhancements

  • Jumper: You gain a +2 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks for jumping for each core enhancement you possess in this tree (including this one). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Poke and Thrust: You gain a +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with all weapons from the polearm and spear weapon groups. In addition, you gain an additional Deadly Lancer die. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have Jumper enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Precise Thrust: You gain a +1 competence bonus on critical threat range (apply after all other feats and class features) with all weapons from the polearm and spear weapon groups. In addition, you gain an additional Deadly Lancer die. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Poke and Thrust enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Power Thrust: You gain a +1 competence bonus on critical multiplier (max of x4) with all weapons from the polearm and spear weapon groups. In addition, you gain an additional Deadly Lancer die. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Precise Thrust enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Runner: You gain a +10 competence bonus on movement speed for each core enhancement you possess in this tree (including this one). In addition, armor no longer reduces your movement speed. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Power Thrust enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Master Thruster: You gain a +4 bonus to your Strength or Dexterity score and +3 Deadly Lancer dice. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Runner enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Dragoon Enhancements

  • Lancer: You gain a Deadly Lancer die. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Accuracy: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on attack rolls with all weapons from the polearm and spear weapon groups. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Acrobatic: You gain a +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Acrobatics to jump. Rank 3: When you hit with Deadly Lancer: Slow your enemy’s movement by 50% for 1 round. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Athletic: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Climb and Swim skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Dragoon Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Strength score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Dragoon Enhancements (Requires Dragoon Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Lancer: You gain a Deadly Lancer die. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Lancer (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Ascetic Training: Your rigorous training gives you various benefits. Choose one:
    • Agility: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Reflex saves and dodge bonus to AC.
    • Conditioning: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Fortitude saves, +[5/10/15] maximum hit points.
      EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Tripping Spear: When you hit with a weapon with reach, you gain a free trip combat maneuver attempt without provoking attacks of opportunity. If you fail the trip attempt, you are not tripped in return. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Spear Specialization: You gain +1 competence bonus (which stacks with other enhancements that give the same bonus) to attack and damage rolls with all weapons from the polearm and spear weapon groups. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Dragoon Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Strength score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Dragoon Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Dragoon Enhancements (Requires Dragoon Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Lancer: You gain a Deadly Lancer die. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Lancer (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Teleporting Jab: When you roll a critical hit on your attack rolls, you teleport [10/20/30] feet above the creature you hit and you gain an additional attack at your highest BAB at the end of your fall. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Critical Spear: You gain a +1 competence bonus on critical threat range (apply after all other feats and class features) with all weapons from the polearm and spear weapon groups. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Spear Specialization: You gain +1 competence bonus (which stacks with other enhancements that give the same bonus) to attack and damage rolls with all weapons from the polearm and spear weapon groups. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Spear Specialization (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Dragoon Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Strength score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Dragoon Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Dragoon Enhancements (Requires Dragoon Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Lancer: You gain a Deadly Lancer die. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Lancer (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Powerful Spear: You gain a +1 competence bonus on critical multiplier (max of x4) with all weapons from the polearm and spear weapon groups. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Improved Blood: You gain a +[1/2/3] blood points for your blood of the dragon pool. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Spear Specialization: You gain +1 competence bonus (which stacks with other enhancements that give the same bonus) to attack and damage rolls with all weapons from the polearm and spear weapon groups. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Spear Specialization (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Dragoon Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Strength score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Dragoon Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Dragoon Enhancements (Requires Dragoon Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Lancer: You gain a Deadly Lancer die. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Lancer (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Dragoon’s Edge: +[1/2/3] to attack rolls to confirm critical hits and +[1/2/3] damage on critical hits (prior to applying weapon multipliers). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Armor Expertise: Armor you equip gains +[1/2/3] bonus to AC. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Spear Specialization: You gain +1 competence bonus (which stacks with other enhancements that give the same bonus) to attack and damage rolls with all weapons from the polearm and spear weapon groups. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Spear Specialization (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Dragoon Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Strength score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Dragoon Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.


Core Knight Enhancements

  • Toughness: You gain +3 maxmimum hit points for each enhancement you gain (including this one) in this tree. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • To the Fore!: While a shield is equipped, you gain a +1 competence bonus on attack and damage with main hand weapon and shield bash attacks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Toughness enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Overbalance: Your shields gain on a natural 20: Knock an opponent prone. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the To the Fore! enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Vicious Shield: Shields you wield gain +1 critical threat range, +1 critical multiplier (maximum of x4), and deals extra damage equal to half your knight level. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Overbalance enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Shield Champion: While a shield is equipped: you gain a +2 competence bonus on attack and damage, and shield bash stuns if you rolled a critical hit, a Fortitude DC (10 + half your knight level + your Strength modifier). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Vicious Shield enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Last Stand: You gain +2 Strength or Constitution and Charisma. You also gain +50 to your maximum hit points. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Shield Champion enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Knight Enhancements

  • Shield Specialization I: While a shield is equipped, you gain a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls, +1 competence bonus on damage rolls, and +1 shield bonus to AC. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Defensive Mastery: +[1/2/3] bonus on Armor Class and Armor Maximum Dexterity Bonus. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Unbalancing Shove: When you shield bash, damaged enemies get -1 penalty to saving throws for [1/2/3] rounds. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Armor Training: +[1/2/3] bonus to Acrobatics, Diplomacy, and Intimidate skill checks. Reduces total penalty to skills from armor and shield by [1/2/3] points. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Knight Ability Boost: +1 to Strength, Constitution, or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Knight Enhancements (Requires Knight Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Shield Specialization II: While a shield is equipped, you gain a +1 competence bonus on attacks, +1 competence bonus on damage rolls, and +1 shield bonus to AC. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Shield Specialization I (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Shield Mastery: +[1/2/3] shield bonus to AC and +[1/2/3] Tower Shield Maximum Dexterity Bonus. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Armor Expertise: Armor you equip gains damage reduction [1/2/3]/- (which stacks with other forms of damage reduction). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Instinctive Defense: You take [1/2/3] less extra damage when struck while helpless. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Knight Ability Boost: +1 to Strength, Constitution, or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Knight Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Knight Enhancements (Requires Knight Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Shield Specialization III: While a shield is equipped, you gain a +1 competence bonus on attacks, +1 competence bonus on damage rolls, and +1 shield bonus to AC. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Shield Specialization II (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Fatal Bulwark: Your shield gains +1 critical threat range. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Shield Riposte: While a shield is equipped, when missed by melee attacker, your shield deals [1d4/1d6/1d8] bludgeoning damage to attacker. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Shield Expertise: Shields and weapons you equip gain +[1/2/3] competence bonus to damage rolls. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Knight Ability Boost: +1 to Strength, Constitution, or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Knight Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Knight Enhancements (Requires Knight Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Shield Specialization IV: While a shield is equipped, you gain a +1 competence bonus on attacks, +1 competence bonus on damage rolls, and +1 shield bonus to AC. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Shield Specialization III (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Armor Mastery: +[1/2/3] bonus on Armor Class and Armor Maximum Dexterity Bonus. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Shield Charge: While a shield is equipped, if you charge forward up to 30 feet to a target, you gain a +[1/2/3] bonus on attack rolls with a charging shield attack that hits enemies around you (hits all enemies adjacent to you. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Myrmidon’s Edge: +[1/2/3] to attack rolls to confirm critical hits and +[1/2/3] damage on critical hits (prior to applying weapon multipliers). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Knight Ability Boost: +1 to Strength, Constitution, or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Knight Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Knight Enhancements (Requires Knight Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Shield Specialization V: While a shield is equipped, you gain a +1 competence bonus on attacks, +1 competence bonus on damage rolls, and +1 shield bonus to AC. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Shield Specialization IV (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Shield Defense: While a shield is equipped, you don’t provoke attacks of opportunity from moving. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Brutal Impact: You gain a +1 critical damage multiplier (to a maximum of x4) and a +25 maximum hit points. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Against All Odds: You gain a damage reduction of 1/- (which stacks with other forms of damage reduction) and taking damage adds a stacking DR 1/- for a minute, stacking up to 5 times. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Knight Ability Boost: +1 to Strength, Constitution, or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Knight Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.


Core Monk Enhancements

  • Bodybuilder: You gain +5 maximum Hit Points for each core enhancement you gain in this tree (including this one). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Fists of Steel: You gain a +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with unarmed strikes for each core enhancement you gain in this tree (including this one). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have Bodybuilder enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Ki-Infused Body: You gain 2 ki points to your ki pool and while you have at least 1 ki point in your ki pool, you gain a damage reduction of 2/-, that stacks with other forms of damage reduction. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Fists of Steel enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Fists of Precision: You gain a +1 competence bonus to your critical threat range with unarmed strikes (apply after all other improvements). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Ki-Infused Body enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Fists of Power: You gain a +1 competence bonus to your critical multiplier with unarmed strikes (max of x4). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Fists of Precision enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Path to Power: You gain a +2 competence bonus on your Strength or Dexterity and Constitution scores and +50 maximum hit points. You regenerate 1 ki point per hour. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Fists of Power enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Monk Enhancements

  • Monk Weapon Training: +1 competence bonus (which stacks with other enhancements that give the same bonus) to attack and damage rolls with monk weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Mystic Maneuvers: Choose a combat maneuver, you gain +[1/2/3] bonus to your CMB when using that combat maneuver. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Monk Acrobatics: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Acrobatics, Climb, and Swim skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Animal Forms: You emulate a creature of nature in your training.
    • Way of the Clever Monkey: Like a monkey, no trap in the world can catch you. You gain +1 to your Stealth skill and all saves against traps, as well as elemental resistance 2 (to all). At monk levels 6, 12, and 18, the skill and save bonuses increase by 1 and elemental resistance increases by 2.
    • Way of the Elegant Crane: Like a crane, you strike with precision and elegance. You gain +1 to your Diplomacy skill, and generate 1 additional Ki on critical hits. At monk levels 6, 12, and 18, these bonuses increase by 1.
    • Way of the Faithful Hound: Like a hound, you are ever vigilant and at home amidst the pack. You gain +1 to your Perception skill and a +2 competence bonus on hit flanked opponents. At monk levels 6, 12, and 18, the bonuses increase by 1.
    • Way of the Patient Tortoise: Like a tortoise, you are calm at heart and worries wash over you. You gain +1 to your Sense Motive skill and 5 additional hit points. At monk levels 6, 12, and 18, the skill bonus increases by 1 and hit point bonus increases by 5.
    • Way of the Tenacious Badger: Like a badger, you are most dangerous when grievously injured. You gain +1 to your Intimidate skill, and whenever you are below 50% health, you regenerate 1 ki point per hour, and you deal 1 additional damage. At monk levels 6, 12, and 18, the skill bonus increases by 1 and the damage bonus increases by 1.
      EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Monk Ability Boost: +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Monk Enhancements (Requires Monk Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Monk Weapon Training: +1 competence bonus (which stacks with other enhancements that give the same bonus) to attack and damage rolls with monk weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Monk Weapon Training (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Ascetic Training: Your rigorous training gives you various benefits. Choose one:
    • Agility: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Reflex saves and dodge bonus to AC.
    • Conditioning: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Fortitude saves, +[5/10/15] maximum hit points.
      EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Contemplation: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Perception checks and Will saves. Rank 3: You regenerate 1 ki point per hour. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Mystic Maneuvers: Choose a different combat maneuver that you didn’t chose from Tier 1, you gain +[1/2/3] bonus to your CMB when using that combat maneuver. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Mystic Maneuvers (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Monk Ability Boost: +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Monk Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Monk Enhancements (Requires Monk Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Monk Weapon Training: +1 competence bonus (which stacks with other enhancements that give the same bonus) to attack and damage rolls with monk weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Monk Weapon Training (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Dodge Training: You gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Health Augmentation: You gain [10/20/30] maximum hit points. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Mystic Maneuvers: Choose a different combat maneuver that you didn’t chose from Tier 1 and 2, you gain +[1/2/3] bonus to your CMB when using that combat maneuver. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Mystic Maneuvers (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Monk Ability Boost: +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Monk Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Monk Enhancements (Requires Monk Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Monk Weapon Training: +1 competence bonus (which stacks with other enhancements that give the same bonus) to attack and damage rolls with monk weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Monk Weapon Training (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Mystic Maneuvers: Choose a different combat maneuver that you didn’t chose from Tier 1/2/3, you gain +[1/2/3] bonus to your CMB when using that combat maneuver. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Mystic Maneuvers (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Dodge Training: You gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Dodge Training (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Precise Unarmed Strike Training: You gain a +1 competence bonus to your critical threat range with unarmed strikes (apply after all other improvements). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Precise Unarmed Strike Training (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Monk Ability Boost: +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Monk Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Monk Enhancements (Requires Monk Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Monk Weapon Training: +1 competence bonus (which stacks with other enhancements that give the same bonus) to attack and damage rolls with monk weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Monk Weapon Training (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Dodge Mastery: You gain a +[1/2/3] dodge bonus to AC and whenever an enemy would miss you with an attack, you gain [10/20/30] temporary hit points for 1 minute. Repeated misses do not stack temporary hit points, just refresh them if missing some or all temporary hit points. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Dodge Training (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Powerful Unarmed Strikes: You gain a +1 competence bonus to your critical multiplier with unarmed strikes (max of x4). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Precise Unarmed Strike Training: You gain a +1 competence bonus to your critical threat range with unarmed strikes (apply after all other improvements). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Precise Unarmed Strike Training (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Monk Ability Boost: +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Monk Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Red Mage

Core Red Mage Enhancements

  • Eldritch Strike: Your weapon is imbued with eldritch energies. If you attack and hit an enemy, your weapon also releases a blast of magical energy, dealing an additional 1d2 points of non-elemental damage per red mage level to all foes within 15 feet. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Ruby Knowledgeable: You increase the Intelligence/Wisdom score for Ruby Knowledge as if it were two points higher. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have Eldritch Strike enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Spellsword: Your equipped weapons and shields gain magical damage (Earth, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, or Wind), causing them to deal an additional 1d6 (element) damage on hit and granting them Ghost Touch. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Ruby Knowledgeable enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Ruby Knowledgeable II: You increase the Intelligence/Wisdom score for Ruby Knowledge as if it were two points higher. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Spellsword enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Arcane Weapons: You gain a +5 arcane points to your arcane pool, but these points can only be spent imbuing your weapon. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Ruby Knowledgeable II enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Mage Blade: You gain a +2 competence bonus on your Strength (or Dexterity) and Charisma scores and your spellsword deals an additional 1d6 points of (element) damage. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Arcane Weapons enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Red Mage Enhancements

  • Altruism: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Concentration, Diplomacy and Heal. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Energy of the Disciple: Your studies have increased your maximum MP by an additional [1/2/3]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Arcane Knowledge: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Spellcraft and Use Magic Device skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Acrobatic: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Acrobatics, Climb, and Swim skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Red Mage Ability Boost: +1 to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Red Mage Enhancements (Requires Red Mage Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Ascetic Training: Your rigorous training gives you various benefits. Choose one:
    • Agility: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Reflex saves and dodge bonus to AC.
    • Conditioning: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Fortitude saves, +[5/10/15] maximum hit points.
      EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Wand and Scroll Mastery: +[25/50/75]% damage and healing from your wands, scrolls, and other items that cast spells, and +[1/2/3] to the save DCs of your offensive wands. Taking Wand and Scroll Mastery in one enhancement tree will block its availability in other enhancement trees. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Choose one of the following Metamagic feats (Empower, Enlarge, Maximize, or Quicken). Reduce the MP cost of using that Metamagic by 1. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Slayer: Killing an enemy grants you a +[1/2/3] morale bonus to attack and damage rolls. This lasts for 1 minute. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Red Mage Ability Boost: +1 to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Red Mage Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Red Mage Enhancements (Requires Red Mage Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Ascetic Training: Your rigorous training gives you various benefits. Choose the other option you didn’t choose from Ascetic Training (Tier 2):
    • Agility: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Reflex saves and dodge bonus to AC.
    • Conditioning: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Fortitude saves, +[5/10/15] maximum hit points.
      EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Ascetic Training (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Choose a different Metamagic feat than Tier 2. Using that Metamagic costs you 1 fewer MP. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: `; Prerequisite: You must have the Efficient Metamagic (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Resistance: You gain +[1/2/3] to all saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Spell Penetration: +1 to your Caster Level check to overcome enemy Spell Resistance. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Red Mage Ability Boost: +1 to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Red Mage Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Red Mage Enhancements (Requires Red Mage Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Improved Spell Combat: You gain a +1 competence bonus to attack rolls when using spell combat and gain a +2 competence bonus on Concentration checks. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Spell Combat class feature to select this enhancement.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Choose a different Metamagic feat than Tier 2/3. Using that Metamagic costs you 1 fewer MP. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Efficient Metamagic (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Myrmidon’s Edge: +[1/2/3] to attack rolls to confirm critical hits and +[1/2/3] damage on critical hits (prior to applying weapon multipliers). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Spell Penetration: +1 to your Caster Level check to overcome enemy Spell Resistance. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Spell Penetration (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Red Mage Ability Boost: +1 to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Red Mage Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Red Mage Enhancements (Requires Red Mage Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Improved Spell Combat: You gain a +1 competence bonus to attack rolls when using spell combat and gain a +2 competence bonus on Concentration checks. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Improved Spell Combat (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Paragon Body: You no longer suffer Spell Failure from armor. You gain +2 competence bonus on Fortitude saves and +10% bonus to maximum hit points. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Armor Mastery: +[1/2/3] bonus to armor class and armor maximum dexterity bonus. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Empowerment: You gain a +1 DC to your spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Red Mage Ability Boost: +1 to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Red Mage Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.


