Of all the things that are symbolic of the nation of Ishgard, few are more recognized than the dragoon. Born amidst the timeless conflict between men and dragons, these lance-wielding knights have developed an aerial style of combat, that they might better pierce the scaled hides of their mortal foes. Taking to the firmament as though it were an extension of the land, they descend upon the enemy with every ounce of their bodies behind the blow. It is this penetrative power that characterizes the dragoon.
Role: Dragoons are highly mobile, defensive fighters that excel in wide open areas of combat so they may utilize their jumps to the fullest effect.
Alignment: Any
Hit Die: d10
Starting Wealth: 5d6 x 10 gil (average 175 gil.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gil or less.
Class Skills
The dragoon’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
Skill Points Per Level: 4 + Int modifier
Dragoon Main Ability Scores:
The dragoon mainly focuses on STR/DEX for martial combat and CON for their class features.
Table: Dragoon
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the dragoon.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
A dragoon is proficient with simple weapons, as well as all weapons from the polearm and spear weapon groups. They are also proficient with all armor (light, medium, and heavy) but not with any shields.
Limit Breaks (Su)
At 1st level, the dragoon receives the Limit Breaks (Bahamut Leaps and Bahamut Scales).
Bahamut Leaps (Su): This Limit Break allows the dragoon to jump further than ever before. For the duration of 1 round + 1 round per four dragoon levels after 1st, the dragoon can jump farther than his speed allows, doubles his bonus to Acrobatics when jumping, and mitigates all falling damage. This limit break requires only a swift action.
Bahamut Scales (Su): This Limit Break causes the dragoon to grow magic dragon scales from his body, shielding him from harm. For the duration of 1 round + 1 round per four dragoon levels after 1st, the dragoon gains a +2 natural armor bonus to AC, increasing by an additional +1 for every two levels the dragoon possesses after 1st. Additionally, he gains an amount of temporary hit points equal to twice his dragoon level. This limit break requires only a swift action.
Deadly Lancer (Ex)
At 1st level, the dragoon hones the art of leveraging the impact of his jump attacks to devastate foes. The dragoon adds a bonus amount of damage equal to 1d6 + an additional 1d6 for every two levels gained beyond 1st when performing a long jump attack, a high jump attack, or a dive attack with a melee weapon (see below). Additional damage gained from this ability is not multiplied on a critical hit or any class feature that multiplies damage.
Long Jump Attack: The dragoon makes an attack after a successful Acrobatics skill check to long jump at least 10 feet towards his target (whether as part of a charge, or move action).
High Jump Attack: The dragoon makes an attack after a successful Acrobatics skill check to high jump at least 10 feet towards a target (whether as part of a charge, or move action) that possesses a higher altitude. Additionally, for every 10 feet of altitude he achieves with his high jump, the dragoon may move 5 feet horizontally from his starting location towards his target (simulating a diagonal jump).
Dive Attack: As a full-round action, the dragoon can attempt an Acrobatics skill check to high jump into making a dive attack against a target of lower altitude within a horizontal range of half of the dragoon’s achieved altitude. If he is already airborne at the start of his turn due to flight or some other form of movement, he may also make a dive attack from his current altitude as a full-round action against a target meeting the same criteria. Unless otherwise stated, a dive attack cannot be substituted for a combat maneuver.
When performing a dive attack, the dragoon receives a +1 circumstance attack bonus for every 10 feet of altitude difference between him and his target. Additionally, he deals an extra 1d6 damage for every 10 feet of altitude difference (on top of the scaling bonus damage granted earlier in this ability). The total amount of extra damage dice and attack bonus gained from both Deadly Lancer and altitude differences is capped by the dragoon’s level (ex: a 5th level dragoon cannot exceed a +5 attack bonus and 5d6 points of extra damage when performing a dive attack).
Upon a successful dive attack, the dragoon lands within 10 feet of his target, taking falling damage as if he fell from his target’s altitude (if any). If no space is available within this range, he botches his landing, landing prone in the nearest open square.
If the dive attack misses, the dragoon suffers falling damage as if he fell from his starting altitude and lands in the nearest available square next to his target as if he charged on foot. The dragoon cannot use a Fly skill check to negate this falling damage.
Any movement that is part of a dive attack does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and any distance traveled that is part of a dive attack does not contribute to the dragoon’s maximum jump distance.
