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PsychicWithin the mind of any sentient being lies power to rival that of the greatest magical artifact or holy site. By accessing these staggering vaults of mental energy, the psychics can shape the world around them, the minds of others, and pathways across the planes. They are capable of manipulating invisible force to wield a weapon at a distance as if they were right up next to their enemies, staying safe from danger while still inflicting damage both martial and mental.

Role: The psychic uses mental energy and the law of physics to engage in combat.

Alignment: Any.

Hit Die: d8.

Starting Wealth: 3d6 × 10 gil (average 105 gil.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gil or less.

Class Skills
The psychic’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Points Per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Table: Psychic

LevelBase Attack BonusFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveSpecial
1st+0+0+2+2Telekinetic Hurl, Sense Thoughts, Altered Defense (+1), Limit Breaks
2nd+1+0+3+3Psychic Talent, Partition Mind, Split Brain I
3rd+2+1+3+3Phrenic Pool, Phrenic Amplications, Mind Blast (1d6)
4th+3+1+4+4Psychic Talent, Thinkmodes
5th+3+1+4+4Clear Mind I, Mind Meld
6th+4+2+5+5Psychic Talent, Telekinetic Combat, Mind Blast (2d6)
7th+5+2+5+5Telepathy, Phrenic Amplications
8th+6/+1+2+6+6Psychic Talent, Alter the Waves, Kinetic Aura
9th+6/+1+3+6+6Improved Telekinetic Combat, Mind Blast (3d6), Thinkmodes
10th+7/+2+3+7+7Psychic Talent, Inconstant Position, Clear Mind II
11th+8/+3+3+7+7Guarded Thoughts, Phrenic Amplications
12th+9/+4+4+8+8Psychic Talent, Split Mind II, Mind Blast (4d6)
13th+9/+4+4+8+8Full Attack Telekinesis, Enduring Defense
14th+10/+5+4+9+9Psychic Talent, Energetic Recharge, Thinkmodes
15th+11/+6/+1+5+9+9Clear Mind III, Improved Violent Thrust, Phrenic Amplications, Mind Blast (5d6)
16th+12/+7/+2+5+10+10Psychic Talent, No Raised Hand
17th+12/+7/+2+5+10+10Fling Skyward, Perpetual Foresight
18th+13/+8/+3+6+11+11Psychic Talent, Flawless Mind, Mind Blast (6d6)
19th+14/+9/+4+6+11+11Last Respite, Phrenic Amplications, Thinkmodes
20th+15/+10/+5+6+12+12Psychic Talent, Clear Mind IV, Ascension

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the psychic.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

A psychic is proficient with all simple weapons and power weapons (a psychic doesn’t need MP to activate a power weapon and uses her psychic level to count for her caster level for feats). A psychic is proficient with light armor but not with any shields.

Limit Breaks (Su)

At 1st level, the psychic receives the Limit Breaks (Foresight and Psychic Bomb).

Foresight (Su): This Limit Break grants the psychic a powerful sixth sense in relation to herself. The psychic receives instantaneous warnings of impending danger or harm. For a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four psychic levels after 1st, the psychic can’t be surprised or flat-footed. In addition, the limit break gives the psychic a general idea of what action the character might take to best protect herself (duck, jump right, close the eyes, and so on) and gives the psychic a +1 insight bonus to AC. This bonus improves by 1 per four psychic levels after 1st. This insight bonus is lost whenever the psychic would lose a Dexterity bonus to AC. This limit break requires only a swift action.

Psychic Bomb (Su): This Limit Break allows the psychic to let off a powerful telekinetic explosion within 100 feet, in a 30-ft.-radius. Enemies within the area of effect take 2d6 points of non-elemental damage + an additional 2d6 damage per four psychic levels after 1st, a successful Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the psychic’s level + her Intelligence modifier) halves the damage. In addition, enemies that fail the Reflex save are also dazed for 1 round.

Telekinetic Hurl (Sp)

At 1st level, a psychic can use grab at will. At 9th level, the psychic can also use telekinesis at will. The psychic uses her psychic level as her caster level when casting these spell-like abilities. When using grab, she gains the ability to telekinetically hurl objects of up to 5 lbs. as a ranged attack at an enemy within 30 ft. Such attacks deal 1d4 points of damage + her Intelligence modifier due to the force exerted. This damage increases by 1d4 points of damage for every four psychic levels thereafter.