Core Thief Enhancements

  • Knife in the Darkness: You gains proficiency with Kukris. You can also use your Dexterity modifier to hit with Daggers and Kukris. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Dagger in the Back: You can now use your Dexterity for damage with Daggers and Kukris. If you also possess the Weapon Finesse feat, this also applies to melee weapons with which you can use your Dexterity modifier to hit. This enhancement does not work with handwraps or unarmed attacks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Knife in the Darkness enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Kip Up: You are immune to most knockdown effects and slippery surfaces. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Dagger in the Back enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Nimbleness: Every successful attack you hit with, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC for 5 rounds. This effect can stack up to 10 times. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have Kip Up enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Lethality: While wearing light or no armor, you gain a +1 insight bonus to your critical damage multiplier for any one-handed or light weapon you are wielding up to a maximum of x4. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Nimbleness enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Deadly Shadow: You gain +2 Dexterity and +2 Intelligence. You also gain +4 Sneak Attack dice and a +4 competence bonus to Reflex saves. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Lethality enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Thief Enhancements

  • Awareness: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Perception and Sense Motive checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Charming: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Mechanics: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Disable Device and Repair checks. +[1/2/3] to Saving Throws you make against traps. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Stealthy: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Stealth checks and +[5/10/15] feet extra movement speed while stealthing. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Thief Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Thief Enhancements (Requires Thief Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Combat Maneuver Focus: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on CMB rolls of combat maneuver attempts. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Improved Traps: +[1/2/3] to the save DC’s of all traps. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Improved Reaction: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Reflex saves and an additional +[1/2/3] saves against traps. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Sneak Attack Training: Grants +1 Sneak Attack die and +1 competence bonus on attack rolls when performing sneak attacks. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Sneak Attack class feature to select this enhancement.
  • Thief Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Berserker Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Thief Enhancements (Requires Thief Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Critical Mastery: +[1/2/3] bonus to critical damage and to confirm critical hits. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Light Blades Training: +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with light blades. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Shadow Dodge: +[1/2/3] dodge bonus to AC. +[1/2/3] additional Maximum Dexterity while wearing light armor. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Sneak Attack Training: Grants +1 Sneak Attack die and +1 competence bonus to hit when performing sneak attacks. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Sneak Attack Training (Tier 2) to select this enhancement.
  • Thief Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Thief Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Thief Enhancements (Requires Thief Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Improved Defensive Roll: Defensive Roll now triggers at [30/40/50]% or below health. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Defensive Roll advanced thief talent to select this enhancement.
  • Light Blades Advanced Training: +1 competence bonus on attack rolls and +2 competence bonus on damage rolls with light blades. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Light Blades Training (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • No Mercy: You deal 2d6/4d6/6d6 additional damage to helpless opponents. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Sneak Attack Training: Grants +1 Sneak Attack die and +1 competence bonus on attack rolls when performing sneak attacks. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Sneak Attack Training (Tier 3) to select this enhancement.
  • Thief Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Thief Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Thief Enhancements (Requires Thief Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Light Armor Mastery: Gain +[2/4/6] to the Maximum Dexterity Bonus of light armor and gain DR/- of [1/2/3]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Light Blades Superior Training: +3 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with light blades. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Light Blades Advanced Training (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Light Blades Specialization: You gain a +1 competence bonus to critical damage multiplier (max of x4) and critical threat range (apply after all other improvements) with light blades. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Light Blades Superior Training enhancement (Tier 5) to select this enhancement.
  • Sneak Attack Training: Grants +1 Sneak Attack die and +1 competence bonus on attack rolls when performing sneak attacks. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Sneak Attack Training (Tier 4) to select this enhancement.
  • Thief Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Thief Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.


Core Warrior Enhancements

  • Focus Training: Select a group of weapons (from the weapon groups of chosen weapon) as your focus. You gain +1 competence bonus on attack rolls with these weapons, and many abilities require that you use one of these weapons. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Spiritual Bond: When you have a weapon equipped in your main hand that is part of your Focus, it gains on a natural 20: you gain one stack of Battle Meditation: This weapon gains a +1 insight bonus to attack and damage rolls for 1 minute. This stacks up to the number of core enhancements you possess in this tree (including this one). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Focus Training enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Stand Fast: You gain immunity to Fear and Knockdown effects and a +10% bonus to your maximum hit points. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Spiritual Bond enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Strike With No Thought: Your weapons gain +1 competence bonus to critical damage multiplier (to a maximum of x4). When you have a weapon equipped in your main hand that is part of your Focus, you gain a +1 competence bonus to critical hit range (applied after all class features/feats that also increase critical hit range). Each additional core enhancement you acquire from this tree (including this one) increases this bonus by 1. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Stand Fast enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Defensive Measure: You gain a +1 competence bonus on Saves, AC, and immunity to Energy Drain. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: The fighter must be at least 18th level and have the Strike with No Thought enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Alacrity: You gain a +2 to all physical ability scores and a +2 to the DCs of all class features. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Defensive Measure enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Warrior Enhancements

  • Weapon Group Specialization: You gain +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with your Focus group. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Focus Training enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Accuracy: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to attack rolls. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Intimidating Skills: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Intimidate skill checks. Rank 3: +1 Will saves. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Warrior Acrobatics: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Acrobatics, Climb, and Swim skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Warrior Ability Boost: +1 to Strength or Dexterity score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Warrior Enhancements (Requires Warrior Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Weapon Group Specialization: You gain +1 competence bonus on attack rolls and +2 competence bonus on damage rolls with one handed weapons. You gain +1 competence bonus on attack rolls and +3 competence bonus on damage rolls with two handed weapons. These bonuses only apply to weapons in your focus group. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Weapon Group Specialization (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Ascetic Training: Your rigorous training gives you various benefits. Choose one:
    • Agility: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Reflex saves and dodge bonus to AC.
    • Conditioning: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Fortitude saves, +[5/10/15] maximum hit points.
      EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Slayer: Killing an enemy grants you a +[1/2/3] morale bonus on attack and damage rolls. This lasts for 1 minute. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Maneuver Training: Increase combat maneuver attack rolls by +[1/2/3]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Warrior Ability Boost: +1 to Strength or Dexterity score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Warrior Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Warrior Enhancements (Requires Warrior Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Weapon Group Specialization: You gain a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls and +2 competence bonus on damage rolls with weapons in your Focus group. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Weapon Group Specialization (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Armor Expertise: Armor you equip gains +[1/2/3] bonus to AC. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Athletic Mastery: +[1/2/3] maximum Dexterity bonus and –[1/2/3] armor check penalty (works with all armor types). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Ascetic Training: Your rigorous training gives you various benefits. Choose the other option you didn’t choose from Ascetic Training (Tier 2):
    • Agility: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Reflex saves and dodge bonus to AC.
    • Conditioning: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Fortitude saves, +[5/10/15] maximum hit points.
      EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Ascetic Training (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Warrior Ability Boost: +1 to Strength or Dexterity score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Warrior Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Warrior Enhancements (Requires Warrior Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Weapon Group Specialization: You gain +1 competence bonus on attack rolls and +2 competence bonus on damage rolls with one handed weapons. You gain +1 competence bonus on attack rolls and +4 competence bonus on damage rolls with two handed weapons. These bonuses only apply to weapons in your focus group. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Weapon Group Specialization (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Strike at the Heart: Your weapon attacks inflict a stack of Armor Destruction. (a stacking -1 penalty to Armor Class, for a minute. Stacks up to 15 times). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Liquid Courage: After drinking a potion, you receive additional healing equal to half your warrior level when you receive healing for a minute. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Myrmidon’s Edge: +[1/2/3] on attack rolls to confirm critical hits and +[1/2/3] damage on critical hits (prior to applying weapon multipliers). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Warrior Ability Boost: +1 to Strength or Dexterity score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Warrior Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Warrior Enhancements (Requires Warrior Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Weapon Master: You gain a +3 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with all weapons and a +25% bonus to maximum hit points. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Weapon Group Specialization (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Keen Edge: You gain a +1 competence bonus to critical threat range (apply after all class features and feats that affect critical threat range) with your Focus weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Brutal Impact: You gain a +1 critical damage multiplier (up to a maximum of x4) on a natural roll of a 19-20 and +25% bonus to maximum hit points. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Armor Mastery: +[1/2/3] bonus to armor class and armor maximum dexterity bonus. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Warrior Ability Boost: +1 to Strength or Dexterity score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Warrior Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.

White Mage

Core White Mage Enhancements

  • Emissary of Light: You have chosen to follow the path of Light. For each core enhancement you take in this tree (including this one), you gain a +1 DC when casting Light spells. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Empowered by Light: You gain a +2 competence bonus on all Saving Throws. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Emissary of Light enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Improved Empower Healing: Whenever you use Empower on a healing spell, you heal for additional 10%. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level, have the Empowered by Light enhancement and have the Empower Spell feat to select this enhancement.
  • Radiant Servant: Every fifth healing spell you cast deals maximum healing. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Improved Empower Healing enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Shine Bright: You gain a +2 competence bonus on your Wisdom or Charisma score, +2 to spell DCs, +2 to all skills and you are able to cast the spell, Searing Light, at will as a spell-like ability. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Radiant Servant enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Mage of Endless Light: Your mastery over Light has granted you impossible power. You gain a +4 bonus to your Wisdom score, +2 competence bonus on all Saving Throws, and +1 caster level with Light spells. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Shine Bright enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 White Mage Enhancements

  • Holy Smiting I: You gain a +1 to critical threat range with Light spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Altruism: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Concentration, Diplomacy and Heal. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Holy Cleansing: When using Lay on Hands, it removes harmful effects from your target. Leaves a lingering immunity to natural and magical diseases and poisons for 1 round per white mage level. Rank 1: Removes all Disease and Poison effects. Rank 2: Removes all Disease, Poison, Blindness and Curse effects. Rank 3: Removes all Disease, Poison, Blindness, Curse, Paralysis and Petrification effects. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Lay on Hands class feature to select this enhancement.
  • Energy of the Disciple: Your studies have increased your maximum MP by an additional [1/2/3]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • White Mage Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 White Mage Enhancements (Requires White Mage Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Holy Smiting II: You gain a +1 to critical threat range with Light spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Holy Smiting I (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Wand and Scroll Mastery: +[25/50/75]% damage and healing from your wands, scrolls, and other items that cast spells, and +[1/2/3] to the save DCs of your offensive wands. Taking Wand and Scroll Mastery in one enhancement tree will block its availability in other enhancement trees. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Choose one of the following Metamagic feats (Empower, Enlarge, Maximize, or Quicken). Reduce the MP cost of using that Metamagic by 1. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Just Reward: When you critically hit with a Light spell, you gain [5/10/15] temporary hit points. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • White Mage Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the White Mage Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 White Mage Enhancements (Requires White Mage Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Holy Smiting III: You gain a +1 to critical threat range with Light spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Holy Smiting II (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Choose a different Metamagic feat than Tier 2. Using that Metamagic costs you 1 fewer MP. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Efficient Metamagic (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Resistance: You gain +[1/2/3] to all saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Spell Penetration: +1 to your caster level check to overcome enemy Spell Resistance. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • White Mage Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the White Mage Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 White Mage Enhancements (Requires White Mage Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Holy Smiting IV: You gain a +1 to critical threat range with Light spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Holy Smiting III (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Choose a different Metamagic feat than Tier 2/3. Using that Metamagic costs you 1 fewer MP. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Efficient Metamagic (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Intense Healing: Your healing spells are cast at +[1/2/3] caster level. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Spell Penetration: +1 to your Caster Level check to overcome enemy Spell Resistance. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Spell Penetration (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • White Mage Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the White Mage Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 White Mage Enhancements (Requires White Mage Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Holy Smiting V: You gain a +1 to critical threat range with Light spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Holy Smiting IV (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Incredible Healing: Your healing spells that has a cap of a caster level are increased by [1/2/3] levels. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Intense Healing (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Superb Health: You are immune to natural, magical, and supernatural diseases. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Holy Empowerment: You gain a +1 DC to your Light spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • White Mage Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the White Mage Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Base Classes


Core Astrologian Enhancements

  • Improved Globe: Increase star globe damage by 1d4, and +1 damage per core enhancement you take in this tree (including this one). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Future Endeavors: Your Anticipate Danger now grants +1 to Reflex saves in addition to its normal effects, this bonus increases by 1 for each core enhancement you take in this tree. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Improved Globe enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Enhanced Draw: Your Draw ability lasts longer, lasting a number of additional rounds equal to half your astrologian level and you gain 1 more daily use. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Future Endeavors enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • True Seeing: You permanently gain the effects of the True Seeing spell. You gain +1 competence bonus to critical threat range and multiplier with your star globe. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Enhanced Draw enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Foretold: You can now apply both the buffs and debuffs of Foretell each time the ability is used and your star globe now does an extra 1d4 damage. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the True Seeing enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Star-Crossed: You now have nearly total control over fate. You gain a +4 Wisdom, your star globe upgrades to d6s, your star globe now does an extra 1d6 damage, and can make an extra attack as a full-round action (this stacks with any talents). In addition, all divination spells count as an additional spell level lower for MP costs, stacking with Far Seer (minimum 1 still) and Read the Stars will always impart a bonus instead of penalty, with the bonuses doubling on success. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Foretold enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Astrologian Enhancements

  • Smiting I: You gain a +1 DC with non-elemental spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Altruism: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Concentration, Diplomacy and Heal. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Energy of the Disciple: Your studies have increased your maximum MP by an additional [1/2/3]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Arcane Knowledge: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Spellcraft and Use Magic Device skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Astrologian Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Astrologian Enhancements (Requires Astrologian Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Smiting II: You gain a +1 DC with non-elemental spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Smiting I (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Wand and Scroll Mastery: +[25/50/75]% healing and damage from your wands, scrolls, and other items that cast spells, and +[1/2/3] to the save DCs of your offensive wands. Taking Wand and Scroll Mastery in one enhancement tree will block its availability in other enhancement trees. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Choose one of the following Metamagic feats (Empower, Enlarge, Maximize, or Quicken). Reduce the MP cost of using that Metamagic by 1. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Just Reward: When you critically hit with a non-elemental spell, you gain [5/10/15] temporary hit points. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Astrologian Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Astrologian Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Astrologian Enhancements (Requires Astrologian Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Smiting III: You gain a +1 DC with non-elemental spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Smiting II (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Choose a different Metamagic feat than Tier 2. Using that Metamagic costs you 1 fewer MP. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Efficient Metamagic (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Resistance: You gain +[1/2/3] to all saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Spell Penetration: +1 to your caster level check to overcome enemy Spell Resistance. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Astrologian Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Astrologian Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Astrologian Enhancements (Requires Astrologian Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Smiting IV: You gain a +1 DC with non-elemental spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Smiting III (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Choose a different Metamagic feat than Tier 2/3. Using that Metamagic costs you 1 fewer MP. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Efficient Metamagic (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Intense Healing: Your healing spells are cast at +[1/2/3] caster level. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Spell Penetration: +1 to your caster level check to overcome enemy Spell Resistance. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Spell Penetration (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Astrologian Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Astrologian Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Astrologian Enhancements (Requires Astrologian Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Smiting V: You gain a +1 DC with non-elemental spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Smiting IV (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Incredible Healing: Your healing spells that has a cap of a caster level are increased by [1/2/3] levels. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Intense Healing (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Superb Health: You are immune to natural, magical, and supernatural diseases. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Empowerment: You gain a +1 DC to your non-elemental spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Astrologian Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Astrologian Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.


Core Berserker Enhancements

  • Die Hard: You gain the Diehard feat, automatically stabilizing when incapacitated. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Furious Rage: When you are raging and miss your attack by rolling a 1, you gain Fury for 1 round. Fury: +1 rage bonus to attack and damage. This effect stacks and one stack fades every round. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Die Hard enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Toughness: You gain a +1 competence bonus on your Constitution score and +5 hit points. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Furious Rage enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Elemental Defense: When enemy deals elemental damage to you, there’s a 25% chance, you’ll gain 10 temporary hit points for 1 minute. This can trigger up to once a round. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Toughness enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Subsiding Fury: When you use Rage, you gain 3 stacks of Fury. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Elemental Defense enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Mind Over Magic: You have a Spell Resistance equal to your Constitution score. In addition, you also gain +4 bonus to your Constitution score and +20 Hit Points. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Subsiding Fury enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Berserker Enhancements

  • Intimidate: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Intimidate checks. Rank 3: +1 bonus on Will saves. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Extra Rage: +[2/4/6] rounds of Rage per day. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Power Rage: +[1/2/3] Strength while raging. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Die Harder: Your range of unconsciousness extends +[5/10/15] hit points. When you drop below 1 HP, you gain [10/20/30] temporary hit points for 1 minute. This can only trigger once per encounter. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Berserker Ability Boost: +1 to Strength or Constitution score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Berserker Enhancements (Requires Berserker Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Combat Maneuver Focus: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to the CMB rolls of combat maneuver attempts. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Hardy Rage: +[1/2/3] Constitution while raging. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Power Rage (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Natural Weapons Training: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with natural weapons. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Power Attack: Your Power Attack feat deals +[1/2/3] additional point(s) of bonus damage. Note: This extra damage is doubled when wielding a two-handed weapon. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Power Attack feat to select this enhancement.
  • Berserker Ability Boost: +1 to Strength or Constitution score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Berserker Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Berserker Enhancements (Requires Berserker Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Critical Mastery: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to critical damage and to confirm critical hits. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Willpower Rage: You gain +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Will saving throws while raging. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Hardy Rage (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Lessons of Travel: +[2/4/6] elemental resistance against Earth, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, and Wind damage. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Lessons of Nature: You gain a +[2/4/6] competence bonus to saves vs. both disease and poison. Rank 3: You don’t fail disease or poison saving throws on a roll of 1. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Berserker Ability Boost: +1 to Strength or Constitution score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Berserker Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Berserker Enhancements (Requires Berserker Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Bond of Retribution: While below 50% health, you gain +1 competence bonus on critical damage multiplier on attack rolls (to a maximum of x4). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Fear Me!: When you use the Intimidate skill, affected enemies are also Frightened for 1 round. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • I Like Pain: When you are hit: [10/20/30]% chance to gain +[5/10/15] temporary hit points for 1 minute. These temporary hit points stack with other means of temporary hit point gains. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Aura of Fear: Adjacent enemies receive a -2 penalty to Strength and Charisma. Rank 2: Adjacent enemies receive a -2 penalty to Strength, Charisma, Dexterity and Wisdom. Rank 3: Adjacent enemies receive a -2 penalty to all ability scores. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Berserker Ability Boost: +1 to Strength or Constitution score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must have the Berserker Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Berserker Enhancements (Requires Berserker Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Focused Wrath: +[1/2] competence bonus to critical multiplier (up to a max of x4). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 2; Prerequisite: None.
  • Healing or Hurt: Choose one:
    • Accelerated Metabolism: While you rage, you heal 10 hit points every round.
    • Raging Blows: While you rage, you gain +5 competence bonus on attack rolls and your melee attacks deal an extra die of damage.
      EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • I Hit Back!: When you are hit: [10/20/30]% chance to deal [1/2/3]x weapon damage to attacker. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Bully: You deal +[5/10/15] damage to helpless enemies. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Berserker Ability Boost: +1 to Strength or Constitution score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Berserker Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Blue Mage