Jump (Ex)
At 1st level, a dragoon trains for years in the ability to leap astounding and even supernatural distances. The dragoon adds his dragoon levels to all Acrobatic skill checks for jumping. A dragoon’s ability to jump with his Acrobatic checks is treated as though he got a running start and has the Run feat, regardless of whether or not he gets a running start. The dragoon may long jump as part of a move action or charge action, allowing him to ignore difficult terrain for the distance he jumps. The dragoon uses his jump’s Acrobatics check to resolve against all opponents CMD while long jumping or high jumping through threatened squares, but takes the +10 to DC for moving at full speed while doing so.
A dragoon’s maximum jump distance is 2x his base speed, as if charging, instead of being limited by his normal base speed (30-foot land speed = 60-foot jump maximum). Starting at 3rd level and for every 3rd level thereafter, the dragoon further increases his maximum jump distance by an additional 10 feet.
Should the dragoon utilize any of his base speed for movement on his turn, subtract that distance from his maximum jump distance to determine the distance he has left to jump.
Pole Fighting (Ex)
At 1st level, a dragoon can shorten the grip on his spear, lance, or polearm with reach and use it against adjacent targets as an immediate action. While under this effect, this removes the reach special feature from the weapon. The dragoon can spend another immediate action to return to the normal grip.
Strengthened Agility (Ex)
Beginning at 1st level, a dragoon adds his Strength modifier as a bonus (minimum 0) on any Acrobatics skill checks made to jump.
Dragoon Talents (Ex or Su)
Starting at 2nd level, a dragoon gains a dragoon talent. He gains an additional one for every 2 dragoon levels attained after 2nd. Unless otherwise noted, a dragoon cannot select an individual dragoon talent more than once.
- A complete list of dragoon talents can be found here: Dragoon Talents
Hardy Landing (Ex)
Starting at 2nd level, a dragoon becomes skilled at mitigating falling damage. When first gaining this ability, the dragoon takes damage as if the fall were 10 feet shorter than it actually is (this effect stacks with the Acrobatics skill check (DC 15) to ignore the first 10 feet of a fall). Additionally, the dragoon treats all damage from falling as nonlethal. The dragoon’s ability to absorb his fall improves with his dragoon level, allowing him another 10 feet every two levels after 2nd, until at 20th level he can fall any distance without harm.
Super Jump (Ex)
At 2nd level, the dragoon can empower his jump to send him soaring, emulating the ability to fly. By activating this ability at the start of his jump as a free action, the dragoon lowers the Acrobatics high jump DC multiplier from 4 to 1 for that jump (ex: a high jump of 20 feet would be lowered from an Acrobatics DC of 80 to an Acrobatics DC of 20). Additionally, the dragoon receives a +10 bonus to Acrobatics for that jump. The dragoon suffers no falling damage for the vertical distance he high jumps when using this ability.
The dragoon can use this ability a number of times per day equal to his dragoon level, and no more than once per round.
Armor Training (Ex)
At 3rd level, a dragoon learns to be more maneuverable while wearing armor. Whenever he is wearing armor, he reduces the armor check penalty by 1 (to a minimum of 0) and increases the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by his armor by 1. Every four levels thereafter (7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th), these bonuses increase by +1 each time, to a maximum –5 reduction of the armor check penalty and a +5 increase of the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed.
In addition, a dragoon can also move at his normal speed while wearing medium armor. At 7th level, a dragoon can move at his normal speed while wearing heavy armor.
Blood of the Dragon (Ex)
At 3rd level, dragon’s blood has coalesced with the dragoon’s own, enabling him to achieve supernatural feats of power. The number of dragon blood points in the dragoon’s blood is equal to half his dragoon level + his Constitution modifier. Dragon blood points are replenished once per day when the dragoon rests for a full 8 hours. Additionally, the dragoon may perform the Lancet ability. The dragoon unlocks additional Blood of the Dragon abilities as he levels up, with each expending 1 point of dragon blood upon activation.
Unless otherwise noted, the DC for all Blood of the Dragon abilities is equal to 10 + half the dragoon’s level + his Constitution modifier.
Lancet (Ex): At 3rd level, the dragoon can empower his next melee attack with a polearm or spear that inflicts piercing damage to drain the life force from a living foe as a swift action. The dragoon receives a +2 circumstance bonus to this attack and heals himself of 2d6 damage, with the attack bonus and amount of healing dice increasing by 1 for every two dragoon levels attained after 3rd. This effect lasts until the end of the dragoon’s turn or until expended by a successful attack.
Dragon’s Breath (Su): At 5th level, the dragoon can breath either a 15 foot cone or line that deals 1d6 points of elemental damage per dragoon level as a standard action. The dragoon chooses the element type upon using this ability, be it earth, fire, ice, lightning, water, or wind. A successful Reflex save halves this damage.