Sense Thoughts (Su)

At 1st level, at will, a psychic can, as a move action, concentrate on an individual within 30 feet and determine the thoughts, with a successful Sense Motive skill check. The DC for an individual is equal to 10 + the CR of the creature. The psychic can read the surface thoughts of any mind within 30 feet. A target’s Will save (DC 10 + half of the psychic’s level + her Intelligence modifier) prevents her from reading its thoughts, and she must use this ability again to have another chance. Creatures of animal intelligence (Int 1 or 2) have simple, instinctual thoughts. Each round, she can turn to sense thoughts in another person. The ability can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.

Altered Defense (Su)

At 1st level, a psychic learns early on to modify the surroundings around her to grant her protection as a swift action. The psychic chooses from the options below and may only have one such effect active at any given time. The psychic can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + her Intelligence modifier. The psychic can maintain this ability as long as she wants as long as she has rounds available, or dismiss it at any time as a free action.

  • Absorb: The psychic gains DR 1/-.
  • Deflect: The psychic gains a +1 dodge bonus to her AC.
  • Retaliate: The psychic gains a +1 bonus on her attack rolls against any opponent that successfully hit her since her last turn.

Every four psychic levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 1 (to 2 at 5th level, 3 at 9th level, 4 at 13th level, and 5 at 17th level).

Partition Mind (Su)

At 2nd level, a psychic can create a bastion of determination and resolve that helps her reduce the effects of mind-affecting spells and abilities. As an immediate action, she can choose to partition her mind even if dazed or stunned. While her mind is partitioned, she can choose to be slowed instead of suffering the normal effect of the mind-affecting spell or ability. Attacks with a duration—for example, a hold spell, a deep slumber spell, or the stunning effect of a monk’s stunning fist—are only held in abeyance. If the duration of her partitioned mind expires while the effect is still operative, she suffers the normal consequences for the balance of the effect’s duration. She can keep her mind partitioned for a number of rounds per day equal to her psychic level plus her Intelligence modifier.

Psychic Talents (Ex/Su)

At 2nd level and every two psychic levels thereafter, a psychic learns a talent to help her mental focus and abilities. A psychic cannot select an individual talent more than once.

Split Brain I (Ex)

At 2nd level, a psychic can use one half of her brain to give a +2 bonus on Aid Another checks to the other half when attempting a Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom-based skill check. When the use of such a skill is attempted, make two skill checks: if the first beats DC 10, then add +2 to the second check.

Phrenic Pool (Su)

At 3rd level, a psychic has a pool of supernatural mental energy that she can draw upon to manipulate her mental energy. The maximum number of points in a psychic’s phrenic pool is equal to half her psychic level + her Intelligence modifier. The phrenic pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation; these hours don’t need to be consecutive.

Phrenic Amplifications (Su)

A psychic develops particular techniques to empower her, called phrenic amplifications. A psychic learns one phrenic amplification at 3rd level, selected from the list below. At 7th level and every four levels thereafter, the psychic learns a new phrenic amplification. A phrenic amplification can’t be selected more than once. Once a phrenic amplification has been selected, it can’t be changed. Phrenic amplifications require the psychic to expend 1 or more points from her phrenic pool to function.

Mind Blast (Su)

At 3rd level, a psychic can emit a blast of psychokinetic energy with the power of her mind. As a standard action, the psychic can make a ranged touch attack at a creature within 30 ft. that deals 1d6 points of non-elemental damage + her Intelligence modifier to the creature struck. At 6th level and every three psychic levels thereafter, the damage increases by 1d6.

Thinkmodes (Su)

At 4th, 9th, 14th, and 19th levels, a psychic gains the ability to use attack and defense modes, collectively called thinkmodes. The use of thinkmodes depends on her phrenic pool: some modes cost phrenic points to use; others are available whenever she has 1 or 2 points of phrenic pool. Select two thinkmodes each time she gains this ability — two defenses, two attacks, or one of each — from the lists below:

Attacks: All attack modes require a swift action to launch. The save DC for all attacks that require them is 10 + half of the psychic’s level + her Intelligence modifier.