Core Blue Mage Enhancements

  • Sagacity: You gain a +2 competence bonus on Knowledge skill checks for each enhancement you possess in this tree (including this one). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Perceptive Scan: When using Scan, you gain a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls against that creature for each enhancement you possess in this tree (including this one). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have Sagacity enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Favored Offense: Against favored enemies, your weapons gain a +1 competence bonus on critical threat range (apply after all other bonuses) and to critical multiplier (to a max of x4). In addition, you also deal 1d6 points of precision damage against favored enemies. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Perceptive Scan enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Hasted Natural Attack: While attacking with natural weapons, you gain an additional attack at your highest BAB with a full-attack action. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Favored Offense enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Mark of the Blue Wizard: Your attacks bypass an additional damage reduction up to 5/- versus favored enemies and you also gain +2 damage when attacking favored enemies. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Hasted Natural Attack enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Cerulean Caster: You gain a +4 bonus to your Intelligence score and you deal an additional 1d6 points of precision damage versus favored enemies. In addition, you add your favored enemy bonus as an insight bonus on saves against spells and abilities used by your favored enemies. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Mark of the Blue Wizard enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Blue Mage Enhancements

  • Extra Favored Enemy: A new creature type is added to your list of favored enemies. Choose between: Aberration, Animal, Construct, Dragon Fey, Humanoid, Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, Ooze, Outsider, Plant, Undead, or Vermin. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Favored Enemy class feature to select this enhancement.
  • Favored Defense: You gain +[2/4/6] Armor Class when attacked by Favored Enemies. You gain +[1/2/3] to Saving Throws against spells or effects from Favored Enemies. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Favored Enemy class feature to select this enhancement.
  • Energy of the Disciple: Your studies have increased your maximum MP by an additional [1/2/3]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Arcane Knowledge: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Spellcraft and Use Magic Device skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Blue Mage Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Blue Mage Enhancements (Requires Blue Mage Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Extra Favored Enemy: A new creature type is added to your list of favored enemies. Choose between: Aberration, Animal, Construct, Dragon Fey, Humanoid, Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, Ooze, Outsider, Plant, Undead, or Vermin. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Extra Favored Enemy (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Wand and Scroll Mastery: +[25/50/75]% healing and damage from your wands, scrolls, and other items that cast spells, and +[1/2/3] to the save DCs of your offensive wands. Taking Wand and Scroll Mastery in one enhancement tree will block its availability in other enhancement trees. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Choose one of the following Metamagic feats (Empower, Enlarge, Maximize, or Quicken). Reduce the MP cost of using that Metamagic by 1. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Resistance: You gain +[1/2/3] to all saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Blue Mage Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Blue Mage Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Blue Mage Enhancements (Requires Blue Mage Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Extra Favored Enemy: A new creature type is added to your list of favored enemies. Choose between: Aberration, Animal, Construct, Dragon Fey, Humanoid, Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, Ooze, Outsider, Plant, Undead, or Vermin. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Extra Favored Enemy (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Favored Hunter: You gain +[1/2/3] on attack and damage rolls when attacking a favored enemy. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Favored Enemy class feature to select this enhancement.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Choose a different Metamagic feat than Tier 2. Using that Metamagic costs you 1 fewer MP. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Efficient Metamagic (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Spell Penetration: +1 to your caster level check to overcome enemy Spell Resistance. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Blue Mage Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Blue Mage Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Blue Mage Enhancements (Requires Blue Mage Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Extra Favored Enemy: A new creature type is added to your list of favored enemies. Choose between: Aberration, Animal, Construct, Dragon Fey, Humanoid, Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, Ooze, Outsider, Plant, Undead, or Vermin. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Extra Favored Enemy (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Choose a different Metamagic feat than Tier 2/3. Using that Metamagic costs you 1 fewer MP. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Efficient Metamagic (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Spell Penetration: +1 to your Caster Level check to overcome enemy Spell Resistance. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Spell Penetration (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Monster Empowerment: You gain a +1 DC to your spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Blue Mage Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Blue Mage Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Blue Mage Enhancements (Requires Blue Mage Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Extra Favored Enemy: A new creature type is added to your list of favored enemies. Choose between: Aberration, Animal, Construct, Dragon Fey, Humanoid, Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, Ooze, Outsider, Plant, Undead, or Vermin. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Extra Favored Enemy (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Choose a different Metamagic feat than Tier 2, 3, and 4. Using that Metamagic costs you 1 fewer MP. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Efficient Metamagic (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Spell Penetration: +1 to your caster level check to overcome enemy Spell Resistance. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Spell Penetration (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Monster Empowerment: You gain a +1 DC to your spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Monster Empowerment (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Blue Mage Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Blue Mage Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.


Core Chemist Enhancements

  • Poisoner: +2 competence bonus on saves vs. Poisons, +2 competence bonus on saves vs. Diseases. These bonuses increase by 2 for every core enhancement in this tree (including this one). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Poisoned Coating: Your weapons are coated with poison that deals an additional 1d6 non-elemental damage on a successful hit. You gain an additional 1d6 every three chemist levels (at 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th and 18th). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Poisoner enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Hidden Blades: Your Poisoned Coating dice are now d8s (instead of the original d6s). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Poisoned Coating enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Alchemical Shield: While in light or no armor, you have a +4 alchemical bonus to AC and are protected from Ruin (this spell deals no damage to you). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Hidden Blades enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Brushed Aside: You gain the Defensive Roll class feature as a thief with this advanced thief talent. Your Poisoned Coating dice are now d10s (replacing previous d8s). While wielding a weapon in your main hand and nothing in your off hand, you have a +1 competence bonus to critical multiplier up to a maximum of x4. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Alchemical Shield enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Venom’s Grip: You gain +2 Dexterity and Intelligence. You also gain +4 Bomb dice and your Poisoned Coating dice are now d12 (replacing previous d10s). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Brushed Aside enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Chemist Enhancements

  • Deadly Poison I: You gain a +2 competence bonus on hit and +1 competence bonus on damage while wielding a weapon in your main hand and nothing in your off hand. Note: This enhancement and the following enhancements work with quarterstaffs. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Apothecary Skills: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Diplomacy and Heal skill checks. Rank 3: +1 Will saves. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Arcane Knowledge: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Spellcraft and Use Magic Device skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Alchemical Item Mastery: +[25/50/75]% damage and healing from your alchemical items, and +[1/3/6] to the save DCs of your alchemical items. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Chemist Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Chemist Enhancements (Requires Chemist Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Deadly Poison II: You gain a +2 competence bonus on hit and +1 competence bonus on damage while wielding a weapon in your main hand and nothing in your off hand. Note: This enhancement and the following enhancements work with quarterstaffs. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Deadly Poison I (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Alchemical Accuracy: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to attack rolls. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Bomb Critical: Your bombs now have a chance to crit on a 19-20. Stacks with Improved Critical, applied afterwards. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Bomb class feature to select this enhancement.
  • Bomb Training: Grants +1 Bomb die and +1 competence bonus on attack rolls when throwing bombs. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Bomb class feature to select this enhancement.
  • Chemist Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Chemist Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Chemist Enhancements (Requires Chemist Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Deadly Poison III: You gain a +2 competence bonus on hit and +1 competence bonus on damage while wielding a weapon in your main hand and nothing in your off hand. Note: This enhancement and the following enhancements work with quarterstaffs. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Deadly Poison II (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Safety Goggles: +[1/2/3] dodge bonus to Armor Class and +[2/4/6] elemental tesistance to Earth, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, and Wind damage. Rank 3: Blindness Immunity. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Toxic Augmentation: Your melee/ranged attacks against poisoned enemies reduce their Fortitude saves by -1 for 1 minute. This effect stacks up to 4 times. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Poisoned Coating enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Bomb Training: Grants +1 Bomb die and +1 competence bonus on attack rolls when throwing bombs. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must have the Bomb Training (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Chemist Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Chemist Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Chemist Enhancements (Requires Chemist Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Deadly Poison IV: You gain +2 competence bonus on attack rolls and +1 competence bonus on damage rolls while wielding a weapon in your main hand and nothing in your off hand. Note: This enhancement and the following enhancements work with quarterstaffs. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Deadly Poison III (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Elemental Defenses: When enemy spells deal elemental damage against you, there’s a 25% chance you’ll gain +[10/20/30] temporary hit points for 1 minute. This can trigger up to once a round. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Insulated Boots: +[20/25/30] Spell Resistance. Rank 3: You are immune to Slippery Surfaces. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Bomb Training: Grants +1 Bomb die and +1 competence bonus on attack rolls when throwing bombs. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must have the Bomb Training (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Chemist Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Chemist Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Chemist Enhancements (Requires Chemist Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Fatal Poison: You gain +2 competence bonus on attack rolls, +1 competence bonus on damage rolls, and +1 competence bonus to Critical Range while wielding a weapon in your main hand and nothing in your off hand. Note: This enhancement and the following enhancements work with quarterstaffs. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Deadly Poison IV (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Chemical Weapon: Your poisoned weapons deal double weapon damage. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Toxic Augmentation (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Gloves of the Master Apothecary: +5 competence bonus to Craft (Alchemy) skill checks. You have a 15% chance to retain a copy of any single-use Healing Potion that you drink. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Bomb Training: Grants +1 Bomb die and +1 competence bonus on attack rolls when throwing bombs. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must have the Bomb Training (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Chemist Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Chemist Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Chocobo Knight

Core Chocobo Knight Enhancements

  • Alpha Chocobo I: Your Chocobo gains the ability to cast Choco Cure up to once per day as a spell-like ability. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Improved Commander’s Aura: Your aura’s bonuses increase by 1 and you gain 2 extra rounds of Commander’s Aura for every core enhancement you have in this tree (including this one). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Alpha Chocobo I enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Alpha Chocobo II: Your Chocobo gains the ability to cast Choco Guard up to once per day as a spell-like ability. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Improved Commander’s Aura enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Enhanced Banner: Your banner’s bonuses increase by 1 and the banner’s range increases by 10 feet. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Alpha Chocobo II Enhanced Banner enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Alpha Chocobo III: Your Chocobo gains the ability to cast Choco Barrier up to onceper day as a spell-like ability. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Enhanced Banner enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Commander: You gain +2 to Strength or Dexterity and Charisma. You deal an additional 2d6 of precision damage against targets you charged against while mounted. In addition, your Chocobo gains one additional use of its spell-like abilities and a +2 to all stats. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Alpha Chocobo III enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Chocobo Knight Enhancements

  • Resistant Companion: Your companion gains 5 elemental resistance to all elements. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Extra Aura: +[2/4/6] rounds of Commander’s Aura per day. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Resilient Companion: Your companion gains a +[1/2/3] competence bonus on all saves. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Rider: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Acrobatics, Handle Animal, and Ride skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Chocobo Knight Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity, Strength, or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Chocobo Knight Enhancements (Requires Chocobo Knight Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Resistant Companion: Your companion gains additional 5 elemental resistance to all elements. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Resistant Companion (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Alpha Companion: Your companion gains +[1/2/3] circumstance bonus on attack and damage rolls, +[2/4/6] natural armor bonus to AC, and its attacks bypass [1/2/3] of enemy’s damage reduction. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Shared Spirit: Your companion gains +[5/10/15] hit points to its max hit points. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Companion Precision: Your companion gains a +1 competence bonus on critical threat range with its natural attacks (apply afterwards, after all other feats). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Chocobo Knight Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity, Strength, or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Chocobo Knight Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Chocobo Knight Enhancements (Requires Chocobo Knight Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Resistant Companion: Your companion gains additional 5 elemental resistance to all elements. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Resistant Companion (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Charge!: Whenever you charge while mounted, you gain a +[1/2/3] competence bonus on attack rolls and deal an additional +[2/4/6] points of precision damage. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Hardy Companion: Your companion gains a +[1/2/3] damage reduction/-. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Companion Precision: Your companion gains a +1 competence bonus on critical threat range with its natural attacks (apply afterwards, after all other feats). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Companion Precision (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Chocobo Knight Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity, Strength, or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Chocobo Knight Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Chocobo Knight Enhancements (Requires Chocobo Knight Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Resistant Companion: Your companion gains additional 5 elemental resistance to all elements. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Resistant Companion (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Elusive Companion: Your companion gains a +[1/2/3] dodge bonus to AC. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Critical Companion: Your companion gains a +1 competence bonus on critical multiplier (to a max of x4). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Companion Precision: Your companion gains a +1 competence bonus on critical threat range with its natural attacks (apply afterwards, after all other feats). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Companion Precision (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Chocobo Knight Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity, Strength, or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Chocobo Knight Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Chocobo Knight Enhancements (Requires Chocobo Knight Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Resistant Companion: Your companion gains additional 5 elemental resistance to all elements. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Resistant Companion (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Companion Strengthening: Your companion gains a +[2/4/6] bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. Rank 3: You gain +1 Strength and Dexterity. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Tough Companion: Your companion gains +[10/20/30] to its max hit points. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Shared Spirit (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Companion Precision: Your companion gains a +1 competence bonus on critical threat range with its natural attacks (apply afterwards, after all other feats). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Companion Precision (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Chocobo Knight Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity, Strength, or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Chocobo Knight Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.


Core Cleric Enhancements

  • Slayer of Good or Evil I: While using a Favored Weapon, you deal 1d6 additional shadow or holy damage. You also resist good or evil influences particularly well, gaining a +2 competence bonus on saves against spells and effects produced by good or evil creatures. You also gain +1 to attack evil creatures. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Divine Righteousness: Whenever you use Channel Energy, you gain temporary hit points equal your Charisma score. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Slayer of Good or Evil I enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Slayer of Good or Evil II: Your slayer of good or evil now grants +2 to attack good or evil creatures. You now resist good or evil influences particularly well, gaining a +2 competence bonus on saves against spells and effects produced by good or evil creatures. Your weapons gain the Ghost Touch effect. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Divine Righteousness enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • War Caster: You can cast Haste as a spell-like ability up to 3 times per day. Passive: You gain a +1 competence bonus to critical threat range with your Favored Weapon and a +2 deflection bonus on Armor Class. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Slayer of Good or Evil II enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Slayer of Good or Evil III: Your slayer of good or evil now grants +4 to attack good or evil creatures. You now resist good or evil influences particularly well, gaining a +4 bonus to saves against spells and effects produced by good or evil creatures. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the War Caster enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Priest: You gain +2 Strength or Wisdom and Constitution. You also gain +4 Channel Energy dice and you add your Charisma modifier when you use Channel Energy. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Slayer of Good or Evil III enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Cleric Enhancements

  • Divine Combatant: +1 competence bonus on attack rolls and damage with favored weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Bliss: When you use a Channel Energy to deal damage to undead for any reason, you gain [5/10/15] temporary hit points (that stacks with Divine Righteousness enhancement). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Cleric Skills: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Diplomacy and Heal skill checks. Rank 3: +1 Will saves. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Energy of the Disciple: Your studies have increased your maximum MP by an additional [1/2/3]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Cleric Ability Boost: +1 to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Cleric Enhancements (Requires Cleric Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Adept Combatant: +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with all weapons. You gain Longsword, Battle Axe, Heavy Mace, Morningstar, and War Hammer as Favored Weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Divine Combatant (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Spell Penetration: +[1/2/3] to your caster level check to overcome enemy Spell Resistance. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Purge Dark Magics: Whenever you use Channel Energy: Dispels [1/2/3] hostile magical effects from your targets. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Shield of Dawn: When struck, attackers are dealt 1d6/2d6/3d6 points of shadow or holy damage. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Cleric Ability Boost: +1 to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Cleric Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Cleric Enhancements (Requires Cleric Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Divine Combatant II: +2 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with Favored Weapons. You gain Greatsword as a Favored Weapon. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Adept Combatant (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Martyrdom: When you are killed, four channel energy uses are expended. All nearby living allies and enemy undead heal for 10d6 damage and undead take 10d6 points of holy damage. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Smiting: Your spells gain a +1 competence bonus to critical threat range. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Spell Penetration: You add +1 competence bonus to you caster level check to overcome an enemy’s Spell Resistance. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Cleric Ability Boost: +1 to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Cleric Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Cleric Enhancements (Requires Cleric Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Cleric’s Training: +1 competence bonus on attack rolls and damage with all weapons and an additional +1 competence bonus on attack rolls and damage with Favored Weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Divine Combatant II (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Divine Health: You are immune to natural, magical, and supernatural diseases. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Endless Channel: Channel Energy usage regenerates at a rate of one every 6 hours. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Smiting: Your spells gain a +1 competence bonus to critical threat range. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Smiting (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Cleric Ability Boost: +1 to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Cleric Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Cleric Enhancements (Requires Cleric Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Ascendency: +2 competence bonus on attack rolls and damage with all weapons. An additional +2 competence bonus on attack rolls and damage with Favored Weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Cleric’s Training (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Spell Penetration: You add +1 competence bonus to your caster level check to overcome an enemy’s Spell Resistance. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Spell Penetration (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Smiting: Your spells gain a +1 competence bonus to critical threat range. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Smiting (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Intense Faith: Your spells are cast at +[1/2/3] caster level. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Cleric Ability Boost: +1 to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Cleric Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Dark Knight

Core Dark Knight Enhancements

  • Darkness Grows: Your Dark Side now deals an extra +2 damage per core enhancement you gain in this tree (including this one), as well as grants you DR 1/- (this stacks with Grit Stance). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Focused Harm: Your Harm Touch now adds your Charisma modifier to damage and deals an extra 1d6. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Darkness Grows enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Soul Control: Your Soul Eater now only deals half as much damage to you and you deal an additional 1d6 points of non-elemental damage. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Focused Harm enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Dark Weapons: You gain a +5 dark points to your dark pool and weapons you wield deal an additional 1d6 points of shadow damage. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Soul Control enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • True Grit: You gain the Combat Reflexes feat while under Grit Stance, but it uses your Charisma modifier instead to determine AOO. In addition, you reduce the damage penalty by 1 per core enhancement you have in this tree (including this one). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Dark Weapons enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Darkness Manifest: You gain a +2 Charisma and +2 Strength. Your Dark Side now deals half as much damage to yourself, your Grit Stance no longer has a movement penalty, and each round on the first successful hit, you deal double your Charisma modifier in extra damage. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the True Grit enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Dark Knight Enhancements