Tail Sweep (Ex): At 8th level, the dragoon can make a trip combat maneuver with his polearm or spear against creatures within an area that he threatens as a standard action. The affected area must consist of at least three contiguous squares. Additionally, the dragoon receives a bonus to this combat maneuver check equal to half his dragoon level. This action does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and does not cause the dragoon to fall prone should he fail his check by 10 or more.
Dragon Sight (Su): At 11th level, the dragoon can utilize his dragon blood to greatly enhance his perceptive abilities for 1 minute as a swift action. While in effect, the dragoon’s irises glow a fiery crimson, with him being able to see through normal and magical darkness, see the exact locations of creatures or objects under blur or displacement effects, and see invisible creatures or objects normally for up to 120 feet (as if the true seeing spell). Additionally, the dragoon gains a Perception bonus equal to his dragoon level. The dragoon may extend the effect’s duration by an additional minute as a free action, provided he expends an extra point of dragon blood while the ability remains active.
Stardiver (Su): At 17th level, as part of his dive attack, the dragoon can cause his ensuing dive to erupt in a cataclysm of flames, incinerating creatures near his target. Upon a successful dive attack, the dragoon inflicts fire damage equal to his dive attack’s Deadly Lancer damage to all creatures (excluding the target of the dive attack and the dragoon himself) within 5 feet of his target. The dragoon may choose to widen the explosion’s radius to his liking, growing up to an additional 5 feet for every 10 feet of altitude difference. Creatures within this radius are allowed a Reflex save to halve the damage. The dragoon cannot utilize Stardiver as part of a Multi-Jump.
Elusive Jump (Ex)
At 4th level, whenever the dragoon would be presented with certain types of danger, he may long jump to an open square up to 15 feet away as an immediate action without provoking attacks of opportunity. This ability confers different benefits depending on the type of scenario:
- Should the dragoon be targeted by an attack, he gains a +3 dodge bonus to AC against that attack and any further attacks made against him in that action, with the long jump executing after all attacks are resolved by his foe.
- If the dragoon is the target of an ability or spell with an area of effect that has a Reflex save component, the dragoon may long jump away in response. This confers a +3 bonus to any Reflex saves imposed by that ability or spell should he land outside the area of effect.
At 9th level, and every five levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by an additional +1 .
The dragoon must declare usage of this ability after his foe declares their intent, but before any rolls are made.
The dragoon may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Constitution modifier.
Polearm Training (Ex)
At 5th level a dragoon gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with spears, lances, and polearms. This bonus increases by +1 for every five levels beyond 5th.
Wyrmkiller (Ex)
At 6th level a dragoon becomes an expert in dragon lore and fighting dragons. He may attempt Knowledge: Arcana skill checks untrained when dealing with dragons or creatures of the dragon subtype. The dragoon also receives a bonus to Knowledge: Arcana skill checks equal to his dragoon level when dealing with dragons or creatures with the dragon subtype.
Additionally, the dragoon maximizes all Deadly Lancer damage dice versus dragons or creatures with the dragon subtype.
Swoop of the Dragon (Ex)
At 7th level, a dragoon’s charge is akin to the ferocious swoop of a dragon. When long jumping as part of a charge action, the dragoon receives a +4 attack bonus with a spear or polearm (instead of the normal +2). In addition, the dragoon takes no penalty to his AC with this action (normally a -2 penalty to AC for 1 round).
Wall Jumping (Ex)
At 9th level, a dragoon may select a square with a wall as his target for a long jump as part of a charge or move action (see Jump class feature). If he arrives at the targeted square he may pivot and make another Acrobatics check with a +10 bonus to long jump and continue that charge or move action and travel in a line that is non-parallel to that wall. A dragoon can utilize this class feature multiple times in the same turn, with the bonus to Acrobatics degrading by 5 for every wall jump after the first (this can turn into a penalty), but still cannot exceed his maximum allowable jump distance.
Ride the Wind (Ex)
At 10th level, a dragoon learns to manipulate the very air around him to maximize his diving power and maneuverability. The dragoon treats all dive attacks as if he dove from 10 feet higher, with this amount increasing by an additional 10 feet for every 3rd level after 10th.
Additionally, a dragoon may spend a daily usage of his Super Jump ability mid-jump to change direction once. This may occur at the apex of his high jump to allow the dragoon to move horizontally from that position before performing a dive attack. The distance traveled as a result of this ability counts towards the dragoon’s maximum jumping distance.