  • Ego Whip (Su): The psychic makes a ranged touch attack, using her Intelligence modifier instead of Dexterity to adjust the attack roll. If she hits, she inflicts 1d3 points of Charisma damage and 1 point of Wisdom damage, a Will save (DC 10 + half of the psychic’s level + her Intelligence modifier) to reduce the damage to 1 point of Charisma. If she has at least 1 point in her phrenic pool, she can use this attack mode, which affects one creature in line of sight and within 30 feet.
  • Id Insinuation (Su): This attack mode targets a disciplined mind in line of sight and within 60 feet. The target must make a Fortitude save or lose one point of resource (such as ki, arcane, etc.), which is added to her total. As long as she has at least 2 points in her phrenic pool, she can use this attack mode, which affects one creature with a pool resource.
  • Mind Thrust (Su): The psychic makes a ranged touch attack, using her Intelligence modifier instead of Dexterity to adjust the attack roll. If she hit, she inflicts 1d3 points of Intelligence damage and 1 point of Wisdom damage, a Will save (DC 10 + half of the psychic’s level + her Intelligence modifier) to reduce the damage to 1 point of Intelligence. If she has at least 1 point in her phrenic pool, she can use this attack mode, which affects one creature in line of sight and within 30 feet.
  • Psionic Blast (Su): At a cost of 2 phrenic pool points, the psychic attacks all creatures within a 30-ft.-cone, those affected must make a Will save or suffer 1d8 points of nonlethal damage +1 point per psychic level and be dazed for 1 round. Those who make the save suffer half damage and are not dazed. Only mindless creatures are unaffected by this attack mode.
  • Psychic Crush (Su): At a cost of 1 phrenic pool point, the psychic releases a 20-ft.-radius burst within 60 feet that forces spellcasters and those with spell-like abilities to make a Will save or lose a number of MP equal to their highest spell level, or the use of a spell-like ability, chosen at random.

Defenses: To erect a defense mode requires a swift action, but once erected, it remains in place until the psychic erects a new one, or until she sleeps or loses consciousness.

  • Intellect Fortress (Su): This defense mode requires using 2 phrenic pool points to erect. It extends outward from the psychic in a 10-ft.-radius, protecting all within. It offers immunity to possession, compulsion, illusions, and Psionic Blast attacks. The Intellect Fortress also gives those within it a +2 bonus to saves versus all other mind-affecting attacks/spells/abilities.
  • Mental Barrier (Su): The psychic can erect this defense mode so long as she has 1 point in her phrenic pool. Mental Barrier grants an AC bonus equal to her Intelligence modifier against all incorporeal attacks and force effects. It also gives immunity to Ego Whip.
  • Mind Blank (Su): The psychic can erect Mind Blank so long as she has 1 point in her phrenic pool. It grants an AC bonus equal to her Intelligence modifier against all touch attacks made to deliver spells or spell-like abilities. It also gives immunity to Mind Thrust.
  • Thought Shield (Su): The psychic can erect this defense mode so long as she has 2 points in her phrenic pool. The defense mode remains active even when she is asleep. Thought Shield grants a +1 bonus vs all Will saves and immunity to Id Insinuation.
  • Tower of Iron Will (Su): This defense mode requires using 1 phrenic pool point to erect it. It offers immunity to all divination spells and to Psychic Crush.

Clear Mind (Ex)

Starting at 5th level, a psychic can regain her phrenic pool points quicker. The psychic must be relaxed and must be free from overt distractions, such as combat raging nearby or other loud noises. For example, she could be riding in the back of a carriage and benefit from this ability. The psychic does not gain this recovery if she is asleep or unconscious. The psychic regains 1 phrenic pool point per hour. This increases by 1 for every five psychic levels after 5th.

Mind Meld (Su)

At 5th level, a psychic can probe a creature’s mind that requires one minute of physical contact to establish; it persists for up to one minute after activation (so long as physical contact is maintained). The target must be willing or helpless, because of the time required. The mind meld lets her use the Aid Another action to boost a willing creature’s Knowledge skill check.