  • Two-Handed Specialization: You gain +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with two-handed weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Enhanced Harm Touch: You gain a +[1/2/3] competence bonus on attack rolls with harm touch and inflict an additional [1d6/2d6/3d6] with harm touch. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Harm Touch class feature to select this enhancement.
  • Intimidating Skills: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Intimidate skill checks. Rank 3: +1 Will saves. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Acrobatics: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Acrobatics, Climb, and Swim skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Dark Knight Ability Boost: +1 to Strength or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Dark Knight Enhancements (Requires Dark Knight Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Two-Handed Specialization: You gain +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with two-handed weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Two-Handed Specialization (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Ascetic Training: Your rigorous training gives you various benefits. Choose one:
    • Agility: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Reflex saves and dodge bonus to AC.
    • Conditioning: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Fortitude saves, +[5/10/15] maximum hit points.
      EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Slayer: Killing an enemy grants you a +[1/2/3] morale bonus on attack and damage rolls. This lasts for 1 minute. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Maneuver Training: Increase combat maneuver attack rolls by +[1/2/3]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Dark Knight Ability Boost: +1 to Strength or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Dark Knight Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Dark Knight Enhancements (Requires Dark Knight Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Two-Handed Specialization: You gain +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with two-handed weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Two-Handed Specialization (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Critical Mastery: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on confirm critical hits and critical hit damage (before weapon multipliers). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Athletic Mastery: +[1/2/3] maximum Dexterity bonus and –[1/2/3] armor check penalty (works with all armor types). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Ascetic Training: Your rigorous training gives you various benefits. Choose the other option you didn’t choose from Ascetic Training (Tier 2):
    • Agility: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Reflex saves and dodge bonus to AC.
    • Conditioning: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Fortitude saves, +[5/10/15] maximum hit points.
      EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Ascetic Training (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Dark Knight Ability Boost: +1 to Strength or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Dark Knight Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Dark Knight Enhancements (Requires Dark Knight Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Two-Handed Specialization: You gain +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with two-handed weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Two-Handed Specialization (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Strike at the Heart: Your weapon attacks inflict a stack of Armor Destruction. (a stacking -1 penalty to Armor Class, for a minute. Stacks up to 15 times). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Myrmidon’s Edge: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on attack rolls to confirm critical hits and +[1/2/3] damage on critical hits (prior to applying weapon multipliers). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Energy of the Disciple: Your studies have increased your maximum MP by an additional [1/2/3]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Dark Knight Ability Boost: +1 to Strength or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Dark Knight Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Dark Knight Enhancements (Requires Dark Knight Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Two-Handed Specialization: You gain +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with two-handed weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Two-Handed Specialization (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Keen Edge: You gain a +1 competence bonus to critical threat range (apply after all class features and feats that affect critical threat range) with your Focus weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Brutal Impact: You gain a +1 competence bonus on critical damage multiplier (up to a maximum of x4) on a natural roll of a 19-20 and +25% bonus to maximum hit points. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Armor Mastery: +[1/2/3] bonus to armor class and armor maximum dexterity bonus. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Dark Knight Ability Boost: +1 to Strength or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Dark Knight Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.


Core Engineer Enhancements

  • Expert Repairer: Your Repair now adds your Intelligence modifier to the repair roll and you gain additional repair usage 1 additional time per day for each core enhancement you have in this tree (including this one). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Salvage Expertise: Whenever you use Salvage, you gain double the gil amount. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Expert Repairer enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Targeting Sights: You can now use your Intelligence modifier for damage with all crossbows and firearms. You also gain proficiency with light repeating crossbows. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Salvage Expertise enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Tough Machines: Your Automaton gains 50 additional hit points and your Support Droid gains 25 additional hit points. Your automaton and support droid also gains a hardness of 5 (which stacks with other forms of hardness). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Targeting Sights enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Expert Shot: You gain a +1 competence bonus to critical multiplier (up to a maximum of x4) with crossbows and firearms. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Tough Machines enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Craftsman: You gain a +2 Dexterity and Intelligence. You also gain +4 Repair dice and you may take 20 on Craft skill checks as if you’re taking 10. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Expert Shot enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Engineer Enhancements

  • Enhanced Repair: You gain a Repair die and a +1 competence bonus on repair rolls. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Repair class feature to select this enhancement.
  • Mechanics: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Disable Device and Repair checks. +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Saving Throws you make against traps. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Field Engineer: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Knowledge (Engineering and Technology). Rank 3: +1 competence bonus on Reflex saves vs. Traps. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Crafter: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on all Craft skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Engineer Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Engineer Enhancements (Requires Engineer Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Enhanced Repair: You gain a Repair die and a +1 competence bonus on repair rolls. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Enhanced Repair (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Swift Drone: Your Support Drone’s fly speed increases by [10/20/30] feet and gains a +[1/2/3] dodge bonus to AC. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Alpha Automaton: Your automaton gains +[1/2/3] circumstance bonus on attack and damage rolls, +[2/4/6] natural armor bonus to AC, and its attacks bypass [1/2/3] of enemy’s damage reduction. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Automaton Precision: Your automaton gains a +1 competence bonus on critical threat range with its natural attacks (apply afterwards, after all other feats). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Engineer Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Engineer Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Engineer Enhancements (Requires Engineer Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Enhanced Repair: You gain a Repair die and a +1 competence bonus on repair rolls. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Enhanced Repair (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Automated Repairs: You have installed automated repair systems in your Automaton. It gains Fast Healing [1/2/3]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Automaton class feature to select this enhancement.
  • Shielding Construct: Your support drone shields your allies. While within 15 feet of the support drone, you and nearby allies gain the effects of the Shield spell, granting a +4 shield bonus to Armor Class and protection from Ruin. This effect is dispelled by death and antimagic. Damage from Ruin that overcome the Shield effect renews itself on the next round. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Automaton Precision: Your automaton gains a +1 competence bonus on critical threat range with its natural attacks (apply afterwards, after all other feats). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Automaton Precision (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Engineer Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Engineer Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Engineer Enhancements (Requires Engineer Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Enhanced Repair: You gain a Repair die and a +1 competence bonus on repair rolls. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Enhanced Repair (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Warding Construct: Your support drone is set to counter magical spells. While within 15 feet of the support drone, you and nearby allies gain a +2 competence bonus on Saving Throws vs. Magic and +2 competence bonus on Saving Throws vs. Traps. This effect is dispelled by death and antimagic. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Shielding Construct (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Critical Automaton: Your automaton gains a +1 competence bonus on critical multiplier (to a max of x4). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Automaton Precision: Your automaton gains a +1 competence bonus on critical threat range with its natural attacks (apply afterwards, after all other feats). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Automaton Precision (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Engineer Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Engineer Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Engineer Enhancements (Requires Engineer Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Enhanced Repair: You gain a Repair dice and a +1 competence bonus on repair rolls. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Enhanced Repair (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Master Defender: Your Autonmaton gain +[2/4/6] to Strength, Dexterity, and Charisma. In addition, as long as you remain near your Automaton (within 15 feet), you gain a +[1/2/3] deflection bonus to AC. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Automaton class feature to select this enhancement.
  • Regeneration Construct: Your support drone is surrounded by arcane energy capable of repairing damage. While within 15 feet of the support drone, you and nearby allies gain Fast Healing 2. This effect is dispelled by death and anti-magic. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Warding Construct (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Automaton Precision: Your automaton gains a +1 competence bonus on critical threat range with its natural attacks (apply afterwards, after all other feats). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Automaton Precision (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Engineer Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Engineer Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.


Core Gambler Enhancements

  • Expert Player: You gain a +1 luck bonus to attack and damage rolls made with thrown weapons. When you roll maximum weapon damage on an attack, you deal an additional damage for each core enhancement you possess in this tree (including this one). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Destiny Dice: Increase the damage die of your thrown weapons by one step. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Expert Player enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Undue Fortune: Once per day when you gamble on an effect or ability (such as with All or Nothing class feature or the All In gambler gambit), you may treat an incorrect call as a successful call. This does not change the numerical result of any rolls. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Destiny Dice enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Highs and Lows: When you roll minimum weapon damage on an attack, you deal an additional damage for each core enhancement you possess in this tree (including this one). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Undue Fortune enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Lucky Dice: When you roll a natural 20 to hit, you deal maximum damage on the damage roll. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Highs and Lows enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Legendary Gambler: Once per encounter, you may flip a coin in response to an attack, spell, or ability result being revealed. If you call it correctly, the action and its effects are negated. If you call it incorrectly, you gain a temporary negative level. In addition, you gain a +4 bonus to your Charisma score. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Lucky Dice enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Gambler Enhancements

  • Loaded Die: You may flip the results of a die to their opposite face [1/2/3] times per day. For example, on a d6, the opposites are: 1-6, 2-5, 3-4. You cannot flip the results of the die used in the Slot Machine limit break EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Gambler’s Charm: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Arcane Fortune: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Use Magic Device checks. Rank 3: Your thrown weapons count as magic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Divine Fortune I: Choose [1/2/3] astrologian or black mage cantrips. You may cast these once per day each as a supernatural ability using your gambler level as your effective caster level and your Charisma as your casting stat. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Gambler Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Gambler Enhancements (Requires Gambler Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Dead Man’s Hand: Whenever you roll a natural 1 on a d20 roll, you may treat that roll as a natural 8 instead [1/2/3] times per day. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Open Betting: When you have a higher initiative roll than your target, you gain a +[1/2/3] competence bonus to attack rolls against that target. Rank 3: You gain a +2 competence bonus on your initiative. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Divine Fortune II: Choose [1/2/3] 1st level astrologian or black mage spells. You may cast these once per day each as a supernatural ability using your gambler level as your effective caster level and your Charisma as your casting stat. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have Divine Fortune I (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Raise Bet: When you gamble on an effect or ability, you may additionally bet an amount of luck points up to an amount equal to your current luck points. You gain the amount of luck points bet when you make a correct call and lose the same amount of luck points when you make an incorrect call. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Gambler Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have Gambler Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Gambler Enhancements (Requires Gambler Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Power is Money: So long as you are carrying at least gil value equal to [750/500/250] x your character level in non-magical coins or jewelry, you get a +[1/2/3] competence bonus on all saving throws (Fortitude, Reflex, and Will). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Lucky Break: When you are hit with a negative condition with a random duration, reduce the amount rolled by [1/2/3]. This cannot reduce the amount rolled below the minimum duration. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Divine Fortune III: Choose [1/2/3] 2nd level astrologian or black mage spells. You may cast these once per day each as a supernatural ability using your gambler level as your effective caster level and your Charisma as your casting stat. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have Divine Fortune II (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Card Cheat: You add half your gambler level to all Sleight of Hand checks. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Gambler Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have Gambler Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Gambler Enhancements (Requires Gambler Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Hedging Your Bets: You may spend up to [1/2/3] luck points as an immediate action to increase or decrease the results of an ally’s die by the amount spent. You can use this ability after the die is rolled, but before results are revealed. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Roulette: You may spend 1 luck point as a swift action to spin the roulette wheel, gaining the relevant beneficial status for one minute. You may have a maximum of [1/2/3] such conditions active at one time. Roll 1d10 to determine the effect, where the result of a 1 means that the roulette fails and you cannot use this ability again for one hour. 2 = Float, 3 = Hasted, 4 = Invisible (ends if you attack), 5 = Lucky ([1/2/3] uses), 6 = Protect +[1/2/3], 7 = Shell +[1/2/3], 8 = Reflect, 9 = Regen [1/2/3], 10 = Reraise. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Divine Fortune IV: Choose [1/2/3] 3rd level astrologian or black mage spells. You may cast these once per day each as a supernatural ability using your gambler level as your effective caster level and your Charisma as your casting stat. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have Divine Fortune III (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • House’s Edge: Sharpened Cards’ bonus to attack and damage rolls applies to all thrown weapons, not just throwing cards. Any bonuses you gain to thrown weapons also apply to any weapon that your gambler class grants proficiency to (if applicable). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Gambler Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have Gambler Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Gambler Enhancements (Requires Gambler Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Slot Ambassador: When you activate your Slot Machine limit break, you may spend 2 luck points to be able to use it an additional time per day. This ignores the regular requirements for activating a limit break and does not count against your maximum number of limit breaks per day. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Slot Machine Limit Break class feature to select this enhancement.
  • Red Card: When you make a full attack, you may spend 1 luck point to make an additional attack at your highest base attack bonus with a thrown card. This special card deals non-elemental damage instead of its normal damage type. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Divine Fortune V: Choose [1/2/3] 4th level astrologian or black mage spells. You may cast these once per day each as a supernatural ability using your gambler level as your effective caster level and your Charisma as your casting stat. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have Divine Fortune IV (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Luck Boost: When you have or gain a luck bonus, you may spend an amount of luck points up to half of your gambler level. You increase the chosen luck bonus by that amount spent for or against a single roll. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Bomb class feature to select this enhancement.
  • Gambler Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have Gambler Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.


Core Geomancer Enhancements

  • Child of Summer: You gain a +1 damage (of the appropriate type) when casting Earth, Fire, and Lightning spells. This seasonal DC is increased by one for every Core enhancement possessed in this tree (starting with this one), up to +6 when you have all six Enhancements. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Elder of Winter: You gain a +1 damage (of the appropriate type) when casting Ice, Water, and Wind spells for every core enhancement in this tree, up to +6 when you have all six Enhancements. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Child of Summer enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Wellspring: You gain +1 max caster level for spells appropriate to your season. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Elder of Winter enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Enhanced Geomancy: You gain a +1 competence bonus on Geomancy attack rolls. You also gain 1 additional geomancy usage for each core enhancement you have in this tree (including this one). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Wellspring enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Enhanced Terrain: You gain an additional +2 bonus from the bonuses of your favored terrain and you gain a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls while on your favored terrain. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Enhanced Geomancy enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Hierophant: You gain +2 competence bonus on your Wisdom and Constitution scores and +4 Geomancy dice. Your elemental spells gain +1 to their DCs. You gain a +1 competence bonus on caster level in both seasons. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Enhanced Terrain enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Geomancer Enhancements

  • Extra Favored Terrain: A new terrain type is added to your list of favored terrains. Choose between: Cold, Desert, Forest, Jungle, Mountain, Plains, Planes, Swamp, Underground Urban, or Water. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Favored Terrain class feature to select this enhancement.
  • Wax and Wane: You gain a +1 critical threat range with spells associated with your current season.
    • Winter: Ice, Water, and Wind.
    • Summer: Earth, Fire, and Lightning.
      EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Arcane Knowledge: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Spellcraft and Use Magic Device skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Energy of the Disciple: Your studies have increased your maximum MP by an additional [1/2/3]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Geomancer Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Geomancer Enhancements (Requires Geomancer Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Extra Favored Terrain: A new terrain type is added to your list of favored terrains. Choose between: Cold, Desert, Forest, Jungle, Mountain, Plains, Planes, Swamp, Underground Urban, or Water. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have Extra Favored Terrain (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Wax and Wane: You gain a +1 critical threat range with spells associated with your current season.
    • Winter: Ice, Water, and Wind.
    • Summer: Earth, Fire, and Lightning.
      EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Wax and Wane (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Extra Geomancy: You gain an additional use of Geomancy and a Geomancy die. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Choose one of the following Metamagic feats (Empower, Enlarge, Maximize, or Quicken). Reduce the MP cost of using that Metamagic by 1. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Geomancer Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have Geomancer Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Geomancer Enhancements (Requires Geomancer Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Extra Favored Terrain: A new terrain type is added to your list of favored terrains. Choose between: Cold, Desert, Forest, Jungle, Mountain, Plains, Planes, Swamp, Underground Urban, or Water. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Extra Favored Terrain (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Wax and Wane: You gain a +1 critical threat range with spells associated with your current season.
    • Winter: Ice, Water, and Wind.
    • Summer: Earth, Fire, and Lightning.
      EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Wax and Wane (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Wand and Scroll Mastery: +[25/50/75]% damage from your wands, scrolls, and other items that cast spells, and +[1/2/3] to the save DCs of your offensive wands. Taking Wand and Scroll Mastery in one enhancement tree will block its availability in other enhancement trees. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Choose a different Metamagic feat than Tier 2. Using that Metamagic costs you 1 fewer MP. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Efficient Metamagic (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Geomancer Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have Geomancer Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Geomancer Enhancements (Requires Geomancer Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Extra Favored Terrain: A new terrain type is added to your list of favored terrains. Choose between: Cold, Desert, Forest, Jungle, Mountain, Plains, Planes, Swamp, Underground Urban, or Water. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Extra Favored Terrain (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Wax and Wane: You gain a +1 critical threat range with spells associated with your current season.
    • Winter: Ice, Water, and Wind.
    • Summer: Earth, Fire, and Lightning.
      EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Wax and Wane (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Choose a different Metamagic feat than Tier 2/3. Using that Metamagic costs you 1 fewer MP. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Efficient Metamagic (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Spell Penetration: +[1/2/3] to your Caster Level check to overcome enemy Spell Resistance. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Geomancer Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have Geomancer Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Geomancer Enhancements (Requires Geomancer Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Extra Favored Terrain: A new terrain type is added to your list of favored terrains. Choose between: Cold, Desert, Forest, Jungle, Mountain, Plains, Planes, Swamp, Underground Urban, or Water. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Favored Terrain class feature and Extra Favored Terrain (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Wax and Wane: You gain a +1 critical threat range with spells associated with your current season.
    • Winter: Ice, Water, and Wind.
    • Summer: Earth, Fire, and Lightning.
      EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Wax and Wane (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Elemental Empowerment: You gain a +1 DC to your elemental spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Time and Tide: +1 caster level for spells in both seasons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Geomancer Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have Geomancer Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.


