I know that this last month has been pretty ridiculous with the amount of updates in such little time. I will hopefully go on a little break.


  • Beastmaster (Core Class): Dropped HD to d10s.
  • Chocobo Knight (Base Class): Dropped HD to d10s. Added Compact Steed, Fast Rider, Measured Gait, and Risky Lunge to Mounted Talents. Added Powerful Steed to Advanced Mounted Talents. Added Commander’s Aura (1st), Banner (2nd), Commander’s Shout (3rd), Iron Chocobo (7th), Chivalry’s Call (8th), Rider’s Bond (9th), Dual Aura (11th), Victor’s Rally (15th), and General’s Awe (17th). Changed Chocobo Mounts, instead of changing breeds, you get stuck with a yellow chocobo that improves upon leveling (4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th).
  • Elite Lancer (new Prestige Class): An elite lancer is a mounted combat specialist par excellence. He is skilled in the arts of formal jousting, with all its pomp and ceremony and its intricate courtly rules of etiquette, but he is no less talented on the battlefield when the time comes to ride down his enemies and drive them into the dust on the point of his lance. Elite lancers are found in virtually every culture, and in many are accorded great esteem for their noble bearing and for their puissance in contests of arms. Their fame often precedes them, but some work to keep a low profile and let their steel and their steed do the talking.
  • Fencer (Hybrid Class): Moved Finesse Training to 3rd. Added Fencer Weapon Training (1st) and Masterful Feint (5th).
  • Gambler (Base Class): Updated wording on Luck Pool to plainly say it cannot be used on ability/skill checks that take longer than 1 round.
  • Gunner (Base Class): Added Gunnery Talents (2nd-20th), removed Speed Loader and Shot from the Hip and moved into talents. Modified Deadeye Deed to hit any touch AC. Modified Gun Training to provide a bonus to Attack and Damage rolls.
  • Gunbreaker (Hybrid Class): Removed the bonus to Attack rolls from Power Mastery
  • Thief (Core Class): Updated wording on Certainty thief talent to plainly say it cannot be used on skill checks that take longer than 1 round.
  • Time Mage (Base Class): Updated wording on Temporal Hiccup to plainly say it cannot be used on ability/skill checks that take longer than 1 round.


  • Arcanomancer (new Geomancer archetype): Rather than calling through the land and nature to power his capabilities, an arcanomancer absorbs the magic directly from elemental sources, and barrage his foes with immense arcane power. – Created by Kazu from Discord.
  • Artiforged (new Engineer archetype): The wise strive for self perfection by transcending the material world. The ambitious meld flesh and steel to forge themselves into the perfect warrior. These artiforged spend a lifetime gradually replacing their body parts and augmenting existing ones.
  • Berserker (Beastmaster archetype): Increased HD to d12s.
  • Bombardier (Engineer archetype): Abilities were moved to the Demolitionist archetype and this archetype was removed.
  • Boneshaper (new Necromancer archetype): Boneshapers are necromancers who see the dead not as puppets, but as resources for their own forms. Very quickly abandoning their humanity and adjusting their bodies to fit, with bits and pieces from the fallen, they become horrific combat monsters. – Created by Kazu from Discord.
  • Breath of Life Monk (new Monk archetype): Coursing through their veins is pure life energy, managed by steady breathing and advanced, somewhat unorthodox combat techniques, breath of life monks manage their breath and powers from turn to turn, and use them to do immensely powerful things. – Created by Kazu from Discord.
  • Choco Guardian (new Knight archetype): The choco guardian is a champion for the cause of chocobos. He embodies the spirit of a chocobo, emulating their abilities.
  • Chronotrigger (Time Mage archetype): Added Gunnery Talents that may replace Temporal Talents.
  • Demolitionist (Engineer archetype): Abilities from Bombardier were added to this archetype. Also added Demolish for grenades ability.
  • Field Specialist (Medic archetype): Added Gunnery Talents that may replace Medical Practices.
  • Flintlock (Gunner archetype): Pistol Training gains a bonus to Attack Rolls now.
  • Generalist (Red Mage archetype): Updated wording on Multitalented to plainly say it cannot be used on skill checks that take longer than 1 round.
  • Gun Mage (Blue Mage archetype): Added Gunnery Talents that may replace Azure Talents.
  • Netherseer (White Mage archetype): All dark spells learned now use Wisdom instead of Intelligence.
  • Pact-Bonded Hunter (Beastmaster archetype): Increased HD to d12s.
  • Pegasus Knight (new Chocobo Knight archetype): With chocobos ruling the ground below, pegasus knights instead seek to rule the skies above. Elegant riders in the air, pegasus knights patrol above others, their mounts serving to help them gain the advantage against groundborne foes.
  • Ranger (Beastmaster archetype): Moved Quarry to 1st level and changed the ability a bit. Added Predation (1st), Wildspeak (2nd), Relentless Stride (3rd). Moved Improved Quarry to 3rd level and changed the ability a bit. Added Hunter’s Edge (5th), Convert Nature (7th), Stillsense (11th), Perfect Survivor (13th). Moved Seen It Before to 18th from 20th. Added Apex Predator (20th).
  • Rose Reactor (Fencer archetype): Was deleted, Ellie Shadeflare no longer wanted it on the website.
  • Shaman (new White Mage archetype): Shamans call upon spirits for protection. Their magic disrupt hostile magic, create defensive barriers, and even revive the fallen.
  • ShinSect (Fighter archetype): Tonfas added to weapon proficiencies and added to various of abilities. Added Bludgeon Finesse to list of shinsect talents.
  • Werewolf (Beastmaster archetype): Increased HD to d12s.
  • Yumi Sniper (new Samurai archetype): The art of the bow is as widely practiced as that of the blade among samurai, leading many to focus upon it. Yumi snipers practice their craft with these weapons, attacking from afar and harrowing opponents as they see fit.


  • Ultimecia – Iconic Time Mage added. – Created by Luphey from Discord.
  • Class Feats: Added Extra Commander’s Aura.
  • Firearms/Gun Arms now affect touch AC up to the first range increment instead.
  • Firearms: Rifle’s cost increased to 800 gil, Machina Rifle’s cost increased to 2,000 gil, Assault Rifle’s cost increased to 3,000 gil. Trainee Rifle’s range reduced to 50 ft, Rifle’s ranged reduced to 80 ft., Machina Rifle’s range reduced to 120 ft., Assault Rifle’s range reduced to 60 ft., and Sniper Rifle’s range reduced to 300 ft. Sniper Rifle’s damage increased to 2d8+1/2d10+1, 19-20/x4. Trainee Rifle has a 10 STR requirement to use. Rifle has a 10 STR requirement to use. Machina Rifle has a 12 STR requirement to use. Assault Rifle has a 12 STR requirement to use. For every 2 STR missing, you gain a -1 penalty to Attack rolls.
  • Time Mage spells: Future’s Boon, Second Chance and Fate of One have updated wording to plainly say it cannot be used on ability/skill checks that take longer than 1 round.