Telekinetic Combat (Su)

At 6th level, a psychic learns to use her expertise at moving items from afar with a weapon to attack from a distance. When she uses grab or uses the sustained force version of telekinesis, as a standard action, she may manipulate a single light or one-handed melee weapon up to the weight limit of the spell and use it to attack enemies as if she were wielding it normally; this weapon may be magical as an exception to grab’s restriction against manipulating magic items. She may maintain concentration on this ability as a free action while using it for this purpose.

She cannot attack targets outside the spell’s range, and it still takes a move action to move the weapon according to the spell. If the spell ends or is dispelled and the weapon is not in her hand, it falls to the ground. If the psychic loses line of sight or line of effect to her weapon, the spell ends. She must always have a free hand to direct her telekinetic weapon and cannot use that hand for anything else. She may spend 1 point from her phrenic pool as a move action to teleport her telekinetic weapon back to her hand and end the spell. She adds her Intelligence modifier to her telekinetic combat attack rolls rather than her Strength modifier, but she does not add either her Strength or Intelligence modifier to her damage rolls. Her weapon threatens the squares within its reach normally, and the psychic can use it to flank opponents and make opportunity attacks.

The psychic uses her Intelligence modifier rather than her Strength modifier to determine her CMD against any combat maneuver check made against her telekinetic weapon, such as disarm or sunder. Disarming the telekinetic weapon causes it to either fall to the ground, forcing the psychic to spend a move action lifting it back up before attacking again, or to be snatched out of the air, ending the spell.

While using telekinetic combat, the psychic takes a -2 penalty to her Armor Class as her concentration is being taken up by manipulating her weapon.

Telepathy (Su)

At 7th level, a psychic gains telepathy out to 400 ft. and can communicate with any creature, regardless of intelligence, so long as they have an Intelligence of 1 or higher. The range of her telepathy increases by 10 ft. every psychic level thereafter. Additionally, as long as the psychic has 1 point in her phrenic pool, she can detect other creatures within 30 ft. using telepathy to communicate, although she cannot determine the content of the communication. If the psychic has a form of telepathy, yhis ability adds to her range.

Kinetic Aura (Su)

At 8th level, a psychic gains a +1 deflection bonus to AC. This bonus increases by +1 every three levels thereafter.

Alter the Waves (Su)

At 8th level, each day when the psychic fully regains her phrenic pool points for the day, she gains a +3 insight bonus that can be used on any one die roll. Every two psychic levels thereafter, this ability may be used one additional time per day and the insight bonus is increased by 1.

Improved Telekinetic Combat (Su)

At 9th level, a psychic may add her Intelligence modifier as a bonus to damage rolls when using telekinetic combat, and the AC penalty decreases to -1. In addition, the weight limit increases to 50 lbs. per psychic level on telekinesis when using sustained force. She may spend 1 point from her phrenic pool when activating telekinetic combat as a full-round action, move her weapon up to 30 feet, and make an attack with it in the same action as using telekinesis. She gains a +2 bonus on this attack roll and takes a -2 penalty to her AC for 1 round as if she were charging.

Inconstant Position (Su)

At 10th level, once per day as an immediate action, when someone attacks the psychic, she can force them to suffer a 50% miss chance. This ability can be used an additional time per day every two psychic levels thereafter.

Guarded Thoughts (Su)

At 11th level, the psychic gains increased protection from mind-affecting effects, granting her a +10 bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects.

Split Brain II (Ex)

At 12th level, if the psychic suffers a mind-affecting spell or spell-like ability, she makes two saving throws. The attack succeeds only if both saves fail.

Full Attack Telekinesis (Ex)

At 13th level, a psychic is as skilled in telekinetic combat as a warrior is with melee combat. When using the combat maneuver version of telekinesis or wielding a weapon telekinetically, the psychic can make a full attack, potentially attacking, bull rushing, disarming, grappling, or tripping more than once per round.

Enduring Defense (Su)

At 13th level, a psychic can choose any option from the altered defense ability and always be under that effect. The psychic can still change the effect as a swift action, but she is no longer limited to how many rounds per day she can have Altered Defense active.

Energetic Recharge (Su)

At 14th level, once per day, if the psychic would take damage from any source of elemental damage, as an immediate action, she can convert the damage into phrenic pool points, at a rate of 1 phrenic point per 5 damage. She suffers none of the converted damage, but may not gain more than her psychic level in phrenic pool points.