Core Gunner Enhancements

  • Staccato: Once per encounter, you may unload your weapon onto a single target as part of a full-attack. You may fire any number of extra attacks with your firearm up to an amount equal to the number of enhancements in this tree (including this one). You take a -2 penalty on all attack rolls for the round for each additional bullet you fire. If the target is killed or destroyed, you may not change your target for any of the remaining attacks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Run and Gun: When you move before attacking during your turn, your first successful ranged firearm attack deals 1 additional damage for every 10 feet of movement. If you have the Shot on the Run feat and use the full-round action to move and attack, you use your total movement to calculate this bonus damage. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Staccato enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Highlight Tracer: When you successfully hit a target with a firearm attack, you and your allies gain a +2 circumstance bonus to attack rolls against that target until the start of your next turn. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Run and Gun enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Wind Reading: You no longer take penalties to ranged firearm attacks from natural weather conditions. You still suffer any attack penalties caused by magical effects or supernatural abilities. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Highlight Tracer enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Quarter Shot: When you shoot a creature with a firearm, they must make a successful Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + half of your gunner level + your Wisdom modifier) or take additional damage equal to a quarter of their current HP (minimum 1). This additional damage is calculated after the damage of the bullet. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be affected by quarter shot again for 1 day. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Wind Reading enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Quickfire Master: You gain +2 Dexterity and Wisdom. You also gain +2 Skirmish dice and Staccato no longer has an accuracy penalty. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Quarter Shot enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Gunner Enhancements

  • Skirmish Training: Grants +1 Skirmish die and +1 competence bonus on attack rolls when performing skirmishes. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Skirmish class feature to select this enhancement.
  • Self-Reliant: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Knowledge (Engineering), Knowledge (Technology), and Repair checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Enchanted Ammo: Your bullets now deal [1/2/3] points of non-elemental damage. Your bullets count as magical for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Confuseproof: You gain a +[2/4/6] competence bonus to saving throws against effects that cause the confusion status effect. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Gunner Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Gunner Enhancements (Requires Gunner Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Skirmish Training: Grants +1 Skirmish die and +1 competence bonus on attack rolls when performing skirmishes. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Skirmish Training (Tier 1) to select this enhancement.
  • Cheap Shot: When you successfully make a saving throw and take no damage using evasion, you may make an attack with a firearm against the creature who created that effect as an immediate action. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Agility Training: You gain a +[1/2/3] bonus to Acrobatics checks. Rank 3: You are always considered to have a running start while making a long jump. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Darkproof: You gain a +[2/4/6] competence bonus to saving throws against effects that cause the blindness status effect. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Gunner Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Gunner Ability Boost (Tier 1) to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Gunner Enhancements (Requires Gunner Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Skirmish Training: Grants +1 Skirmish die and +1 competence bonus on attack rolls when performing skirmishes. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Skirmish Training (Tier 2) to select this enhancement.
  • Guerilla Training: You gain a +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Concentrate: When you make an attack roll with a firearm as part of a standard action, you gain a +[1/2/3] competence bonus to the attack roll. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Sleepproof: You gain a +[2/4/6] competence bonus to saving throws against effects that cause the sleep status effect. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Darkproof (Tier 2) to select this enhancement.
  • Gunner Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Gunner Ability Boost (Tier 2) to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Gunner Enhancements (Requires Gunner Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Skirmish Training: Grants +1 Skirmish die and +1 competence bonus on attack rolls when performing skirmishes. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Skirmish Training (Tier 3) to select this enhancement.
  • Burst Shot: You gain a +[1/2/3] bonus to confirm critical hits with a firearm. Rank 3: When you successfully confirm a critical hit, you deal additional precision damage equal to your gunner level. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Cross Shot: You gain a +[1/2/3] sacred bonus to attack and damage rolls with firearms against undead. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Charmproof: You gain a +[2/4/6] competence bonus to saving throws against effects that cause the charmed status effect. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Sleepproof (Tier 3) to select this enhancement.
  • Gunner Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Gunner Ability Boost (Tier 3) to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Gunner Enhancements (Requires Gunner Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Skirmish Training: Grants +1 Skirmish die and +1 competence bonus on attack rolls when performing skirmishes. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Skirmish Training (Tier 4) to select this enhancement.
  • Mental Shot: Once per round, when you deal damage with a firearm, you can choose to wound the opponent’s MP instead of their HP. Your target loses MP equal to half the damage they would have taken from the attack (rounded down after damage reduction). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Fiend Piercer: You gain a +[1/2/3] sacred bonus to attack and damage rolls with firearms against outsiders and creatures with the archfiend subtype. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Fireproof: You gain resistance to fire [5/10/15]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Charmproof (Tier 4) to select this enhancement.
  • Gunner Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Gunner Ability Boost (Tier 4) to select this enhancement.


Core Illusionist Enhancements

  • Veiled Spellcasting I: You can now spend points from your veil pool to cast any 1st-level illusionist spells. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Color Spray: You may cast the spell Color Spray as a spell-like ability up to 3 times per day. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Veiled Spellcasting I enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Veiled Spellcasting II: You can now spend points (2 per) from your veil pool to cast any 2nd-level illusionist spells. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Color Spray enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Frightened Ray: When you use Blinding Ray, it also inflicts the Frighten status for 1 round. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Veiled Spellcasting II enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Veiled Spellcasting III: You can now spend points (3 per) from your veil pool to cast any 3rd-level illusionist spells. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Frightened Ray enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Cloaked Caster: You gain a +4 Charisma to your Charisma score and a +2 DC to your Cloaked Casting ability. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Veiled Spellcasting III enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Illusionist Enhancements

  • Powerful Illusions: Your illusions are a lot harder to penetrate. Those trying to make a Will save suffer a -1 penalty to perceive. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Twist Reality: Offensive Illusion spells reduce enemies’ Will saves by 1 for 1 minute. This can stack up to 3 times. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Energy of the Disciple: Your studies have increased your maximum MP by an additional [1/2/3]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Arcane Knowledge: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Spellcraft and Use Magic Device skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Illusionist Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Illusionist Enhancements (Requires Illusionist Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Powerful Illusions: Your illusions are a lot harder to penetrate. Those trying to make a Will save suffer a -1 penalty to perceive. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Powerful Illusions (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Reality Bulwark: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to all Saving Throws. Rank 3: You are immune to Fear. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Bend Light: Your studies of the Illusion school have manifested to protect you, making you slightly harder to see. You gain the benefits of the minor Blur spell (which only gives you 10% concealment) while in combat. When you cast the Blur spell on yourself or an ally, it now also briefly grants Invisibility (as the Disappear spell, using the duration of the spell) and a +3 dodge bonus to Armor Class. The AC bonus will linger as long as the Blur does. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Wand and Scroll Mastery: +[25/50/75]% damage from your wands, scrolls, and other items that cast spells, and +[1/2/3] competence bonus to the save DCs of your offensive wands. Taking Wand and Scroll Mastery in one enhancement tree will block its availability in other enhancement trees. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Illusionist Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Illusionist Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Illusionist Enhancements (Requires Illusionist Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Powerful Illusions: Your illusions are a lot harder to penetrate. Those trying to make a Will save suffer a -1 penalty to perceive. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Powerful Illusions (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Refraction: When struck or missed in combat, there is a 10% chance you will reactively turn invisible for 1 minute. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Ghostly Essence: When you are below 50% hit points and get hit by an attack, you gain 25% to become incorporeal for 1 minute. This can occur only once per encounter. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Enfeebling Lore: +[2/4/6] competence bonus on saves vs. Enfeebling spells and effects. Rank 3: You also gain +1 Enfeebling spell DC. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Illusionist Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Illusionist Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Illusionist Enhancements (Requires Illusionist Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Powerful Illusions: Your illusions are a lot harder to penetrate. Those trying to make a Will save suffer a -1 penalty to perceive. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Powerful Illusions (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Spell Focus (Illusion): +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Illusion DCs. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Permanent Blur: You gain a permanent Blur effect while in combat. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Illusory Escape: When you use acrobatics to tumble, you will phase out of reality briefly, passing through enemies as you do so without requiring a check. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite:
  • Illusionist Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Illusionist Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Illusionist Enhancements (Requires Illusionist Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Powerful Illusions: Your illusions are a lot harder to penetrate. Those trying to make a Will save suffer a -1 penalty to perceive and must roll twice and take the worse result. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Powerful Illusions (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Illusory Augmentation: +1 Illusion DCs. The feats Augment Summoning and Improved Augment Summoning now each grant an additional +1 Illusion DCs. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Permanent Displacement: You are Displaced, as if you had cast the spell Displacement, while in combat. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Permanent Blur (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Immunity to Truesight: Your illusions cannot be penetrated by True Seeing. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Powerful Illusions (Tier 5) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Illusionist Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Illusionist Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.


Core Medic Enhancements

  • Healer: You heal an additional hit point when using Triage and you heal an additional hit point for every core enhancement that you have in this tree (including this one). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Improved Surgical Precision: You add your Wisdom modifier to damage with Surgical Precision. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Healer enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Nimbleness: Every successful attack you hit with, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC for 1 minute. This effect can stack up to 5 times. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Improved Surgical Precision enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Precise Weapon: You gain a +1 competence bonus to critical threat range (apply afterward, after all other class features/feats) and a +1 competence bonus to attack rolls with weapons of Finesse Training. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have Nimbleness enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Lethality: While wearing light or no armor, you gain a +1 insight bonus to your critical damage multiplier for any one-handed or light weapon you are wielding up to a maximum of x4. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Precise Weapon enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Deadly Medic: You gain a +2 Dexterity and +2 Wisdom. You also gain +4 Surgical Precision dice and a +4 competence bonus to Reflex saves. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Lethality enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Medic Enhancements

  • Improved Triage: You gain a Triage die as well as 2 extra uses. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Triage class feature to select this enhancement.
  • Surgical Precision Training: Grants +1 Surgical Precision die and +1 competence bonus on attack rolls when performing surgical precisions. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Surgical Precision class feature to select this enhancement.
  • Doctor: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Heal checks. Rank 3: You gain a +1 competence bonus to Fortitude saves. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Perceptive: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Perception and Sense Motive checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Medic Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Medic Enhancements (Requires Medic Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Improved Triage: You gain a Triage die as well as 2 extra uses. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Improved Triage (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Surgical Precision Training: Grants +1 Surgical Precision die and +1 competence bonus on attack rolls when performing surgical precisions. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Surgical Precision Training (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Improved Inspiration: Your Battlefield Inspiration gives an additional 1d6 temporary hit points and you get another daily use. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Battlefield Inspiration class feature to select this enhancement.
  • Improved Treatment: Your Heal DCs for Treatment are treated as [1/2/3] less. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Treatment class feature to select this enhancement.
  • Medic Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Medic Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Medic Enhancements (Requires Medic Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Improved Triage: You gain a Triage die as well as 2 extra uses. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Improved Triage (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Surgical Precision Training: Grants +1 Surgical Precision die and +1 competence bonus on attack rolls when performing surgical precisions. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Surgical Precision Training (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Improved Inspiration: Your Battlefield Inspiration gives an additional 1d6 temporary hit points and you get another daily use. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Improved Inspiration (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Finesse Mastery: You gain a +[1/2/3] competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with weapons selected with Finesse Training. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Finesse Training class feature to select this enhancement.
  • Medic Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Medic Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Medic Enhancements (Requires Medic Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Improved Triage: You gain a Triage die as well as 2 extra uses. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Improved Triage (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Surgical Precision Training: Grants +1 Surgical Precision die and +1 competence bonus on attack rolls when performing surgical precisions. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Surgical Precision Training (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Improved Inspiration: Your Battlefield Inspiration gives an additional 1d6 temporary hit points and you get another daily use. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Improved Inspiration (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Superior Evasive: While wearing light armor or no armor, you gain a +[1/2/3] dodge bonus to AC. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Evasive class feature to select this enhancement.
  • Medic Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Medic Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Medic Enhancements (Requires Medic Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Improved Triage: You gain a Triage die as well as 2 extra uses. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Improved Triage (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Surgical Precision Training: Grants +1 Surgical Precision die and +1 competence bonus on attack rolls when performing surgical precisions. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Surgical Precision Training (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Improved Inspiration: Your Battlefield Inspiration gives an additional 1d6 temporary hit points and you get another daily use. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Improved Inspiration (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Improved Injections: Your Injections last [5/10/15] rounds longer and you can prepare [2/4/6] additional injections. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Injections class feature to select this enhancement.
  • Medic Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Medic Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.


Core Necromancer Enhancements

  • Undead Form: You gain damage reduction of 1/- and +1 Fortitude saves per core enhancement you take in this tree. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Pale Shroud: Choose an Undead Shroud. All forms grant immunity to critical hits and allow you to be healed by shadow damage. You take 50% healing from healing spells and effects, and double damage from holy damage. You are considered Undead rather than your original type for the purposes of most effects.
    • Shroud of the Lich: While in this form, you gain +2 Constitution and +2 Charisma. Your melee attacks inflicts 1 point of Strength damage.
    • Shroud of the Vampire: While in this form, you gain +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, +2 Wisdom. Your melee attacks heals you for 1d3 damage.
    • Shroud of the Wraith: While in this form, you gain +2 Dexterity and +2 Charisma, enemy attacks have a 10% chance to miss you due to your incorporeality, you float as if affected by choco feather.
    • Shroud of the Zombie: While in this form, you gain +2 Strength and +2 Constitution. Your melee attacks deal an additional 1d3 points of shadow damage.
      EP Cost: 1; Ranks:  1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Undead Form enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Undead Augmentation I: Enhance your Undead Forms. Pick one of the following abilities.
    • Beacon of Enfeeblement: +2 Enfeebling DC.
    • Beacon of Necromancy: +2 Necromancy DC.
    • Deathly Power: +1 DC for all spells.
    • Deathly Resistance: +2 competence bonus to all Saves.
    • Deathly Tough: +25 maximum hit points.
    • Ghost in the Wind: +10% Incorporeal Miss Chance. If you chosen Wraith Form, this increases your total to 20%.
    • Inflict Weariness: Your attacks inflict 2-9 (1d8+1) points of shadow damage to a living target. If you rolled a natural 20 on an attack roll, it causes Energy Drain, inflicting 1 temporary Negative Level on victims, a Will save (DC 10 + half your character level + your Charisma modifier) to negate.
    • Undead Chill: You gain 5 resistance to Ice damage and no longer take extra damage from holy damage.
    • Undead Shock: You gain 5 resistance to Lightning damage and no longer take extra damage from holy damage.
    • Unhallowed Touch: You gain Ghost Touch on all attacks and +5 circumstance bonus on Stealth checks.
      EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Pale Shroud enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Undead Augmentation II: Pick a trait from Undead Augmentation I that you did not previously pick. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Undead Augmentation I enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Undead Augmentation III: Pick a trait from Undead Augmentation I that you did not previously pick. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Undead Augmentation II enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Ultimate Undead Form: You get a +4 Charisma, +20% competence bonus to your hit points, and Spell Resistance equal to your Charisma score. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Undead Augmentation III enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Necromancer Enhancements

  • Necromancy Mastery: You gain a +1 caster level with necromancy spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Energy of the Disciple: Your studies have increased your maximum MP by an additional [1/2/3]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Deathless Vigor: The power of undeath has toughened your flesh, providing you with an additional +[10/20/30] maximum hit points. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Arcane Knowledge: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Spellcraft and Use Magic Device skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Necromancer Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Necromancer Enhancements (Requires Necromancer Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Necromancy Mastery: You gain a +1 caster level with necromancy spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Necromancy Mastery (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Corpsecrafter: Your bone commander gains a +[2/4/6] profane bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Charisma. Rank 3: You gain +1 Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Wand and Scroll Mastery: +[25/50/75]% damage from your wands, scrolls, and other items that cast spells, and +[1/2/3] competence bonus to the save DCs of your offensive wands. Taking Wand and Scroll Mastery in one enhancement tree will block its availability in other enhancement trees. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Choose one of the following Metamagic feats (Empower, Enlarge, Maximize, or Quicken). Reduce the MP cost of using that Metamagic by 1. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Necromancer Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Necromancer Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Necromancer Enhancements (Requires Necromancer Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Necromancy Mastery: You gain a +1 caster level with necromancy spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Necromancy Mastery (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Cloak of Night: Your bone commander is no longer weak to holy damage. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Choose a different Metamagic feat than Tier 2. Using that Metamagic costs you 1 fewer MP. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Efficient Metamagic (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Eternal Furor: Your bone commander gains +[1/2/3] competence bonus on attack and damage rolls, +[2/4/6] profane bonus to AC, and its attacks bypass [1/2/3] of enemy’s damage reduction. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Corpsecrafter (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Necromancer Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Necromancer Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Necromancer Enhancements (Requires Necromancer Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Necromancy Mastery: You gain a +1 caster level with necromancy spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Necromancy Mastery (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Unholy Avatar: You are cloaked in the darkness itself, and can reach out with your shadow damage spells to taint the undead with mortality. When you strike an undead creature with a shadow damage-dealing spell, it leaves a lingering weakness to shadow damage that bypasses an undead creature’s natural resistance to shadow damage for 1 minute. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Cloak of Night (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Choose a different Metamagic feat than Tier 2/3. Using that Metamagic costs you 1 fewer MP. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Efficient Metamagic (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Spell Penetration: +[1/2/3] to your caster level check to overcome enemy Spell Resistance. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Necromancer Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Necromancer Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Necromancer Enhancements (Requires Necromancer Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Necromancy Mastery: You gain a +1 caster level with necromancy spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Necromancy Mastery (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Necromantic Focus: You benefit from dark knowledge, granting you a +1 DC to spells from the Necromancy school. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Dark Empowerment: You gain a +1 DC to your Dark spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Ascendant Shroud: Your Undead Shrouds gain the following additional benefits:
    • Lich Form: You gain a +2 DC for all spells, +10 Ice and Lightning Resistance and a 1 MP cost reduction on all spells.
    • Vampire Form: +1 Enfeebling DC. Your melee attacks have a (10%) chance to dominate (Will save: DC 10 + half your necromancer level + your Charisma modifier to negate) your adversaries for 1 minute. On Hit: Target has a chance to be Paralyzed (Will save: DC 10 + half your necromancer level + your Charisma modifier to negate) for 1 round. On Save: -10 movement speed for 1 minute.
    • Wraith Form: +5% Incorporeality (bringing your total to 15%, or 25% if you have Ghost in the Wind). You also gain a +3 dodge bonus to AC and a +10 competence bonus to Stealth checks.
    • Zombie Form: You gain a +2 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with melee weapons, and your attacks deal +2d6 points of shadow damage. You also benefit from a 10% competence bonus to maximum hit points.
      EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Necromancer Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Necromancer Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.