Spinning Lance (Ex)
At 12th level, a dragoon gains the ability to spin his lance, allowing him to deflect incoming attacks. Immediately after his attack or full-attack action, the dragoon gains a shield bonus to his AC equal to the number of successful attacks he made with his polearm or spear in that round. If the dragoon is wearing a shield, the shield bonus to AC stacks, but he only gains half the benefit (minimum +1). This effect lasts for 1 round, but may be extended by an additional round if he utilizes a total defense action in the round thereafter. The dragoon does not retain this bonus if he is rendered helpless or is knocked prone.
Multi-Jump (Ex)
At 13th level, a dragoon learns to use the momentum of his dive attacks to chain additional high jumps. Upon delivering a successful dive attack, instead of landing, the dragoon may activate his Super Jump ability (thus expending a daily usage) to attempt another high jump into a dive attack at a -20 Acrobatics penalty (this penalty stacks with additional uses of this ability). Any dive attacks attempted using this ability uses the dragoon’s subsequent iterative base attack bonus value (as if performing a full-attack action, thus disallowing usage of this ability if the dragoon exceeds his allotment of attacks per turn, including haste effects). The dragoon cannot dive attack a target more than once while using this ability. Any high jumps that are triggered off of this ability do not count towards the dragoon’s maximum jumping distance.
Flawless Lancer (Ex)
At 15th level, a dragoon doesn’t automatically miss when he rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll that would utilize his Deadly Lancer class feature.
Piercing Critical (Ex)
At 19th level, a dragoon increases his critical threat range by 1 while using a polearm or spear. This amount increases to 2 for attacks that would utilize his Deadly Lancer class feature. These increases are applied after any effects that multiply the critical threat range of a weapon (ex: the Improved Critical feat).
Master Dragoon (Ex)
At 20th level, the dragoon deals double weapon damage for attacks that utilize his Deadly Lancer class feature. This is not the same as a critical hit. In addition, if the dragoon confirms a critical hit on an attack that utilizes his Deadly Lancer class feature, the target is stunned for 1d4 rounds. A Fortitude save reduces this to staggered for 1d4 rounds. The DC is equal to 10 + the number of Deadly Lancer dice inflicted.
Favored Class Bonuses
Instead of receiving an additional skill rank or hit point whenever they gain a level in a favored class, some races have the option of choosing from a number of other bonuses, depending upon their favored classes. The following options are available to the listed race who have dragoon as their favored class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the listed favored class reward.
- Aegyl: Add +1/2 bonus to Acrobatic skill checks for jumping.
- Amalj’aa: Add +1/3 to the dragoon’s attack rolls with spears, lances, and polearms.
- Antica: The dragoon gains +1/6 of an additional 1d6 points of deadly lancer damage.
- Au Ra: Add +1/3 to the dragoon’s attack rolls with spears, lances, and polearms.
- Bangaa: The dragoon deals an extra point of elemental damage when using his Dragon’s Breath class feature.
- Burmecian: Add +1/2 bonus to Acrobatic skill checks for jumping.
- Dwarf: Add +1/3 to the dragoon’s attack rolls with spears, lances, and polearms.
- Elvaan: Add +1/2 bonus to Acrobatic skill checks for jumping.
- Galka: Add +1/3 to the dragoon’s attack rolls with spears, lances, and polearms.
- Garif: Add +1/2 bonus to Acrobatic skill checks for jumping.
- Half-Breed: Add +1/3 to the dragoon’s damage rolls with spears, lances, and polearms
- Hume: Add +1/3 to the dragoon’s damage rolls with spears, lances, and polearms.
- Hypello: Add +1/2 bonus to Acrobatic skill checks for jumping.
- Immortal: Add +1/3 to the dragoon’s damage rolls with spears, lances, and polearms.
- Ixal: Add +1/2 bonus to Acrobatic skill checks for jumping.
- Kindred: Add +1/3 to the dragoon’s attack rolls with spears, lances, and polearms.
- Mithra: The dragoon gains +1/6 of an additional 1d6 points of deadly lancer damage.
- Moogle: Add +1/6 to reduce armor check penalty and increase maximum Dexterity bonus when wearing armor.
- Orc: The dragoon gains +1/6 of an additional 1d6 points of deadly lancer damage.
- Ronso: Add +1/3 to the dragoon’s attack rolls with spears, lances, and polearms.
- Sahagin: Add +1/6 to reduce armor check penalty and increase maximum Dexterity bonus when wearing armor.
- Seto Lion: The dragoon gains +1/6 of an additional 1d6 points of deadly lancer damage.
- Tarutaru: Add +1/2 bonus to Acrobatic skill checks for jumping.
- A complete list of dragoon archetypes can be found here: Dragoon Archetypes