Improved Violent Thrust (Ex)

At 15th level, a psychic’s violent thrust version of telekinesis becomes more effective. She uses her psychic level in place of her base attack bonus when making the attack roll, and she uses her Intelligence modifier as a bonus on damage rolls if she hurls weapons at the target. Finally, using a violent thrust no longer ends the telekinesis effect.

No Raised Hand (Su)

At 16th level, anyone wanting to attack the psychic must make a successful Will save (DC 10 + half of the psychic’s level + her Intelligence modifier) or it can’t follow through with the attack, that part of its action is lost, and they take a -1 penalty to all saving throws against abilities by the psychic until the end of their next turn. A creature that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to this effect for 24 hours. By spending 1 point of her phrenic pool as a move action, the psychic can share this ability with all allies within 30 ft. for one round. This is a mind-affecting effect.

Fling Skyward (Ex)

Rather than hurling a creature toward another target, a 17th-level psychic can use the violent thrust version of telekinesis to hurl a creature straight up. A target is allowed a Will save (DC 10 + half of the psychic’s level + her Intelligence modifier) to negate the effect. The psychic can lift a creature into the air a maximum distance of 10 feet per psychic level. At the beginning of the psychic’s next action, the creature falls to the ground, taking 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet fallen. Unlike other times when a psychic uses the violent thrust version of telekinesis, flinging a foe skyward immediately ends the telekinesis effect.

Perpetual Foresight (Su)

At 17th level, the psychic’s ability to foresee the different possibilities has suffused her. Anytime she rolls a d20, she may spend 1 point from her phrenic pool, as an immediate action, to roll a second time. To choose the result of the second roll, she must pay 3 points from her phrenic pool instead.

Flawless Mind (Ex)

At 18th level, a psychic gains total control over her mental faculties. Whenever a psychic attempts a Will save, she can roll twice and take the better result. If a psychic fails her Will saving throw against a spell or effect that has a duration longer than 1 hour, the psychic can attempt a new saving throw at the end of each hour to end the effect.

Last Respite (Su)

At 19th level, once per day, if the psychic is about to suffer damage that would result in her death, as an immediate action, she can shunt her mind into the body of a creature within 30 ft., effectively switching bodies temporarily (Will save negates, DC 10 + half of the psychic’s level + her Intelligence modifier) and her original body is left stable, but its hit point total is left one point of damage away from death. This ability lasts a number of rounds equal to her psychic level. She must secure a permanent body for her mind by healing her original body by the end of the effect’s duration or die. This is considered a mind-affecting effect. She can take this action even if she is unconscious. This ability cannot be used against effects that outright kill or that deal ability damage, only against effects that deal hit point damage.

Ascension (Su)

Upon achieving 20th level, the psychic has learned to shunt her physical body entirely, becoming a creature of pure energy. The psychic becomes an incorporeal creature. The psychic’s creature type changes to monstrous humanoid, and she gains the incorporeal subtype, gaining a deflection bonus to AC equal to her Intelligence modifier (minimum +1, which stacks with all other deflection bonuses). In addition, all items become incorporeal as well, and any weapons wielded can affect non-incorporeal creatures with no problems.

Favored Class Bonuses

Instead of receiving an additional skill rank or hit point whenever they gain a level in a favored class, some races have the option of choosing from a number of other bonuses, depending upon their favored classes. The following options are available to the listed race who have freelancer as their favored class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the listed favored class reward.

  • Antica: Add +1/4 point to the psychic’s phrenic pool.
  • Dwarf: Add +1/4 point to the psychic’s phrenic pool.
  • Elvaan: Add +1/4 point to the psychic’s phrenic pool.
  • Galka: Add +1/4 point to the psychic’s phrenic pool.
  • Gnath: Add +1/4 point to the psychic’s phrenic pool.
  • Half-Breed: The psychic gains +1/6th of a new psychic talent.
  • Hume: The psychic gains +1/6th of a new psychic talent.
  • Mithra: The psychic gains +1/6th of a new psychic talent.
  • Moogle: The psychic gains +1/6th of a new phrenic amplification.
  • Shindroid: The psychic gains +1/6th of a new phrenic amplification.
  • Tarutaru: Add +1/4 point to the psychic’s phrenic pool.
  • Tonkin: The psychic gains +1/6th of a new phrenic amplification.