Core Paladin Enhancements

  • Courage of Heaven: Your Aura of Courage grants an additional +2 sacred bonus to saves against Fear and now also grants a +2 sacred bonus to saves against enfeebling spells and effects. You now gain +2 competence bonus on attack rolls evil and undead creatures. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Glorious Stand: You gain +3 uses to your Lay on Hands ability and a +10% sacred bonus to max hit points. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Courage of Heaven enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Resilience of Battle: You gain Damage Reduction 5/- and +2 deflection bonus on Armor Class. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Glorious Stand enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Improved Courage of Heaven: Your Aura of Courage grants an additional +2 sacred bonus to saves against Fear and now also grants a +2 sacred bonus to saves against enfeebling spells and effects. You now gain +2 competence bonus on attack rolls for all attacks. You are now immune to Energy Drain. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Resilience of Battle enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Holy Weapons: You gain a +5 holy points to your holy pool and weapons you wield deal an additional 1d6 points of holy damage. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Improved Courage of Heaven enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Champion of Good: You gain a +4 bonus to your Charisma score. The save bonuses vs Fear and Enfeebling granted by Courage of Heaven are increased by an additional +2. Any weapon you wield is considered Good aligned for purposes of bypassing damage reduction. In addition, your Aura of Courage now grants allies a +2 sacred bonus to melee and ranged damage. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Glorious Stand enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Paladin Enhancements

  • One-Handed Specialization: You gain +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with one-handed weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Shieldbreaker: +[1/2/3] to Sunder DCs. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Knight’s Authority: +[1/2/3] Intimidate, Diplomacy, and Concentration. Tier 3: grants +1 Fortitude Save. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Acrobatics: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Acrobatics, Climb, and Swim skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Paladin Ability Boost: +1 to Strength or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Paladin Enhancements (Requires Holy Knight Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • One-Handed Specialization: You gain +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with one-handed weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the One-Handed Specialization (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Ascetic Training: Your rigorous training gives you various benefits. Choose one:
    • Agility: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Reflex saves and dodge bonus to AC.
    • Conditioning: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Fortitude saves, +[5/10/15] maximum hit points.
      EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Critical Mastery: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on confirm critical hits and critical hit damage (before weapon multipliers). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Avenger: Defending successfully from an enemy’s attack gives you a +[1/2/3] morale bonus on attack and damage rolls. This lasts for 1 minute. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Paladin Ability Boost: +1 to Strength or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Paladin Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Paladin Enhancements (Requires Holy Knight Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • One-Handed Specialization: You gain +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with one-handed weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the One-Handed Specialization (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Ascetic Training: Your rigorous training gives you various benefits. Choose the other option you didn’t choose from Ascetic Training (Tier 2):
    • Agility: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Reflex saves and dodge bonus to AC.
    • Conditioning: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Fortitude saves, +[5/10/15] maximum hit points.
      EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Ascetic Training (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Athletic Mastery: +[1/2/3] maximum Dexterity bonus and –[1/2/3] armor check penalty (works with all armor types). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Maneuver Training: Increase combat maneuver attack rolls by +[1/2/3]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Paladin Ability Boost: +1 to Strength or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Paladin Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Paladin Enhancements (Requires Holy Knight Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • One-Handed Specialization: You gain +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with one-handed weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the One-Handed Specialization (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Censure Demons: You gain on a natural 20 with attack rolls: Stuns Chaotic Evil outsiders for 1 round. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Unbreakable Defense: Every failed attack against you gives you Armor Reinforcement against this specific enemy. (a stacking +1 bonus to Armor Class, for a minute. Stacks up to 15 times). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Energy of the Disciple: Your studies have increased your maximum MP by an additional [1/2/3]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Paladin Ability Boost: +1 to Strength or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Paladin Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Paladin Enhancements (Requires Holy Knight Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • One-Handed Specialization: You gain +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with one-handed weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the One-Handed Specialization (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Censure Outsiders: Your Censure Demons ability now applies to all Chaotic or Evil outsiders. All other Evil creatures are instead Dazed for 1 round. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Censure Demons (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Keen Edge: You gain a +1 competence bonus to critical threat range (apply after all class features and feats that affect critical threat range) with your one-handed weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Armor Mastery: +[1/2/3] bonus to armor class and armor maximum dexterity bonus. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Paladin Ability Boost: +1 to Strength or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Paladin Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.


Core Psychic Enhancements

  • Grabbing Expertise: With practice, you can essentially throw any object, regardless of weight. Your grab weight increases by 5 pounds per core enhancement you have in this tree (including this one). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Sensory Overload: When you use Sense Thoughts, you also determine their alignment as well. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Grabbing Expertise enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Healing Defense: When using Altered Defense, you also gain Fast Healing 1 (that also improved by 1 per four psychic levels after 1st). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Sensory Overload enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Psychic Strike: Your weapon is imbued with psychic energies. If you attack and hit an enemy, your weapon also releases a blast of psychic energy, dealing an additional 1d2 points of non-elemental damage per psychic level to all foes within 15 feet. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Healing Defense enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Split Brain Mastery: You now double your bonuses for Split Brain I and gained a 3rd save with Split Brain II. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Psychic Strike enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Psychic Supreme: You gain +2 bonus to your Constitution and Intelligence scores. You also gain +4 Mind Blast dice and a +4 competence bonus to Will saves. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Split Brain Mastery enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Psychic Enhancements

  • Mental Weapon Control: You gain a +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls when using weapons to attack foes with grab or telekinesis. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have Telekinetic Hurl class feature to select this enhancement.
  • Enhanced Senses: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Sense Motive checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Arcane Knowledge: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Knowledge (Arcane) and Spellcraft checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Superior Mind Blast: You gain an additional Mind Blast die. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Psychic Ability Boost: +1 to Intelligence or Constitution score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Psychic Enhancements (Requires Psychic Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Mental Weapon Control: You gain a +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls when using weapons to attack foes with grab or telekinesis. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have Mental Weapon Control (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Enhanced Senses: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Sense Motive checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Arcane Knowledge: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Knowledge (Arcane) and Spellcraft checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Superior Mind Blast: You gain an additional Mind Blast die. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have Superior Mind Blast (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Psychic Ability Boost: +1 to Intelligence or Constitution score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Psychic Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Psychic Enhancements (Requires Psychic Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Mental Weapon Control: You gain a +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls when using weapons to attack foes with grab or telekinesis. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have Mental Weapon Control (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Wand and Scroll Mastery: +[25/50/75]% damage and healing from your wands, scrolls, and other items that cast spells, and +[1/2/3] to the save DCs of your offensive wands. Taking Wand and Scroll Mastery in one enhancement tree will block its availability in other enhancement trees. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Psychic Mastery: You gain a +1 bonus to your DC saves with your psychic class features. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Superior Mind Blast: You gain an additional Mind Blast die. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have Superior Mind Blast (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Psychic Ability Boost: +1 to Intelligence or Constitution score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Psychic Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Psychic Enhancements (Requires Psychic Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Mental Weapon Control: You gain a +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls when using weapons to attack foes with grab or telekinesis. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have Mental Weapon Control (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Enhanced Thinkmodes: When using any thinkmode, you inflict an extra point of damage. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Psychic Mastery: You gain a +1 bonus to your DC saves with your psychic class features. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have Psychic Mastery (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Superior Mind Blast: You gain an additional Mind Blast die. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have Superior Mind Blast (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Psychic Ability Boost: +1 to Intelligence or Constitution score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Psychic Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Psychic Enhancements (Requires Psychic Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Mental Weapon Control: You gain a +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls when using weapons to attack foes with grab or telekinesis. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have Mental Weapon Control (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Enhanced Thinkmodes: When using any thinkmode, you inflict an extra point of damage. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have Enhanced Thinkmodes (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Psychic Mastery: You gain a +1 bonus to your DC saves with your psychic class features. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have Psychic Mastery (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Superior Mind Blast: You gain an additional Mind Blast die. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have Superior Mind Blast (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Psychic Ability Boost: +1 to Intelligence or Constitution score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Psychic Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.


Core Summoner Enhancements

  • Durable Summons: Your summoned items/creatures last longer, lasting 1 minute longer per core enhancement you have in this tree (including this one). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Imbued Summons: Your summoned creatures and avatar gain a +2 to all ability scores. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Durable Summons enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Fortify Summons: Your summoned creatures and avatar gain 50% fortification and increase their natural armor bonus to AC by 4. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Imbued Summons enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Displace Summons: Your summoned creatures and avatar gain a permanent Displacement as per spell and a +2 dodge bonus to AC. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Fortify Summons enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Natural Shielding: Your summoned creatures and avatar gain 50% of your max hit points and 5 elemental resistance to all and also gain +4 competence bonus on Reflex saves and Evasion. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Displace Summons enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Grand Summoner: You gain a +4 Charisma and your summoned creatures and avatar gain +4 to all ability scores, 25% extra hit points, 100% Fortification, and a 50% increase to movement speed. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Natural Shielding enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Summoner Enhancements

  • Improved Blood Pact: Your avatar gains a +1 competence bonus on bonuses while under Blood Pact. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Furor of the Summoner: Your avatar gains +[1/2/3] competence bonus on attack and damage rolls, increases its natural armor bonus to AC by +[2/4/6], and its attacks bypass [1/2/3] of enemy’s damage reduction. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Arcane Knowledge: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Spellcraft and Use Magic Device skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Energy of the Disciple: Your studies have increased your maximum MP by an additional [1/2/3]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Summoner Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Summoner Enhancements (Requires Summoner Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Improved Blood Pact: Your avatar gains a +1 competence bonus on bonuses while under Blood Pact. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Improved Blood Pact (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Wand and Scroll Mastery: +[25/50/75]% damage from your wands, scrolls, and other items that cast spells, and +[1/2/3] to the save DCs of your offensive wands. Taking Wand and Scroll Mastery in one enhancement tree will block its availability in other enhancement trees. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Spell Penetration: +1 to your caster level check to overcome enemy Spell Resistance. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Choose one of the following Metamagic feats (Empower, Enlarge, Maximize, or Quicken). Reduce the MP cost of using that Metamagic by 1. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Summoner Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Summoner Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Summoner Enhancements (Requires Summoner Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Improved Blood Pact: Your avatar gains a +1 competence bonus on bonuses while under Blood Pact. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Improved Blood Pact (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Resistance: You gain +[1/2/3] to all saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Spell Penetration: +1 to your Caster Level check to overcome enemy Spell Resistance. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Spell Penetration (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Choose a different Metamagic feat than Tier 2. Using that Metamagic costs you 1 fewer MP. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Efficient Metamagic (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Summoner Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Summoner Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Summoner Enhancements (Requires Summoner Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Improved Blood Pact: Your avatar gains a +1 competence bonus on bonuses while under Blood Pact. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Improved Blood Pact (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Intense Summoning: Your summoning spells are cast at +[1/2/3] caster level. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Spell Penetration: +1 to your caster level check to overcome enemy Spell Resistance. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Spell Penetration (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Choose a different Metamagic feat than Tier 2 and 3. Using that Metamagic costs you 1 fewer MP. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Efficient Metamagic (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Summoner Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Summoner Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Summoner Enhancements (Requires Summoner Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Improved Blood Pact: Your avatar gains a +1 competence bonus on bonuses while under Blood Pact. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Improved Blood Pact (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Incredible Summoning: Your summoning spells that has a cap of a caster level are increased by [1/2/3] levels. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Intense Summoning (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Avatar Strengthening: Your avatar gains a +[2/4/6] competence bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. Rank 3: You gain +1 Dexterity and Charisma. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Summon Empowerment: You gain a +1 DC to your Summoning spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Summoner Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Summoner Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Time Mage

Core Time Mage Enhancements

  • Temporal Cough: When using Temporal Hiccup, you gain a +1 competence bonus on the 2nd roll or the enemy suffers a -1 penalty to their 2nd roll. This bonus/penalty increases by 1 for each core enhancement you have in this tree (including this one). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Extra Motes: You gain 1 extra Mote of Time for each core enhancement you have in this tree (including this one). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Temporal Cough enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Hasted: You are always considered hasted and you are immune to Slow spells and effects. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Extra Motes enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Traditionalist Caster: +2 DC when casting spells while wielding a Power Rod or Staff. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Hasted enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Scrolls (Retain Essence): You gain a 15% to your odds of retaining a copy of a Scroll when using it. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Traditionalist Caster enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Temporal God: You gain a +4 Intelligence to your Intelligence score and your Motes of Time are now d6s. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Scrolls (Retain Essence) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Time Mage Enhancements

  • Superior Motes: You add +1 competence bonus to attack or skill rolls when you spend a mote to boost your rolls. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Motes of Time class feature to select this enhancement.
  • All Knowing: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Concentration and Knowledge (all). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Arcane Knowledge: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Spellcraft and Use Magic Device skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Energy of the Disciple: Your studies have increased your maximum MP by an additional [1/2/3]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Time Mage Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Time Mage Enhancements (Requires Time Mage Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Superior Motes: You add +1 competence bonus to attack or skill rolls when you spend a mote to boost your rolls. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must have the Superior Motes (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Wand and Scroll Mastery: +[25/50/75]% damage from your wands, scrolls, and other items that cast spells, and +[1/2/3] competence bonus to the save DCs of your offensive wands. Taking Wand and Scroll Mastery in one enhancement tree will block its availability in other enhancement trees. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Choose one of the following Metamagic feats (Empower, Enlarge, Maximize, or Quicken). Reduce the MP cost of using that Metamagic by 1. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Spell Penetration: +1 to your caster level check to overcome enemy Spell Resistance. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Time Mage Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Time Mage Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Time Mage Enhancements (Requires Time Mage Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Superior Motes: You add +1 competence bonus to attack or skill rolls when you spend a mote to boost your rolls. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must have the Superior Motes (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Resistance: You gain +[1/2/3] competence bonus to all saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Choose a different Metamagic feat than Tier 2. Using that Metamagic costs you 1 fewer MP. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Efficient Metamagic (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Spell Penetration: +1 to your caster level check to overcome enemy Spell Resistance. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Spell Penetration (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Time Mage Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Time Mage Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Time Mage Enhancements (Requires Time Mage Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Superior Motes: You add +1 competence bonus to attack or skill rolls when you spend a mote to boost your rolls. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must have the Superior Motes (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Intense Chronomancy: Your chronomancy spells are cast at +[1/2/3] caster level. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Choose a different Metamagic feat than Tier 2 and 3. Using that Metamagic costs you 1 fewer MP. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Efficient Metamagic (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Spell Penetration: +1 to your caster level check to overcome enemy Spell Resistance. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Spell Penetration (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Time Mage Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Time Mage Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Time Mage Enhancements (Requires Time Mage Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Superior Motes: You add +1 competence bonus to attack or skill rolls when you spend a mote to boost your rolls. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must have the Superior Motes (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Incredible Chronomancy: Your chronomancy spells that has a cap of a caster level are increased by [1/2/3] levels. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Intense Chronomancy (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Superb Health: You are immune to natural, magical, and supernatural aging effects. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Time Empowerment: You gain a +1 DC to your Chronomancy spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Time Mage Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Intelligence score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Time Mage Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Hybrid Classes

Black Belt

Core Black Belt Enhancements

  • Enhanced Tough Skin: You gain an additional damage reduction 1/- versus non-lethal damage for each core enhancement you have in this tree (including this one). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Weapons of Steel: You gain a +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with close weapons and monk weapons. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have Enhanced Tough Skin enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Toughened Body: Your Tough Skin class feature now works after Shrug It Off and reduces damage as normal. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Weapons of Steel enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Weapons of Precision: You gain a +1 competence bonus to your critical threat range with close weapons and monk weapons (apply after all other improvements). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Toughened Body enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Weapons of Power: You gain a +1 competence bonus to your critical multiplier with close weapons and monk weapons (max of x4). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Weapons of Precision enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Path to Power: You gain a +2 to your Strength or Dexterity and Constitution scores and +50 maximum hit points. You gain 20 temporary hit points (that stacks with other forms of temporary hit points except this enhancement) that refreshes once per hour. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Weapons of Power enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Black Belt Enhancements

  • Black Belt Weapon Training: +1 competence bonus (which stacks with other enhancements that give the same bonus) to attack and damage rolls with close weapons and monk weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Accuracy: +[1/2/3] competence bonus (which stacks with other enhancements that give the same bonus) to attack rolls with close weapons and monk weapons. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Intimidating Skills: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Intimidate skill checks. Rank 3: +1 Will saves. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Acrobatics: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Acrobatics, Climb, and Swim skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Black Belt Ability Boost: +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Black Belt Enhancements (Requires Black Belt Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Black Belt Weapon Training: +1 competence bonus (which stacks with other enhancements that give the same bonus) to attack and damage rolls with close weapons and monk weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Black Belt Weapon Training (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Ascetic Training: Your rigorous training gives you various benefits. Choose one:
    • Agility: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Reflex saves and dodge bonus to AC.
    • Conditioning: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Fortitude saves, +[5/10/15] maximum hit points.
      EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Maneuver Training: Increase combat maneuver attack rolls by +[1/2/3]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Precise Training: You gain a +1 competence bonus to your critical threat range with close weapons and monk weapons (apply after all other improvements). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Black Belt Ability Boost: +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Black Belt Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Black Belt Enhancements (Requires Black Belt Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Black Belt Weapon Training: +1 competence bonus (which stacks with other enhancements that give the same bonus) to attack and damage rolls with close weapons and monk weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Black Belt Weapon Training (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Critical Mastery: +[1/2/3] to confirm critical hits and critical hit damage (before weapon multipliers). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Ascetic Training: Your rigorous training gives you various benefits. Choose the other option you didn’t choose from Ascetic Training (Tier 2):
    • Agility: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Reflex saves and dodge bonus to AC.
    • Conditioning: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Fortitude saves, +[5/10/15] maximum hit points.
      EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Ascetic Training (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Precise Training: You gain a +1 competence bonus to your critical threat range with close weapons and monk weapons (apply after all other improvements). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Precise Training (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Black Belt Ability Boost: +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Black Belt Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Black Belt Enhancements (Requires Black Belt Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Black Belt Weapon Training: +1 competence bonus (which stacks with other enhancements that give the same bonus) to attack and damage rolls with close weapons and monk weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Black Belt Weapon Training (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Dodge Mastery: You gain a +[1/2/3] dodge bonus to AC and whenever an enemy would miss you with an attack, you gain [10/20/30] temporary hit points for 1 minute. Repeated misses do not stack temporary hit points, just refresh them if missing some or all temporary hit points. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Powerful Strikes: You gain a +1 competence bonus to your critical multiplier with close weapons and monk weapons (max of x4). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Precise Training: You gain a +1 competence bonus to your critical threat range with unarmed strikes and weapons from the close weapons group (apply after all other improvements). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Precise Training (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Black Belt Ability Boost: +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Black Belt Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Black Belt Enhancements (Requires Black Belt Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Black Belt Weapon Training: +1 competence bonus (which stacks with other enhancements that give the same bonus) to attack and damage rolls with close weapons and monk weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Black Belt Weapon Training (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Keen Edge: You gain a +1 competence bonus to critical threat range (apply after all class features and feats that affect critical threat range) with close weapons and monk weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Brutal Impact: You gain a +1 critical damage multiplier (up to a maximum of x4) on a natural roll of a 19-20 with close weapons and monk weapons and +25% bonus to maximum hit points. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Precise Training: You gain a +1 competence bonus to your critical threat range with close weapons and monk weapons (apply after all other improvements). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Precise Training (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Black Belt Ability Boost: +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Black Belt Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.


Core Dancer Enhancements

  • Dancer: Each core enhancement including this one allows you to use Battle Dance for 2 more rounds. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Fists of Steel: You gain a +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with unarmed strikes for each core enhancement you gain in this tree (including this one). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have Dancer enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Fists of Precision: You gain a +1 competence bonus to your critical threat range with unarmed strikes (apply after all other improvements). You also gain 2 ki points to your ki pool. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Fists of Steel enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Fists of Power: You gain a +1 competence bonus to your critical multiplier with unarmed strikes (max of x4). You also gain 2 ki points to your ki pool. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Fists of Precision enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Performer: You regenerate 1 ki point every 6 hours. You can use your Battle Dance as if you had two more rounds. Your Mystic Dances add +1 to their Difficulty Check. You gain a +1 competence bonus on Diplomacy, Perception, Perform, and Use Magic Device skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Fists of Power enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Ballerina of Life and Death: You gain a +2 to Dexterity and Charisma scores. You also gain a +1 competence bonus on +1 Diplomacy, Perception, Perform, and Use Magic Device skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Performer enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Dancer Enhancements

  • Dancer Weapon Training: +1 competence bonus (which stacks with other enhancements that give the same bonus) to attack and damage rolls with monk weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Mystic Training: +[1/2/3] to the DC’s of your Mystic Dances. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Dancer Acrobatics: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Acrobatics, Climb, and Perform skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Lingering Dances: You can use your Battle Dances as if you had [2/4/6] more rounds. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Dancer Ability Boost: +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Dancer Enhancements (Requires Dancer Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Dancer Weapon Training: +1 competence bonus (which stacks with other enhancements that give the same bonus) to attack and damage rolls with monk weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Dancer Weapon Training (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Ascetic Training: Your rigorous training gives you various benefits. Choose one:
    • Agility: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Reflex saves and dodge bonus to AC.
    • Conditioning: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Fortitude saves, +[5/10/15] maximum hit points.
      EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Pirouettes: Choose one of the following:
    • Inspiration Dance: When you use your Battle Dance, an ally within 30 feet gains a +[1/2/3] morale bonus to save vs. Sleep, Paralysis, and Energy Drain for the duration. You can use your Battle Dance as if you had [2/4/6] more rounds.
    • Reviving Dance: When you use your Battle Dance, you gain +[1/2/3] morale bonus on saving throws vs. Sleep, Paralysis, and Energy Drain and Fast Healing [1/2/3] for the duration.
      EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Precise Unarmed Strike Training: You gain a +1 competence bonus to your critical threat range with unarmed strikes (apply after all other improvements). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Dancer Ability Boost: +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Dancer Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Dancer Enhancements (Requires Dancer Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Dancer Weapon Training: +1 competence bonus (which stacks with other enhancements that give the same bonus) to attack and damage rolls with monk weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Dancer Weapon Training (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Disco Trance: When you use your Battle Dance, you gain a +1 morale bonus to your mystic dance DC’s for the duration. You can use your Battle Dance as if you had 2 more rounds. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Sustaining Song: When you use your Battle Dance, you grant Fast Healing [1/2/3] to an ally within 30 feet for the duration. You can use your Battle Dance as if you had [1/2/3] more rounds. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Pirouettes (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Precise Unarmed Strike Training: You gain a +1 competence bonus to your critical threat range with unarmed strikes (apply after all other improvements). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Precise Unarmed Strike Training (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Dancer Ability Boost: +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Dancer Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Dancer Enhancements (Requires Dancer Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Dancer Weapon Training: +1 competence bonus (which stacks with other enhancements that give the same bonus) to attack and damage rolls with monk weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Dancer Weapon Training (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Powerful Unarmed Strikes: You gain a +1 competence bonus to your critical multiplier with unarmed strikes (max of x4). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Frolic: When you use your Battle Dance, you grant Freedom of Movement effect to an ally within 30 feet for the duration. You can use your Battle Dance as if you had 2 more rounds. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Disco Trance: When you use your Battle Dance, you gain a +1 morale bonus to your mystic dance DC’s for the duration. You can use your Battle Dance as if you had 2 more rounds. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Disco Trance (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Dancer Ability Boost: +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Dancer Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Dancer Enhancements (Requires Dancer Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Dancer Weapon Training: +1 competence bonus (which stacks with other enhancements that give the same bonus) to attack and damage rolls with monk weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Dancer Weapon Training (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Prodigy: You gain a +[1/2/3] Perform skill checks and +[1/2/3] to DCs of your Mystic Dances. Rank 3: When you use your Battle Dance, an ally within 30 feet gains [10/20/30] temporary hit points. In addition, you can use your Battle Dance as if you had [1/2/3] more rounds. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Disco Trance: When you use your Battle Dance, you gain a +1 morale bonus to your mystic dance DC’s for the duration. You can use your Battle Dance as if you had 2 more rounds. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Disco Trance (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Dodge Mastery: You gain a +[1/2/3] dodge bonus to AC and whenever an enemy would miss you with an attack, you gain [10/20/30] temporary hit points for 1 minute. Repeated misses do not stack temporary hit points, just refresh them if missing some or all temporary hit points. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Dancer Ability Boost: +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Dancer Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.


Core Druid Enhancements

  • Child of Summer: You gain a +1 damage (of the appropriate type) when casting Earth, Fire, and Lightning spells. This seasonal DC is increased by one for every Core enhancement possessed in this tree (starting with this one), up to +6 when you have all six Enhancements. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Elder of Winter: You gain a +1 damage (of the appropriate type) when casting Ice, Water, and Wind spells for every core enhancement in this tree, up to +6 when you have all six Enhancements. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Child of Summer enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Wellspring: You gain +1 max caster level for spells appropriate to your season. Your plant spells like entangle, spike growth and thorny entanglement will no longer be destroyed by fire effects. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Elder of Winter enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Nature’s Warrior: You gain 10 hit points, +1 competence bonus (which stacks with other enhancements that give the same bonus) to attack and damage rolls while wildshaped or in beast shape for this and every (all) other core in the tree. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Wellspring enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • A True Hunter: While in beast shape or wildshaped, you gain a +1 competence bonus to Critical Multiplier (up to a maximum of x4). You must have a weapon equipped to gain this benefit. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Nature’s Warrior enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Hierophant: You are wise and skilled in the art of wielding druidic magic to summon aid and change the world around you. You gain a +2 to your Wisdom and Constitution scores. Your Plant spells gain +1 to your DCs. You gain a +1 competence bonus on caster level in both seasons. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the A True Hunter enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Druid Enhancements

  • Wax and Wane: You gain a +1 critical threat range with spells associated with your current season.
    • Winter: Ice, Water, and Wind.
    • Summer: Earth, Fire, and Lightning.
      EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Bestial Nature: Your Reflex and Fortitude Saves are increased by +[1/2/3]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Athletic: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Acrobatics and Stealth skill checks. Tier 3: You gain a +1 competence bonus on Reflex and Fortitude saves. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Shared Spirit: Your companion gains +[5/10/15] hit points to its max hit points. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have Animal Companion class feature to select this enhancement.
  • Druid Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Druid Enhancements (Requires Druid Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Wax and Wane: You gain a +1 competence bonus on critical threat range with spells associated with your current season.
    • Winter: Ice, Water, and Wind.
    • Summer: Earth, Fire, and Lightning.
      EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Wax and Wane (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Ghost Touched: You gain Ghost Touch while wildshaped or in beast shape on your melee attacks. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have Wildshape class feature or have the Beast shape spell to select this enhancement.
  • Wand and Scroll Mastery: +[25/50/75]% damage from your wands, scrolls, and other items that cast spells, and +[1/2/3] to the save DCs of your offensive wands. Taking Wand and Scroll Mastery in one enhancement tree will block its availability in other enhancement trees. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Thick Hide: Increases your natural armor bonus to AC while wildshaped or in beast shape by +[2/4/6]. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have Wildshape class feature or have the Beast shape spell to select this enhancement.
  • Druid Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have Druid Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Druid Enhancements (Requires Druid Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Wax and Wane: You gain a +1 competence bonus on critical threat range with spells associated with your current season.
    • Winter: Ice, Water, and Wind.
    • Summer: Earth, Fire, and Lightning.
      EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Wax and Wane (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Fight: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on melee damage rolls and increases your natural armor bonus to AC while wildshaped or in beast shape by +[1/2/3]. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have Wildshape class feature or have the Beast shape spell to select this enhancement.
  • Essence of the Shrike: Striking a blow focuses your mind and body. When you critically hit an enemy while wildshaped or in beast shape, you gain [10/20/30] temporary hit points for 1 minute. This effect stacks up to 4 times. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have Wildshape class feature or have the Beast Shape spell to select this enhancement.
  • Prey on the Weak: You deal an additional [5/10/15] damage to helpless targets. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Druid Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have Druid Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Druid Enhancements (Requires Druid Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Wax and Wane: You gain a +1 competence bonus on critical threat range with spells associated with your current season.
    • Winter: Ice, Water, and Wind.
    • Summer: Earth, Fire, and Lightning.
      EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Wax and Wane (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Four Legs Good: You ignore all effects that would knock you down while wildshaped or in beast shape. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have Wildshape class feature or have the Beast Shape spell to select this enhancement.
  • Ferocity: You gain a +[1/2/3] competence bonus on attack and damage rolls while wildshaped or in beast shape. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Fatal Harrier: Killing an enemy grants you haste for 1 minute. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Druid Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have Druid Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Druid Enhancements (Requires Druid Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Swift Hunter: While wildshaped or in beast shape, you gain Evasion. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have Wildshape class feature or have the Beast Shape spell to select this enhancement.
  • Dodger: You gain a +[2/4/6] dodge bonus to AC while wildshaped or in beast shape. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have Wildshape class feature or have the Beast Shape spell to select this enhancement.
  • Alpha Companion: Your companion gains a +[1/2/3] competence bonus (which stacks with other enhancements that give the same bonus) to attack and damage rolls and increases its natural armor bonus to AC by +[2/4/6] . EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have Animal Companion class feature to select this enhancement.
  • Time and Tide: +1 caster level for spells in both seasons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Druid Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have Druid Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.


Core Fencer Enhancements

  • Blade Adept: While wielding a one-handed or light piercing weapon and carrying nothing in your off-hand, you can add 1-½ times your Strength or Dexterity modifier for your weapon damage rolls. As long as you are wearing light or no armor, your movement speed increases by 5 feet for each enhancement you possess in this tree (including this one). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Fancy Footwork: When you make an Acrobatics check to move through threatened squares without provoking an attack of opportunity, you may roll twice and take the better result. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Blade Adept enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • En Garde: When you act in the surprise round, you can take a move action, standard action, and swift action during the surprise round, not just a move or standard action. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Fancy Footwork enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Blade Expert: While wielding a one-handed or light piercing weapon and carrying nothing in your off-hand, you automatically confirm your first critical hit each round. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the En Garde enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Allez: You may always act during a surprise round. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Blade Expert enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Blade Master: You gain a +2 competence bonus on your Dexterity and Charisma scores. While wielding a one-handed or light piercing weapon and carrying nothing in your off-hand, your critical multiplier is increased by 1 (to a max of x4). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Allez enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Fencer Enhancements

  • Dedicated Duelist I: While you are unarmed or wielding a single one-handed weapon, you gain a +1 competence bonus on weapon attack rolls and combat maneuver checks. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Reactive Swordplay: You may make [1/2/3] additional attacks of opportunity per round. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Fencer Acrobatics: You gain a +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Acrobatics, Climb, and Swim checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Shieldbearer: You gain proficiency with shields (except tower shields). When you wield a shield, your shield hand is considered free for the purposes of Fencer class abilities. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Fencer Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Fencer Enhancements (Requires Fencer Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Dedicated Duelist II: While you are unarmed or wielding a single one-handed weapon, you gain a +1 competence bonus on weapon attack rolls and combat maneuver checks. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Dedicated Duelist I (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Riposte Master: While taking an attack of opportunity or performing a parry and riposte, you gain a +[1/2/3] competence bonus to your attack rolls. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Parry and Riposte maneuver class feature to select this enhancement.
  • Lunge Adept: When using a lunge attack, you gain a +[1/2/3] competence bonus to attack rolls. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Style Over Substance: When you roll for initiative, you may enter a stance as a free action. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Fencer Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Fencer Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Fencer Enhancements (Requires Fencer Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Dedicated Duelist III: While you are unarmed or wielding a single one-handed weapon, you gain a +1 competence bonus on weapon attack rolls and combat maneuver checks. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Dedicated Duelist II (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Cunning Blade: You gain +[1/2/3] to initiative checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Slip: [1/2/3] times per day, you may take a 5-foot step as an immediate action. If this would put you out of range of an incoming attack or spell, you receive a +4 circumstance bonus to your AC or saving throw. You cannot take a 5-foot step during your next turn. If you take an action to move during your next turn, subtract 5 feet from your total movement. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Superior Reflexes: You gain a +[1/2/3] competence bonus to your Reflex saves. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Fencer Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Fencer Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Fencer Enhancements (Requires Fencer Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Dedicated Duelist IV: While you are unarmed or wielding a single one-handed weapon, you gain a +1 competence bonus on weapon attack rolls and combat maneuver checks. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Dedicated Duelist III (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Thousand Cuts: Whenever you deal precision damage, you deal an additional [1/2/3] bleed damage. This bleed can stack with itself, up to a total amount equal to your fencer level. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Daring Theatrics: [1/2/3] times per day, when you provoke an attack of opportunity that an enemy takes, you gain the lucky status for your next d20 roll made before the end of your next round. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Challenger: When you are threatening exactly one creature who is also only threatened by you, you gain a +[1/2/3] dodge bonus to your armor class. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Fencer Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Fencer Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Fencer Enhancements (Requires Fencer Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Dedicated Duelist V: While you are unarmed or wielding a single one-handed weapon, you gain a +1 competence bonus on weapon attack rolls and combat maneuver checks. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Dedicated Duelist IV (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Darkness Veil: You gain shadow resistance [5/10/15]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Deadly Thrusts: When you critically hit a creature, any healing they receive is halved until the start of your next turn. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Pinpoint Swordplay: When you deal precision damage, that attack deals an additional [1/2/3] precision damage. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Fencer Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Fencer Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.


Core Gunbreaker Enhancements

  • Gunmetal Guardian: You gain bonus maximum hit points equal to your gunbreaker level. You also gain an additional use of aurora per day per core enhancements you have in this tree (including this one). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Gunblade Versatility: You gain a bonus depending on the type of gun arm you are equipped with:
    • When you are wielding a light or one-handed gun arm and do not have a shield, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to your AC and a +1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls. If you also have a free hand, these bonuses are increased to +2.
    • When you are wielding a light or one-handed gun arm and a shield, you may add your keen edge bonus as a competence bonus to armor class.
    • When you are wielding a two-handed gun arm, your weapon damage increases by one step.
      EP Cost: 1; Ranks:  1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Gunmetal Guardian enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Heart of Corundum: You gain temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier at the start of every combat. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Gunblade Versatility enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Relentless Rush: Once per encounter, you may move up to your movement speed during a full-attack with a gun arm. This movement can be taken in any increments between attacks and do not provoke attacks of opportunity. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Heart of Corundum enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Terminal Trigger: At the end of a relentless rush, you may unleash a burst from your gun arm. This burst deals damage to all adjacent creatures equal to your base weapon damage with no modifiers. Affected enemies are stunned for one round unless they make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half of your gunbreaker level + your Wisdom modifier). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Relentless Rush enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Gunmetal Soul: You gain a +2 to your Strength or Dexterity and Wisdom. Additionally, you never take more than half of your maximum hit points in damage from a single attack. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Terminal Trigger enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Gunbreaker Enhancements

  • Improved Munitions I: Attacks and techniques that use magicked ammunition gain a +1 competence bonus (which stacks with other enhancements that give the same bonus) to attack and damage rolls. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Confuseproof: You gain a +[2/4/6] competence bonus to saving throws against effects that cause the confusion status effect. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Self-Reliant: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Knowledge (Engineering), Knowledge (Technology), and Repair checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Defensive Mastery: You gain a +[1/2/3] bonus to your armor class and the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by your armor increases by +[1/2/3]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Gunbreaker Ability Boost: +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Gunbreaker Enhancements (Requires Gunbreaker Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Improved Munitions II: Attacks and techniques that use magicked ammunition gain a +1 competence bonus (which stacks with other enhancements that give the same bonus) to attack and damage rolls. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Improved Munitions I (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Darkproof: You gain a +[2/4/6] competence bonus to saving throws against effects that cause the blindness status effect. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Confuseproof (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Instinctive Defense: You take [1/2/3] reduced damage when struck while helpless. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Armor Expertise: Armor you equip gains a +[1/2/3] bonus to its armor class. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Gunbreaker Ability Boost: +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Gunbreaker Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Gunbreaker Enhancements (Requires Gunbreaker Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Improved Munitions III: Attacks and techniques that use magicked ammunition gain a +1 competence bonus (which stacks with other enhancements that give the same bonus) to attack and damage rolls. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Improved Munitions II (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Sleepproof: You gain a +[2/4/6] competence bonus to saving throws against effects that cause the sleep status effect. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Darkproof (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Gun Arm Focus: You gain a +[1/2/3] competence bonus to ranged gun arm attacks when you make a melee gun arm attack or to melee gun arm attacks when you make a ranged gun arm attack until the start of your next turn. You always gain this bonus to trigger attacks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Fatal Trigger: You increase the critical threat range (apply after all other bonuses) of your gun arms by 1. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Gunbreaker Ability Boost: +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Gunbreaker Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Gunbreaker Enhancements (Requires Gunbreaker Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Improved Munitions IV: Attacks and techniques that use magicked ammunition gain a +1 competence bonus (which stacks with other enhancements that give the same bonus) to attack and damage rolls. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Improved Munitions III (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Charmproof: You gain a +[2/4/6] bonus to saving throws against effects that cause the charmed status effect. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Sleepproof (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Burst Revolver: You gain a +[1/2/3] competence bonus to confirm critical hits with a gun arm. Rank 3: When you successfully confirm a critical hit, you deal additional damage equal to the amount of magicked ammo remaining in your gun arm. If you land a critical hit with the final shot in your gun arm, you instead deal additional damage equal to the gun arm’s total capacity (up to your maximum magicked ammo amount). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Breaker’s Charge: While equipped with a gun arm, you may strike additional targets when you make a charge attack. If you hit, you deal damage normally and can make an additional gun arm attack (using your full base attack bonus) against a foe that is adjacent to the previous foe and also within reach. If you hit, you can continue to make attacks against foes adjacent to the previous foe, so long as they are within your reach. You cannot attack an individual foe more than once during this attack action. This cannot be used with other features that allow you to take additional attacks during a charge (such as pounce). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Gunbreaker Ability Boost: +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Gunbreaker Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Gunbreaker Enhancements (Requires Gunbreaker Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Improved Munitions V: Attacks and techniques that use magicked ammunition gain a +1 competence bonus (which stacks with other enhancements that give the same bonus) to attack and damage rolls. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Improved Munitions IV (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Fireproof: You gain resistance to fire [5/10/15]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Charmproof (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Mind Break: Once per round, when you deal damage with a gun arm attack that uses ammunition, you can choose to wound the opponent’s MP instead of their HP. Your target loses MP equal to half the damage they would have taken from the attack (rounded down after damage reduction). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Brutal Impact: You gain a +1 critical damage multiplier (to a maximum of x4) and a +25 maximum hit points. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Gunbreaker Ability Boost: +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Gunbreaker Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.


Core Ninja Enhancements

  • Shield of Whirling Steel: While you are dual wielding weapons, you gain a +1 shield bonus to Armor Class. In addition, you gain the Two Weapon Fighting feat. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Tempest: You gain a +2 bonus when making offhand attacks. You now treat Katanas as if they were light melee weapons. While you are dual wielding light melee weapons, you can use your Dexterity modifier on attack and damage rolls. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Shield of Whirling Steel enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Dexterous Throw: Your thrown weapons benefit from your Dexterity modifier instead of Strength. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Tempest enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Deflect Arrows: You gain the benefits of the Deflect Arrows feat while dual wielding and you gain a +1 competence bonus to critical damage multiplier (max of x4) while dual wielding melee weapons. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Dexterous Throw enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Precise Throw: You gain a +1 competence bonus to critical threat range (apply after all other class features and feats) and critical damage multiplier up to a maximum of x4. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Deflect Arrows enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Shinobi: You gain +2 Dexterity and +2 Wisdom. You also gain +2 Precise Strike dice. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Precise Throw enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Ninja Enhancements

  • Throwing Expert: You gain +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with thrown weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Energy of the Disciple: Your studies have increased your maximum MP by an additional [1/2/3]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Acrobatic: You gain a +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Acrobatics and Stealth checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Whirling Blades: +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls while dual wielding. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Ninja Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Ninja Enhancements (Requires Ninja Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Throwing Expert: You gain +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with thrown weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Throwing Expert (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Improved Defense: Your Shield of Whirling Steel grants +[1/2/3] additional Armor Class. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Ninjutsu Expertise: You gain a +1 DC with your Ninjutsus. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Whirling Blades: +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls while dual wielding. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Whirling Blades (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Ninja Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Ninja Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Ninja Enhancements (Requires Ninja Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Throwing Expert: You gain +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with thrown weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Throwing Expert (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Improved Reaction: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Reflex saves and an additional +[1/2/3] competence bonus on saves against traps. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Ninjutsu Expertise: You gain a +1 DC with your Ninjutsus. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Ninjutsu Expert (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Whirling Blades: +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls while dual wielding. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Whirling Blades (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Ninja Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Ninja Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Ninja Enhancements (Requires Ninja Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Throwing Expert: You gain +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with thrown weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Throwing Expert (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Ninjutsu Expertise: You gain a +1 DC with your Ninjutsus. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Ninjutsu Expert (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Whirlwind: You gain a +1 competence bonus to critical threat range (apply after all class features and feats) and critical hit multiplier (max of x4) while dual wielding. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Whirling Blades: +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls while dual wielding. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Whirling Blades (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Ninja Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Ninja Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Ninja Enhancements (Requires Ninja Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Throwing Expert: You gain +1 competence bonus on attack rolls and +1 competence bonus on damage rolls with thrown weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Throwing Expert (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Ninjutsu Expertise: You gain a +1 DC with your Ninjutsus. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Ninjutsu Expert (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Precise Targeting: You gain a +1 competence bonus to critical threat range (apply after all class features and feats) and critical hit multiplier (max of x4) with thrown weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Whirling Blades: +1 competence bonus on attack rolls and damage while dual wielding. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Whirling Blades (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Ninja Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Ninja Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.


Core Samurai Enhancements

  • Supreme Kenki: Your Kenki now fades away at 1 point per hour and you now start with 1 Kenki for each core enhancement you have in this tree (including this one). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Improved Weaponskills: When using weaponskills with attack rolls, you gain a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls with weaponskills. In addition, weaponskills with a damage roll now inflict an additional 1d6 points of damage. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Supreme Kenki enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Bushido-Infused Body: You gain 2 bushido points to your bushido pool and while you have at least 1 bushido point in your bushido pool, you gain a damage reduction of 2/-, that stacks with other forms of damage reduction. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Improved Weaponskills enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Samurai Precision: You gain a +1 competence bonus on critical threat range (apply after all over bonuses) with eastern weapons and with katanas and wakizashis. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Bushido-Infused Body enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Power Precision: You gain a +1 competence bonus on critical multiplier (max of x4) with eastern weapons and with katanas and wakizashis. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Samurai Precision enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Master Bushi: You gain +2 Strength and Charisma. You also gain a +4 competence bonus on Initiative. When you act first in the round and during surprise rounds, your first attack deals an extra 10d6 points of precision damage. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Power Precision enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Samurai Enhancements

  • Eastern Weapon Training: You gain +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls while wielding an eastern weapon, a katana, or a wakizashi. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Extra Kenki: +[1/2/3] Kenki points for the day. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Extra Bushido: +[1/2/3] Bushido points. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Acrobatic: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Acrobatics, Climb, and Swim skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Samurai Ability Boost: +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Samurai Enhancements (Requires Samurai Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Eastern Weapon Training: You gain +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls while wielding an eastern weapon, a katana, or a wakizashi. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Eastern Weapon Training (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Ascetic Training: Your rigorous training gives you various benefits. Choose one:
    • Agility: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Reflex saves and dodge bonus to AC.
    • Conditioning: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Fortitude saves, +[5/10/15] maximum hit points.
      EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Contemplation: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Perception checks and Will saves. Rank 3: You regenerate 1 bushido point per hour. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Precise Eastern Weapon Training: You gain a +1 competence bonus to your critical threat range with eastern weapons and with katanas and wakizashis (apply after all other improvements). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Samurai Ability Boost: +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Samurai Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Samurai Enhancements (Requires Samurai Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Eastern Weapon Training: You gain +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls while wielding an eastern weapon, a katana, or a wakizashi. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Eastern Weapon Training (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Ascetic Training: Your rigorous training gives you various benefits. Choose the other option you didn’t choose from Ascetic Training (Tier 2):
    • Agility: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Reflex saves and dodge bonus to AC.
    • Conditioning: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Fortitude saves, +[5/10/15] maximum hit points.
      EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Ascetic Training (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Armor Expertise: Armor you equip gains +[1/2/3] bonus to AC. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Precise Eastern Weapon Training: You gain a +1 competence bonus to your critical threat range with eastern weapons and with katanas and wakizashis (apply after all other improvements). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Precise Eastern Weapon Training (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Samurai Ability Boost: +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Samurai Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Samurai Enhancements (Requires Samurai Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Eastern Weapon Training: You gain +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls while wielding an eastern weapon, a katana, or a wakizashi. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Eastern Weapon Training (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Armor Mastery: +[1/2/3] bonus on Armor Class and Armor Maximum Dexterity Bonus. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Armor Expertise (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Samurai’s Edge: +[1/2/3] to attack rolls to confirm critical hits and +[1/2/3] damage on critical hits (prior to applying weapon multipliers). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Precise Eastern Weapon Training: You gain a +1 competence bonus to your critical threat range with eastern weapons and with katanas and wakizashis (apply after all other improvements). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Precise Eastern Weapon Training (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Samurai Ability Boost: +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Samurai Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Samurai Enhancements (Requires Samurai Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Eastern Weapon Training: You gain +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls while wielding an eastern weapon, a katana, or a wakizashi. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Eastern Weapon Training (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Against All Odds: You gain a +2 competence bonus on AC and taking damage adds a stacking +2 AC, stacks 10 times. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Armor Mastery (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Precise Eastern Weapon Training: You gain a +1 competence bonus to your critical threat range with eastern weapons and with katanas and wakizashis (apply after all other improvements). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Precise Eastern Weapon Training (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Powered Eastern Weapon Training: You gain a +1 competence bonus to your critical multiplier with eastern weapons and with katanas and wakizashis (max of x4). EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Precise Eastern Weapon Training (Tier 5) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Samurai Ability Boost: +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Samurai Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.


Core Scholar Enhancements

  • Sage: Follow the path of Light or Dark:
    • Sage of Darkness: You have chosen to follow the path of Darkness. For each Core Enhancement you take in this tree, you gain a +1 DC when casting Dark spells.
    • Sage of Light: You have chosen to follow the path of Light. For each Core Enhancement you take in this tree, you gain a +1 DC when casting Light spells.
      EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Magic Defense: You gain a +2 competence bonus on your saving throws. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Sage enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Ability I: You gain +1 Intelligence and Wisdom. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Magic Defense enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Energy of the Magister: Your MP increases by 1 for each core enhancement you have in this tree (including this one). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level, have a familiar, and have the Ability I enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Ability II: You gain +1 Intelligence and Wisdom. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Energy of the Magister enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Master of Magic: Through extensive training and countless hours of study, you have mastered the application of metamagic feats to your spells. You gain +2 Wisdom and Intelligence, +5 competence bonus on Spellcraft skill checks, and all metamagic feats cost 1 fewer MP to use. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Ability II enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Scholar Enhancements

  • Smiting I: You gain a +1 competence bonus on critical threat range with Dark or Light spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Altruism: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Concentration, Diplomacy and Heal. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Energy of the Disciple: Your studies have increased your maximum MP by an additional [1/2/3]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Arcane Knowledge: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Spellcraft and Use Magic Device skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Scholar Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity, Intelligence, or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Scholar Enhancements (Requires Scholar Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Smiting II: You gain a +1 competence bonus on critical threat range with Dark or Light spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Smiting I (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Energy of the Disciple: Your studies have increased your maximum MP by an additional [1/2/3]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Energy of the Disciple (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Wand and Scroll Mastery: +[25/50/75]% damage from your wands, scrolls, and other items that cast spells, and +[1/2/3] to the save DCs of your offensive wands. Taking Wand and Scroll Mastery in one enhancement tree will block its availability in other enhancement trees. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Choose one of the following Metamagic feats (Empower, Enlarge, Maximize, or Quicken). Reduce the MP cost of using that Metamagic by 1. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Scholar Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity, Intelligence, or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Scholar Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Scholar Enhancements (Requires Scholar Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Smiting III: You gain a +1 competence bonus on critical threat range with Dark or Light spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Smiting II (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Energy of the Disciple: Your studies have increased your maximum MP by an additional [1/2/3]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Energy of the Disciple (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Choose a different Metamagic feat than Tier 2. Using that Metamagic costs you 1 fewer MP. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Efficient Metamagic (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Spell Penetration: +1 to your caster level check to overcome enemy Spell Resistance. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Scholar Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity, Intelligence, or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Scholar Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Scholar Enhancements (Requires Scholar Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Smiting IV: You gain a +1 competence bonus on critical threat range with Dark or Light spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Smiting III (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Energy of the Disciple: Your studies have increased your maximum MP by an additional [1/2/3]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Energy of the Disciple (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Resistance: You gain +[1/2/3] competence bonus on all saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Choose a different Metamagic feat than Tier 2 and 3. Using that Metamagic costs you 1 fewer MP. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Efficient Metamagic (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Scholar Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity, Intelligence, or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Scholar Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Scholar Enhancements (Requires Scholar Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Smiting V: You gain a +1 competence bonus on critical threat range with Dark or Light spells. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Smiting IV (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Energy of the Disciple: Your studies have increased your maximum MP by an additional [1/2/3]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Energy of the Disciple (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Spell Penetration: +1 to your caster level check to overcome enemy Spell Resistance. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Spell Penetration (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Supremacy: Your offensive spells gain a 10% chance to trigger Supremacy buff for 1 minute. Supremacy: +1 critical threat range (apply after all other bonuses), double spell critical damage. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Scholar Ability Boost: +1 to Dexterity, Intelligence, or Wisdom score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Scholar Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Sword Saint

Core Sword Saint Enhancements

  • Sword Expertise: You gain a +1 DC with your Swordskills. In addition, you also gain a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls with a sword for each core enhancement you have in this tree (including this one). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Improved Aegis: Your Aegis’s aura extends out another 10 feet. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level and have the Sword Expertise enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Extended Defensive Perimeter: When you use Defensive Focus, your threatened area extends out by another 5 feet. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 6th level and have the Improved Aegis enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Sword Precision: You gain a +1 competence bonus on critical threat range with swords (apply after all other bonuses). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level and have the Extended Defensive Perimeter enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Sword Power: You gain a +1 competence bonus on critical multiplier with swords (max of x4). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 18th level and have the Sword Precision enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Swordmaster: You gain +2 Strength and Charisma. Your Swordskills deal an additional 2d6 points of damage (of the appropriate type). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 1; Prerequisites: You must be at least 20th level and have the Sword Power enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 1 Sword Saint Enhancements

  • Sword Weapon Training: You gains a +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with swords. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Enhanced Swordplay: You gain a +1 DC with your Swordskills. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Intimidating Skills: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Intimidate skill checks. Rank 3: +1 Will saves. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Acrobatic: +[1/2/3] competence bonus to Acrobatics, Climb, and Swim skill checks. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Sword Saint Ability Boost: +1 to Strength or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.

Tier 2 Sword Saint Enhancements (Requires Sword Saint Level 2, 5 EPs spent in tree)

  • Sword Weapon Training: You gains a +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with swords. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Sword Weapon Training (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Enhanced Swordplay: You gain a +1 DC with your Swordskills. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Enhanced Swordplay (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Ascetic Training: Your rigorous training gives you various benefits. Choose one:
    • Agility: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Reflex saves and dodge bonus to AC.
    • Conditioning: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Fortitude saves, +[5/10/15] maximum hit points.
      EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Maneuver Training: Increase combat maneuver attack rolls by +[1/2/3]. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Sword Saint Ability Boost: +1 to Strength or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Sword Saint Ability Boost (Tier 1) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 3 Sword Saint Enhancements (Requires Sword Saint Level 3, 10 EPs spent in tree)

  • Sword Weapon Training: You gains a +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with swords. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Sword Weapon Training (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Enhanced Swordplay: You gain a +1 DC with your Swordskills. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Enhanced Swordplay (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Ascetic Training: Your rigorous training gives you various benefits. Choose the other option you didn’t choose from Ascetic Training (Tier 2):
    • Agility: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Reflex saves and dodge bonus to AC.
    • Conditioning: +[1/2/3] competence bonus on Fortitude saves, +[5/10/15] maximum hit points.
      EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: You must have the Ascetic Training (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Armor Expertise: Armor you equip gains +[1/2/3] bonus to AC. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Sword Saint Ability Boost: +1 to Strength or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Sword Saint Ability Boost (Tier 2) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 4 Sword Saint Enhancements (Requires Sword Saint Level 4, 20 EPs spent in tree)

  • Sword Weapon Training: You gains a +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with swords. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Sword Weapon Training (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Enhanced Swordplay: You gain a +1 DC with your Swordskills. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Enhanced Swordplay (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Critical Mastery: +[1/2/3] to confirm critical hits and critical hit damage (before weapon multipliers). EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Armor Mastery: +[1/2/3] bonus on Armor Class and Armor Maximum Dexterity Bonus. EP Cost: 1; Ranks: 3; Prerequisite: None.
  • Sword Saint Ability Boost: +1 to Strength or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Sword Saint Ability Boost (Tier 3) enhancement to select this enhancement.

Tier 5 Sword Saint Enhancements (Requires Sword Saint Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 EPs spent in tree)

  • Sword Weapon Training: You gains a +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls with swords. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Sword Weapon Training (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Enhanced Swordplay: You gain a +1 DC with your Swordskills. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Enhanced Swordplay (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Keen Edge: You gain a +1 competence bonus to critical threat range (apply after all class features and feats that affect critical threat range) with your Focus weapons. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Brutal Impact: You gain a +1 critical damage multiplier (up to a maximum of x4) on a natural roll of a 19-20 and +25% bonus to maximum hit points. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: None.
  • Sword Saint Ability Boost: +1 to Strength or Charisma score. EP Cost: 2; Ranks: 1; Prerequisite: You must have the Sword Saint Ability Boost (Tier 4) enhancement to select this enhancement.